WordPress – Dashboard ”; Previous Next The WordPress Dashboard is a first screen which will be seen when you log into the administration area of your blog which will display the overview of the website. It is a collection of gadgets that provide information and provide an overview of what”s happening with your blog. You can customize your needs by using some quick links such as writing quick draft, replying to latest comment, etc. Dashboard can be categorized as shown in the following snapshot. Each of these categories are discussed in the following sections − Dashboard Menu The WordPress Dashboard provides navigation menu that contains some menu options such as posts, media library, pages, comments, appearance options, plugins, users, tools and settings on the left side. Screen Options The dashboard contains different types of widgets which can be shown or hidden on some screens. It contains check boxes to show or hide screen options and also allows us to customize sections on the admin screen. Welcome It includes the Customize Your Site button which allows customizing your WordPress theme. The center column provides some of the useful links such as creating a blog post, creating a page and view the front end of your website. Last column contains links to widgets, menus, settings related to comments and also a link to the First Steps With WordPress page in the WordPress codex. Quick Draft The Quick Draft is a mini post editor which allows writing, saving and publishing a post from admin dashboard. It includes the title for the draft, some notes about the draft and save it as a Draft. WordPress News The WordPress News widget displays the latest news such as latest software version, updates, alerts, news regarding the software etc. from the official WordPress blog. Activity The Activity widget includes latest comments on your blog, recent posts and recently published posts. It allows you to approve, disapprove, reply, edit, or delete a comment. It also allows you to move a comment to spam. At a Glance This section gives an overview of your blog”s posts, number of published posts and pages, and number of comments. When you click on these links, you will be taken to the respective screen. It displays the current version of running WordPress along with the currently running theme on the site. Print Page Previous Next Advertisements ”;
Category: wordpress
WordPress – Edit Media
WordPress – Edit Media ”; Previous Next In this chapter, we will study how to Edit Media in wordPress. You can manage all the information about your media that is saved in the Media Library. Following are the steps to Edit Media in WordPress. Step (1) − Click on Media → Library and click on the name of the media item or the edit link. Step (2) − You will view a list of media files. Select any one image to edit. Step (3) − You can view the edit media page with few options on the right side. URL − You can read only a link from media file. Title − This displays the name of the media. Title is often shown in galleries and attachment pages, if themes or plugins are designed to display it. Permalink − Permalink is the URL of the media attachment page. This is also a link to view the attachment page. Edit image button − This allows you to edit the image position, such as rotate counter-clockwise, rotate clockwise, scale, crop, flip vertically, and flip horizontally. Caption − A brief explanation of the media. Alternate Text − The alt text for the image, which is used to describe media. Used for availability. Description − An explanation of your media file. Delete Permanently − Delete your media file permanently. Step (4) − Once you complete editing the required fields, click on Update button to save the changes made to an image. Print Page Previous Next Advertisements ”;
WordPress – Delete Users
WordPress – Delete Users ”; Previous Next In this chapter, we will learn how to delete users in WordPress. Following are the steps to Delete Users. Step (1) − Click on Users → All Users. Step (2) − List of Users gets displayed as shown in the following screen. Step (3) − Select the one you want to delete. And click on Delete. Step (4) − When you click on Delete you get the following page. Step (5) − Select options as required and click on Confirm Deletion. Your user will be deleted. Step (6) − We have another method of deleting users. A screen as shown in the following shot appears. Here you can select the users to delete, check the boxes and click on Delete from the dropdown list and click on Apply. Step (7) − Once you click on Apply, the users selected will be deleted. Print Page Previous Next Advertisements ”;
WordPress – Version Update
WordPress – Version Update ”; Previous Next In this chapter, we will study how to update version in WordPress. Here, we will upgrade WordPress to the latest version through the admin panel. Following are a few simple steps to update the version in WordPress. Step (1) − Click on Please Update Now as shown in the following screen. You will get notifications in WordPress admin panel when there is a newer version available for WordPress. Before updating, it is advised to keep WordPress backup. Step (2) − After clicking on the update link, the following page gets displayed. Click on Update Now button. Step (3) − The following message gets displayed during the upgradation of WordPress. Note − While updating the version, if you get an error as Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in C:your wordpress folderwp-includesclass-http.php on line 1597 then you need to take the following actions − Open your WordPress folder → wp-includes folder Open class-http.php file and add the following line at the beginning − set_time_limit (0); Save the file. Now your WordPress is successfully upgraded. Print Page Previous Next Advertisements ”;
WordPress – Backup & Restore
WordPress – Backup & Restore ”; Previous Next In this chapter, we will study how to Backup & Restore files and database in WordPress. In WordPress there are two parts of backing up such as − WordPress Files Backup WordPress Database Backup WordPress Files Restore WordPress Database Restore WordPress Files Backup To get the backup files of WordPress, you need to install FileZilla Client on your system. Following are the simple steps used for files backup operation in WordPress − Step (1) − Open the FileZilla Client as shown in the following screenshot. Step (2) − Enter the Host, Username, Password and Port like you have used to log-in to your cPanel. After filling all the fields, click on Quickconnect button. Step (3) − You will get all files and folders of your WordPress site on the right side as seen in the following screen. Step (4) − Select all the files and folders and right click on the mouse and click on Download. After downloading the WordPress files from cPanel, it will be saved on your system. WordPress Database Backup Following are the simple steps for database backup in WordPress − Step (1) − Type the path http://localhost/phpmyadmin in your browser. You will get the following screen. Step (2) − Click on the database name ‘wordpress’ which you have created for WordPress. Step (3) − After clicking on database wordpress, it will open the following page. Click on Export tab. Step (4) − You will get two methods to export the database i.e. Quick and Custom. Select any one of the methods and click on Go button. After exporting the database file, it will get saved on your system. Restoring WordPress Files Following are the simple steps used to restore the files in WordPress using ftp − Step (1) − Open the FileZilla Client and login to your site using ftp as shown in the following screen. Step (2) − Open the local directory in ftp and upload all WordPress files to your website as shown in the following screen. Step (3) − Then, go to your wordpress folder → wp-config.php file. Copy and rename wp-config.php file before editing, in case of some mistake you can restore this file back. Open the wp-config.php file and locate the following code. define(”DB_NAME”, ”db_name”); Replace the db_name with your database name which you have created. define(”DB_USER”, ”db_user”); Replace the db_user with your username of MySql. define(”DB_PASSWORD”, ”db_password”); Replace the db_password with your password of MySql. Save your wp-config file after editing and upload it to your WordPress site through ftp. Restoring WordPress Database Following are the steps used to restore the database in WordPress − Step (1) − Type the path http://localhost/phpmyadmin in the browser. The following screen will pop up. You can create a new database or import your backup in the existing database. Here we”ll create a new database name, i.e., new_wordpress and click on Create button. Step (2) − You can view your created database as shown in the following screen. Click on the database name new_wordpress. Step (3) − Click on Import. Step (4) − Click on Choose File button to select the backup file from your system. After uploading the sql file, select format as SQL as shown in the following screen. Click on Go button. Step (5) − Once you click on Go, you will get a message after the sql file is uploaded successfully. Print Page Previous Next Advertisements ”;
WordPress – Add Posts
WordPress – Add Posts ”; Previous Next In this chapter, we will study how to Add Posts in WordPress. Posts are also known as articles and sometimes referred as blogs or blog posts. These are used to popularize your blogs. Following are the simple steps to Add Posts in WordPress. Step (1) − Click on Posts → Add New in WordPress. Step (2) − You will get the editor page of the Post as shown in the following screen. You can use the WordPress WYSIWYG editor to add the actual content of your post. We will study in detail about WYSIWYG editor in the chapter WordPress – Add Pages. Following are the fields on the editor page of the Add Posts Page. Post Title − Enter the title of the post, i.e., Post1. Post Content − Enter the content of your post. Step (3) − Click on Publish button to publish your respective post. Following are the few other options present in the Publish section. Save Draft − It saves the post as a draft. Preview − You can preview your post before publishing. Move to Trash − Deletes the post. Status − Change the status of your post to Published, Pending, or Reviewer Draft. Visibility − Change the visibility of the post to Public, Private or Password protected. Published − Change the publishded post date and time. Print Page Previous Next Advertisements ”;
WordPress – Reading Setting
WordPress – Reading Setting ”; Previous Next In this chapter, we will study about Reading Settings in WordPress. Reading Setting is used to set the content related to the front page. You can set the number of post to be displayed on the main page. Following are the steps to access the reading settings − Step (1) − Click on Settings → Reading option in WordPress. Step(2) − The Reading Settings page is displayed as shown in the following screen. Following are the details of the fields on reading settings. Front page displays − This section is used to display the front page in any of the following format − Your latest posts − It displays latest posts on the front page. A static page − It displays the static pages on the front page. Front Page − You can select the actual page you want to display on front page from the drop down. Posts Page − You can select the page from the drop down which contains posts. Blog pages show at most − The number of posts to be displayed per page or site. By default, it is set as 10. Syndication feeds show the most recent − The user can view the number of posts when they download one of the site feeds. By default, it is set as 10. For each article in a feed, show − This section is used to display the post by selecting any of the following formats − Full Text − It displays the complete post. It is set as default. Summary − It displays the summary of the post. Search Engine Visibility − After clicking on the checkbox, Discourage search engines from indexing this site, your site will be ignored by the search engine. Step(3) − After filling all the information, click on Save Changes button to save your Reading Setting information. Print Page Previous Next Advertisements ”;
WordPress – Edit Category
WordPress – Edit Category ”; Previous Next In this chapter, we will study the simple steps to Edit Categories in WordPress. Following are the simple steps to edit categories in WordPress. Step (1) − Click on Posts → Categories in WordPress. Step (2) − You can view Category1 (Category1 was created in the chapter WordPress – Add Category). When the cursor hovers on the Categories, then a few options get displayed below the Category name. There are two ways to edit the categories i.e. Edit and Quick Edit Edit − Click on Edit option in Categories section as seen in the following screenshot. You can edit any of the required field, and then click Update button as shown in the following screen. Category fields are same from the chapter WordPress – Add Category. Quick Edit − Click on Quick Edit option in Categories section as shown in the following screen. Here, you can only edit the Name and Slug of the category as seen in the following screen and then finally click on Update Category button. Print Page Previous Next Advertisements ”;
WordPress – Delete Pages
WordPress – Delete Pages ”; Previous Next In this chapter, we will learn to Delete Pages in WordPress. Following are the steps to Delete pages in wordPress. Step (1) − Click on Pages → All Pages in WordPress. Step (2) − You can delete Sample Page (Sample Page is created by default in WordPress). When the cursor hovers on the pages, then a few options gets displayed below the Sample Page. Click on Trash option to delete the post. Or alternatively you can also delete your page directly while editing or adding page by clicking on the Move to Trash button as shown in the following screen. Step (3) − To confirm that you have deleted the page, view your page list. Print Page Previous Next Advertisements ”;
WordPress – Edit Posts
WordPress – Edit Posts ”; Previous Next In this chapter, we will study how to Edit Posts on WordPress. Following are the simple steps to Edit Posts in WordPress. Step (1) − Click on Posts → All Posts in WordPress. Step (2) − You can view Post1 (Post1 was created in the chapter WordPress – Add Posts). When the cursor hovers on the Post, few options get displayed below the Post name. There are two ways to edit the Post i.e. Edit and Quick Edit. Edit − Click on Edit option in Post1 as shown in the following screen. You can edit or change the content or title of the post as per your needs, and then click on Update button as shown in the following screen. Quick Edit − Click on Quick Edit option in Post1 as shown in the following screenshot. Here you can edit the Title, Slug and date of the posts and can also select the categories for your post as shown in the following screenshot and then click on Update button to confirm post edits. Print Page Previous Next Advertisements ”;