This section explains about TypeORM CLI commands in detail.
Create TypeORM project
typeorm init is the easiest and fastest way to setup a TypeORM project. You can create a new project as,
typeorm init --name Demoproject --database mysql
After executing the command, you will get the following output on your screen −
Project created inside /Users/workspace/TypeORM/Demoproject directory.
Create an entity
To create a new entity using CLI as,
typeorm entity:create -n Person
Now, Person entity is created inside your project src directory.
Entity /Users/workspace/TypeORM/Demoproject/src/entity/Person.ts has been created successfully.
If you have a multi-module project structure with multiple entities in different directories, you can use the below command,
typeorm entity:create -n Person -d src/Person/entity
Create a new subscriber
To create a new subscriber using CLI as follows −
typeorm subscriber:create -n PersonSubscriber
You could see the following response −
Subscriber /path/to/TypeORM/Demoproject/src/subscriber/PersonSubscriber.ts has been created successfully.
Create migrations
You can create a new migration using CLI as mentioned below −
typeorm migration:create -n PersonMigration
The above command created a migration directory inside your project src. Migration files are stored inside it.
Migration /path/to/TypeORM/Demoproject/src/migration/1587395030750-PersonMigration.ts has been generated successfully.
Database schema
To synchronize a database schema, use the below command −
typeorm schema:sync
To completely drop a database schema, use the below command −
typeorm schema:drop
Sql queries
If you want to execute any sql queries, we can execute directly from here. For example, to display all the records of customers, use the below query −
typeorm query "select * from customers"
If you want to clear everything stored in the cache. You can do it using the following command −
typeorm cache:clear
TypeORM is an excellent open source ORM framework to create high quality and scalable applications from small scale applications to large scale enterprise applications with multiple databases.