Sencha Touch – Dependencies

Sencha Touch – Dependencies ”; Previous Next There are certain ways defined in Sencha Touch to declare dependencies, one within the application and the other inside the classes. Let’s take a look at the different ways to define dependencies. Application Level Dependencies Here, we declare all the dependencies when we create Ext.application. Ext.application({ name: ”MyApp”, views: [”StudentsView”], models: [”StudentsModel”], controllers: [”StudentsController”], stores: [”StudentsStore”], profiles: [”Phone”, ”Tablet”] }); Now, when the application gets loaded, all the dependencies will be loaded at the same time. The path of the other files will be − MyApp.views.StudentsView MyApp.models.StudentsModel MyApp.stores.StudentsStore etc. The above way of declaration not only loads the file, it also decides which profile it should keep as active. After loading the controller, it makes sure to instantiate it. Once the stores are loaded, it instantiates them and provides one id if not already given. Profile-specific Dependencies When we are using profiles in an application, there may be possibilities that few functionalities are only required for some specific profile. Profile specific dependencies are declared in the profiles itself instead of the application level declaration. Ext.define(”MyApp.profile.Tablet”, { extend: ””, config: { views: [”StudentView”], controllers: [”StudentController”], models: [”StudentModel”] } }); Dependencies get loaded irrespective of the profile being active or not. However, based on the active profile, further processing such as instantiating controller and stores happens. Nested Dependencies When we have larger application we have multiple controllers, models, views, and stores. It is always good to keep modularity in larger applications. For that, we can define subfolders and while declaring dependencies we can use subfolder name to declare. Ext.application({ name: ”MyApp”, controllers: [”Controller”, ”nested.NewController”], views: [”class.Cview”, ”SView”] }); In the above case, following files will be loaded − MyApp.controllers.Controller MyApp.controllers.nested.NewController MyApp.Views.Sview MyApp.Views.class.Cview External Dependencies We can specify the dependencies outside the application by giving fully qualified names of the classes as − Ext.Loader.setPath({ ”Class”: ”Class” }); Ext.application({ views: [”Class.view.LoginForm”, ”Welcome”], controllers: [”Class.controller.Sessions”, ”Main”], models: [”Class.model.User”] }); In the above case, following files will be loaded − Class/view/LoginForm.js Class/controller/Sessions.js Class/model/User.js app/view/Welcome.js app/controller/Main.js Print Page Previous Next Advertisements ”;

Sencha Touch – Best Practice

Sencha Touch – Best Practice ”; Previous Next Basic JavaScript best practice It is a good practice to keep all JavaScript-related code in a separate js (external JS) file, instead of writing it in the <script> tag under the head section or inline JavaScript in the document body. Always perform a null check before the element is being used in further logic. Always follow the naming convention, as it makes the code easy to understand by any other programmer. To make the code easily understandable, it is always preferred to write comments for JS methods with clear logic behind what a function does. Best practice specific to Sencha Touch Use Sencha Touch recommended folder structure, which will be helpful during JS compression or minification. It is highly recommended to use the listener (onclick/onblur, etc.) in the controller instead of writing it in the html page itself. Do not create the store instance, when the store is being called from the view. When we create an instance of a store, we should always destroy it, as it impacts the performance. While using Sencha Touch, do not specify any other simple JavaScript file. Use all the functions from Ext classes (mentioned in controller or utils). When the model mapping and the name are same, then do not specify mapping. Only name will solve the purpose. Do not use unnecessary properties in view. Use only the property which is required and it value which is different from the default value. Print Page Previous Next Advertisements ”;

Sencha Touch – Theme

Sencha Touch – Theme ”; Previous Next Sencha Touch provides a number of themes to be used in your applications. You can add different themes in place of classic theme and see the difference in the output based on the device we are using for the application. This is done simply by replacing the theme CSS file as explained in the following example. Desktop Theme Consider your very first Hello World application. The following CSS from the application is used for desktop theme. To see the effect, try the following program − Live Demo <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <link href = “” rel = “stylesheet” /> <script type=”text/javascript” src = “”></script> <script type = “text/javascript”> Ext.application({ name: ”Sencha”, launch: function() { Ext.create(“”, { fullscreen: true, items: [{ title: ”Home”, iconCls: ”home”, html: ”Welcome to sencha touch” }] }); } }); </script> </head> </html> This will produce following result − Windows Theme Consider your very first Hello World application. Remove the following CSS from the application − Add the following CSS to use Windows theme. To see the effect, try the following program − Live Demo <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <link href = “” rel = “stylesheet” /> <script type = “text/javascript” src = “”></script> <script type = “text/javascript”> Ext.application({ name: ”Sencha”, launch: function() { Ext.create(“”, { fullscreen: true, items: [{ title: ”Home”, iconCls: ”home”, html: ”Welcome to sencha touch” }] }); } }); </script> </head> </html> This will produce following result − IOS Theme Consider your very first Hello World application. Remove the following CSS from the application. Add the following CSS to use Windows theme To see the effect, try the following program − Live Demo <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <link href = “” rel = “stylesheet” /> <script type = “text/javascript” src = “”></script> <script type = “text/javascript”> Ext.application({ name: ”Sencha”, launch: function() { Ext.create(“”, { fullscreen: true, items: [{ title: ”Home”, iconCls: ”home”, html: ”Welcome to sencha touch” }] }); } }); </script> </head> </html> This will produce following result − IOS Classic Theme Consider your very first Hello World application. Remove the following CSS from the application − Add the following CSS to use Windows theme − To see the effect, try the following program − Live Demo <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <link href = “” rel = “stylesheet” /> <script type = “text/javascript” src = “”></script> <script type = “text/javascript”> Ext.application({ name: ”Sencha”, launch: function() { Ext.create(“”, { fullscreen: true, items: [{ title: ”Home”, iconCls: ”home”, html: ”Welcome to sencha touch” }] }); } }); </script> </head> </html> This will produce following result − Android Theme Consider your very first Hello World application. Remove the following CSS from the application. Add the following CSS to use Windows theme. To see the effect, try the following program − Live Demo <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <link href = “” rel = “stylesheet” /> <script type = “text/javascript” src = “”></script> <script type = “text/javascript”> Ext.application({ name: ”Sencha”, launch: function() { Ext.create(“”, { fullscreen: true, items: [{ title: ”Home”, iconCls: ”home”, html: ”Welcome to sencha touch” }] }); } }); </script> </head> </html> This will produce following result − BlackBerry Theme Consider your very first Hello World application. Remove the following CSS from the application. Add the following CSS to use Windows theme. To see the effect, try the following program − Live Demo <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <link href = “” rel = “stylesheet” /> <script type = “text/javascript” src = “”></script> <script type = “text/javascript”> Ext.application({ name: ”Sencha”, launch: function() { Ext.create(“”, { fullscreen: true, items: [{ title: ”Home”, iconCls: ”home”, html: ”Welcome to sencha touch” }] }); } }); </script> </head> </html> This will produce following result − Print Page Previous Next Advertisements ”;

Sencha Touch – Migration Steps

Sencha Touch – Migration ”; Previous Next Sencha Touch comes with various rectifications from the earlier version. Sencha Touch 2 comes with the backward compatibility build, which makes the migration process easier from version 1.x to 2.x. This build just makes the work easier by providing a warning and the logs whenever any migration issue occurs or code change is required, so the user will get to know where the changes are must, to make sure the application works with the latest version. Sencha Touch 2.x migration requires the following code changes. Class System Code in Sencha Touch 1.x − MyApp.view.StudentPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, { scroll: ”vertical”, html: ”Student Panel” initComponent: function() { Ext.getCmp(”StudentIdDiv”).update(”This is a Student panel”); } }); Code in Sencha Touch 2.x − Ext.define(”MyApp.view.StudentPanel”, { extend: ”Ext.Panel”, config: { scroll: ”vertical”, html: ”Student Panel” }, initialize: function() { Ext.getCmp(”StudentIdDiv”).setHtml(”This is a Student panel”) } }); By looking at both the versions, you can see the way to create class is changes which is now inspired by ExtJs such as − Ext.extend is changed to Ext.define. All the configuration parameters related to the class are now defined under config parameter. The initComponent is changed to initialize() method. In Sencha Touch 2.x, we can have setHtml() and getHtml() functions to update html or to get the value. MVC Architecture Sencha Touch 1.x code was modular and based on MVC architecture. Sencha Touch 2.x follows a different syntax for writing model, view, and controller. Let’s see the difference of model, view, and controller files in different versions. Model Code in Sencha Touch 1.x − Ext.regModel(”MyApp.model.StudentModel”, { fields: [ {name: ”name”, type: ”string”}, {name: ”age”, type: ”int”} ] }); Code in Sencha Touch 2.x − Ext.define(”MyApp.model.StudentModel”, { extend: ””, config: { fields: [ {name: ”name”, type: ”string”}, {name: ”age”, type: ”int”} ] } }); Ext.regModel is changed to Ext.define which extends All the fields come under config section now in 2.x version. View Code in Sencha Touch 1.x − Ext.Panel(“studentView”, { items: [{}] }); Code in Sencha Touch 2.x − Ext.define(”MyApp.view.StudentView”, { extend: ””, items: [{}] }); View is almost the same, the only change being the view name follows the 2.x version namespacing such as Myapp.view.StudentView and code is writing in Ext.define method as like model. Controller Code in Sencha Touch 1.x − Ext.regController(“studentController”, { someMethod: function() { alert(”Method is called”); } }); Code in Sencha Touch 2.x − Ext.define(”MyApp.controller.studentController”, { extend: ””, someMethod: function() { alert(”Method is called”); } }); Same as model in controller. Also the Ext.regController is changed into Ext.define, which extends Application Code in Sencha Touch 1.x − Ext.application({ name: ”MyApp”, launch: function() { Ext.create(”MyApp.view.StudentView”); } }); Code in Sencha Touch 2.x − Ext.application({ name: ”MyApp”, models: [”studentModel”], controllers: [”studentController”], views: [”studentView”], stores: [”studentStore”], launch: function() { Ext.create(”MyApp.view.Main”); } }); The major difference between version 1.x and version 2.x is, in 2.x we declare all model, views, controllers, and stores in the application itself. Print Page Previous Next Advertisements ”;

Sencha Touch – Events

Sencha Touch – Events ”; Previous Next Events are something which get fired when something happens to the class. For example, when a button is getting clicked or before/after an element is rendered. Methods of Writing Events Following are the methods of writing events. Built-in events using listeners. Attaching events later Custom events Built-in Events Using Listeners Sencha Touch provides listener property for writing events and custom events in Sencha Touch files. Writing listener in Sencha Touch We will add the listener in the previous program itself by adding listen property to the panel, shown as follows − Live Demo <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <link href = “” rel = “stylesheet” /> <script type = “text/javascript” src = “”></script> <script type = “text/javascript”> Ext.application({ name: ”Sencha”, launch: function() { Ext.create(”Ext.Panel”, { html: ”My Panel”, fullscreen: true, listeners: { painted: function() { Ext.Msg.alert(”I was painted to the screen”); } } }); } }); </script> </head> </html> This will produce following result − This way we can also write multiple events in listeners property. Multiple events in the same listener Live Demo <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <link href = “” rel = “stylesheet” /> <script type = “text/javascript” src = “”></script> <script type = “text/javascript”> Ext.application({ name: ”Sencha”, launch: function() { var myButton = Ext.Viewport.add({ xtype: ”button”, centered: true, text: ”Click me” }); myButton.on({ tap: function() { var randomWidth = 100 + Math.round(Math.random() * 200); this.setWidth(randomWidth); }, widthchange: function(button, newWidth, oldWidth) { alert(”My width changed from ” + oldWidth + ” to ” + newWidth); } }); } }); </script> </head> </html> It will produce the following result − Attaching event later In the previous method of writing events, we have written events in listeners at the time of creating elements. The other way to attach events is as follows − Live Demo <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <link href = “” rel = “stylesheet” /> <script type = “text/javascript” src = “”></script> <script type = “text/javascript”> Ext.application({ name: ”Sencha”, launch: function() { var myButton = Ext.Viewport.add({ xtype: ”button”, centered: true, text: ”Click me” }); myButton.on(”tap”, function() { alert(“Event listener attached by .on”); }); } }); </script> </head> </html> It will produce the following result − Custom events We can write custom events in Sencha Touch and fire the events with fireEvent method. Following example explains how to write custom events. Live Demo <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <link href = “” rel = “stylesheet” /> <script type = “text/javascript” src = “”></script> <script type = “text/javascript”> Ext.application({ name: ”Sencha”, launch: function() { var myButton = Ext.Viewport.add({ xtype: ”button”, centered: true, text: “Just wait 5 seconds”, listeners: { myEvent: function(button, points) { alert(”myEvent was fired! You score ” + points + ” points”); } } }); Ext.defer(function() { var number = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 100); myButton.fireEvent(”myEvent”, myButton, number); }, 5000); } }); </script> </head> </html> Once the page is loaded and the document is ready, the UI page with button will appear and as we are firing an event after 5 seconds, once the document is ready the alert box will appear after 5 seconds. Here we have written the custom event ”myEvent” and we are firing events as button.fireEvent(eventName); Print Page Previous Next Advertisements ”;

Environment Detection

Sencha Touch – Environment Detection ”; Previous Next It helps you in identifying which operating system you are using, which browser you are working on, and what are the features available for your environment. Sencha Touch provides different functions to get information specific to the environment. All the methods mentioned below can be checked in, if the condition is if({} and is based on the condition tasks can be performed. All the following methods return Boolean value. Operating System Ext.os is a class that gives you different methods to know which operating system we are working on. Sr.No Method & Description 1 This function will return true if you are using webos operating system else it returns false. 2 This function will return true if you are using RIMTable operating system else it returns false. 3 This function will return true if you are using Linux operating system else it returns false. 4 This function will return true if you are using windows operating system else it returns false. 5 This function will return true if you are using Mac operating system else it returns false. 6 This function will return true if you are using BlackBerry operating system else it returns false. 7 This function will return true if you are using IOS operating system else it returns false. 8 This function will return true if you are using Android operating system else it returns false. Device Detection Sr.No Method & Description 1 This function will return true if you are using iPad else it returns false. 2 This function will return true if you are using iPhone else it returns false. 3 This function will return true if you are using iPod else it returns false. Version of Operating System Sr.No Method & Description 1 It returns the name of the operating system. 2 Ext.os.version.version It gives the version of operating system we are using. Browser Detection Sr.No Method & Description 1 This function returns true if we are using Internet explorer browser else it returns false. 2 This function returns true if we are using FireFox browser else it returns false. 3 This function returns true if we are using Chrome browser else it returns false. 4 This function returns true if we are using Opera browser else it returns false. 5 This function returns true if we are using Safari browser else it returns false. This function Ext.browser provides various other functions − Sr.No Method & Description 1 Ext.browser.userAgent It returns the current userAgent. 2 Ext.browser.isSecure It returns true if the current page is using SSL. 3 Ext.browser.isStrict It returns true if the browser is in strict mode. 4 Ext.browser.engineName It returns the browser engine name (WebKit, Gecko, Presto, Trident and Other). 5 Ext.browser.engineVersion It returns the version of the browser engine. Features Ext.feature.has is to check if the browser has following feature or not. Sr.No Method & Description 1 Ext.feature.has.Audio This method returns true if browser supports audio tag feature of html5. 2 Ext.feature.has.Canvas This method returns true if browser supports canvas tag feature of html5. 3 Ext.feature.has.classList This method returns true if browser supports classlist feature of html5 which is used to add, remove and toggle css classes for the html element. 4 Ext.feature.has.Css3dTransforms This method returns true if browser supports Css 3d Transform feature of css3. 5 Ext.feature.has.CssAnimations This method returns true if browser supports animations of css3. 6 Ext.feature.has.CssTransforms This method returns true if browser supports Css transform feature of css3. 7 Ext.feature.has.CssTransitions This method returns true if browser supports transition feature of css3. 8 Ext.feature.has.DeviceMotion This method returns true if browser supports the device motion feature. 9 Ext.feature.has.Geolocation This method returns true if browser supports the Geolocation feature of html5. 10 Ext.feature.has.History This method returns true if browser Supports history feature of html. 11 Ext.feature.has.Orientation This method returns true if browser can detect which the device orientation. 12 Ext.feature.has.OrientationChange This method returns true if browser can detect change in Orientation of the device. 13 Ext.feature.has.Range Range is a type of html input tag for range slider element so if browser supports slider this function returns true. 14 Ext.feature.has.SqlDatabase Web sql database is a web page api for storing data n database on which we can perform query operations. This method returns true if browser supports web Sql Database. 15 Ext.feature.has.Svg Svg stands for Scalable Vector Graphics this method returns true if browser supports html 5”s svg feature. 16 Ext.feature.has.Touch This method returns true if browser has Touch feature. 17 Ext.feature.has.Video This method returns true if browser supports html 5 video tags. 18 Ext.feature.has.Vml Vml stands for vector markup language which is an xml based markup language. So this method returns true if browser has supports vml. 19 Ext.feature.has.WebSockets Web socket is basically a communication protocol for computers which supports two communication between clients and server. This method returns true if browser Supports WebSockets else it returns false. Print Page Previous Next Advertisements ”;

Sencha Touch – MVC Explanation

Sencha Touch – MVC ”; Previous Next MVC stands for Model View Controller. It is an architectural pattern which separates the application into logical components making it more manageable. The following diagram shows how MVC architecture works − Controller − Controller controls whole application it notify view if model is changed and performs actions based on user inputs. View − It contains the interface part of the application which is visual to user. It notify controller to change model on user input. Model − It contains the objects which binds the store data to view. It is representation of the real world object which basically deals with database. It also notify controller for any change in view. Print Page Previous Next Advertisements ”;

Sencha Touch – Device Profile

Sencha Touch – Device Profile ”; Previous Next In today”s world of technologies, we have multiple devices such as mobile, tablet, desktop, and laptop with different screen sizes. Hence, there is a need to develop applications, which are accessible from all the devices with good look and feel. However, to develop different code for different devices is very time consuming and costly. Sencha Touch helps us in this regard, by offering a device profile feature. Based on the active profile, the different dependencies will be run and applicable. We can declare device profile while writing an application code. We can have multiple devices as − Ext.application({ name: ”MyApp”, profiles: [”Phone”, ”Tablet”] }); Once it is done, the profiles will be loaded as − MyApp.profiles.Phone.js MyApp.profiles.Tablet.js Writing a simple phone profile Ext.define(”Mail.profile.Phone”, { extend: ””, config: { name: ”Phone”, views: [”phoneView”] }, isActive: function() { return”Phone”); } }); Writing a simple tablet profile Ext.define(”Mail.profile.Tablet”, { extend: ””, config: { name: ”Tablet”, views: [”tableView”] }, isActive: function() { return”Tablet”); } }); As we can see in profile, we have isActive function which determines if the particular device is active. If the device is active, the corresponding dependencies will be loaded and instantiated. As mentioned in the above example, if we are using phone device then phone profile”s isActive function will return true and the dependencies related to the phone device will be loaded; here phoneView will be loaded. If the device is a tablet then phone profile”s isActive function will return false and tablet profile”s isActive function will return true and dependency tabletView will be loaded. Launch Process One more point to be noticed here is when we have profiles in the application, then the loading and instantiation of application code will be in the following order − Controllers are instantiated first and each controller”s init function will be loaded. Profile”s launch function will be called. Application”s launch function will be called. Both profile and application”s launch functions are optional, so if we do not define any one of them they will not get called. Take a look at the following code to check where and how the different launch and init functions can be defined. Controller”s init function Ext.define(”MyApp.controller.Main”, { extend: ””, init : function (){ Ext.Msg.alert(”Controller”s init method”); }, config: { refs: { tab: ”#divId } } }); Profile”s launch function Ext.define(”Mail.profile.Tablet”, { extend: ””, config: { name: ”Tablet”, views: [”tableView”] }, isActive: function() { return”Tablet”); } launch : function() { Ext.Msg.alert(”profile”s launch function”); } }); Application”s launch function Ext.application({ name: ”Sencha”, launch: function() { Ext.Msg.alert(Application”s launch function); } }); Print Page Previous Next Advertisements ”;

Sencha Touch – Overview

Sencha Touch – Overview ”; Previous Next Sencha Touch is a popular framework of Sencha for creating a user interface for mobile applications. It helps the developer create a mobile app using simple HTML, CSS, JS which supports many mobile devices such as android, IOS, BlackBerry, and Windows. It is based on MVC architecture. The latest version of Sencha Touch is 2.4. History of Sencha Touch After releasing Sencha”s other product, ExtJs, which was for web application, there was a need to develop a framework which works on mobile devices too. The first version of Sencha Touch was 0.9 beta version, which supported Android and IOS devices. Later, the first main release of Sencha Touch version 1.0 was in November 2010, which was the first stable version and supported Blackberry devices too. The latest release of Sencha Touch is version 2.4 released in June 2015, which supports many devices such as Windows, Tizen along with Android, IOS, BlackBerry OS 10, Google Chrome for Android and mobile Safari, etc. Features of Sencha Touch Following are the most prominent features of Sencha Touch − Customizable and more than 50 build in UI widgets with a collection of rich UI such as lists, carousels, forms, menus, and toolbars, built specifically for mobile platforms. Code compatibility of new versions with the older one. A flexible layout manager that helps organize the display of data and content across multiple mobile devices with different OS. The framework includes a robust data package that can consume data from any backend data source. Adaptive layouts, animations, and smooth scrolling for a better mobile web application experience for the use. Out-of-the-box, native-looking themes for every major platform enables to make web and hybrid applications match the look and feel of the target platforms. Sencha Touch ─ Benefits Sencha Touch is the leading standard for business-grade web application development. It offers the tools necessary to build robust applications for most of the mobile devices providing a single platform for developing applications. Following are some of the benefits − Provides a responsive touch feature, hence the user can easily navigate while using the mobile app. Provides compatibility with all the latest versions of IOS, Android and Blackberry, and Windows. Provides fastest possible speed desirable for any mobile application. Provides a cost-effective solution with its cross-platform compatibility. Based on the native APIs and basic web development languages such as HTML, CSS, JS which makes it easier for a developer to understand Sencha Touch. Sencha Touch ─ Limitations Sencha Touch API doesn”t have the following capability − The app does not have access to the device’s camera, contacts, and accelerometer. It does not provide the push notification facility. For this, we have to use websockets or long polling. According to general public license policy, it is free for open source applications however paid for commercial applications. It is not good for hardcore graphics and animation apps such as for gaming apps. Sencha Touch ─ Tools Sencha SDK This is Sencha development kit used to create a skeleton of the project. We use the command “sencha -sdk path/to/touch generate app appName” to create an app with the name given in the command. When the app is created, you can see the following files in the app − app − This folder contains model, view, controller and store files for the app. app.js − This is the main JS file for your application. From this file, the Sencha code flow starts. app.json − This is the configuration file for the app, all the configuration details presents here. index.html − This is the main html file where we include the app.js and other Sencha related files. package.json − This file has all the dependency and other information related to the app. resources − This folder includes all the CSS files and images required for the application. Sencha CMD Sencha CMD is a command line tool, which provides the features of Sencha Touch code minification, scaffolding, build generation, and other useful features for production purpose. We use command “Sencha app build package” in the command prompt to build the application for this. Go to the app directory in the command prompt and type the above command. Once the build is successful, we will see the minified version of the application basically used for production purpose. This can be downloaded from Sencha Inspector Sencha Inspector is a debugging tool to debug any issue in Sencha code during development. Print Page Previous Next Advertisements ”;

Sencha Touch – Architecture

Sencha Touch – Architecture ”; Previous Next The bottom layer for any mobile application is OS, on top of that anything or everything is built. Then we have the browsers on which we will be running the applications. It could be Chrome, Safari, IE anything. The upper layer is a W3 standards, which is common for all. Sencha Touch stands or is built on top of W3 standards, which is nothing but HTML5, which makes a single application compatible with different browsers of different devices. Sencha Touch is a combination of three frameworks − ExtJs, JqTouch, and Raphael (vector drawing). It follows MVC architecture. MVC separates the code into more manageable chunks. Although the architecture is not mandatory for the program, however, it is a best practice to follow this structure to make your code highly maintainable and organized. Project Structure With Sencha Touch App ———-src ———-resources ——————-CSS files ——————-Images ———-JavaScript ——————–App Folder ——————————-Controller ————————————Contoller.js ——————————-Model ————————————Model.js ——————————-Store ————————————Store.js ——————————-View ————————————View.js ——————————-Utils ————————————Utils.js ——————————–app.js ———–HTML files Sencha Touch app folder will reside in the JavaScript folder of your project. The App will contain controller, view, model, store, and utility files with app.js. app.js − The main file from where the flow of program will start. It should be included in main HTML file using <script> tag. App calls the controller of application for rest of the functionality. Controller.js − It is the controller file of Sencha Touch MVC architecture. This contains all the control of the application, the events listeners, and most of the functionality of the code. It performs the following tasks: routing, intermediate between view and model, and executes events. View.js − It contains the interface part of the application, which shows up to the user. Sencha Touch uses various UI rich views, which can be extended and customized according to the requirement. Store.js − It contains the locally cached data, which is to be rendered on view with the help of model objects. Store fetches the data using proxies, which has the path defined for services to fetch the backend data. Model.js − It contains the objects which binds the store data to view. It is the representation of the real-world object, which basically deals with the database. Utils.js − It is not included in MVC architecture but it is a best practice to use this so as to make the code clean, less complex, and more readable. We can write methods in this file and call them in controller or view renderer wherever required. It is helpful for code reusability purpose as well. Print Page Previous Next Advertisements ”;