cPanel – SSH / TLS ”; Previous Next SSL (Socket Security Layer) or TLS (Transport Layer Security) is a mechanism for encrypting data, which is transferring from your computer to host or server and vice versa. Generate Private Key Private Key resides at your server and decrypts the incoming data coming from visitor’s device. Without Private Key, your server will not be able to decode the data sent by user. Private Key is automatically generated when generating a CSR. To generate a Private Key, follow these steps − Step 1 − Open cPanel SSL/TLS manager, by clicking on SSL/TLS found under the security section of cPanel. Step 2 − In Private Keys, click on Generate, view, upload, or delete your private keys. Step 3 − You can use Generate a New Private Key Interface to generate a new key. Step 4 − Choose a Key Size from the dropdown menu. Provide a description which is optional, you can leave it blank. Step 5 − Click on Generate Button to generate a new private key. Upload a Private Key To upload a Private Key to your server, you can use the interface below to Generate a New Key Section, which is Upload a New Private Key. Just paste your existing key into textbox and provide a description. Then click Save to import the key. Or if you have an existing private key in ‘.key’ file, you can also import it. Just scroll down to choose a .key file under Upload a New Private Key. Browse for the file and select it. Click Upload button to Import the key into server. Generate a CSR CSR (Certificate Signing Request) is an encoded certificate, which CA authorities ask for when we purchase a SSL certificate from them. To issue a SSL certificate they need some additional information, which we provide in the CSR. To generate a CSR, follow these steps below. Step 1 − Click SSL/TLS link found under Security section of the cPanel. Step 2 − Under Certificate Signing Request (CSR) click Generate, view, or delete SSL certificate signing requests. Step 3 − In SSL Certificate Signing Request Interface, scroll down to see Generate a New Certificate Signing Request (CSR). Step 4 − Choose an existing Private Key from Key dropdown. You can also choose to generate a new Private Key. Step 5 − Enter Domains for which you want to generate CSR. You can choose a wild card domain by putting * as a subdomain. E.g. * Step 6 − Provide all necessary information in text fields like City, State, Country, Company etc. Step 7 − Click Generate Button to generate a CSR. Upload an SSL / TLS Certificate If you have obtained an SSL/TLS certificate from a Trusted Certificate Provider, then you will need to upload it to your server to use it on your website. To generate Upload a SSL/TLS certificate, follow these steps below − Step 1 − Click on SSL/TLS link found under Security section of cPanel. Step 2 − Under Certificates (CRT), click on Generate, view, upload, or delete SSL certificates. Step 3 − Scroll down to Upload a New Certificate, paste your SSL/TLS code in textbox and click Save Certificate or Upload a .crt file, which will be provided by hosting provider and Click Upload Certificate. Self–Signed Certificate You can also use a self–signed certificate on your website too, but when somebody will open your website, it will show an error that the certificate is not form a trusted certificate provider. It is recommended that in production environment, you use a purchased SSL/TLS certificate. To Generate a Self–signed Certificate, you can follow these steps. Step 1 − Scroll down to Generate a New Certificate in Certificates section. Step 2 − Choose an existing Private Key from Key dropdown, you can also choose to generate a new Private Key. Step 3 − Enter Domains for which you want to generate CSR, you can choose a wild card domain by putting * as a subdomain. E.g. * Step 4 − Provide all necessary information in text fields like City, State, Country, Company etc. Step 5 − Click Generate to generate a Certificate. Installing SSL To activate SSL/TLS certificate in your domain or Subdomains follow these steps − If you have obtained a SSL/TLS certificate from a Trusted Certificate Provider, to use it on your website, you will need to upload it to your server. To generate Upload a SSL/TLS certificate, follow these steps below. Step 1 − Click SSL/TLS link found under Security section of cPanel. Step 2 − Under Certificates (CRT), click Install and Manage SSL for your site (HTTPS). Step 3 − In this interface, you can choose to install SSL in your website. Scroll down to install an SSL Website. Step 4 − Choose a certificate from the installed certificates by clicking on Browse Certificates. At the same time, you can also select a Domain from the dropdown box and Click Autofill by Domain. Step 5 − All fields of Certificates, Private Key and Certificate Authority bundle will be filled automatically. Step 6 − Click Install Certificate button to activate the certificate for the Domain or Subdomain. Print Page Previous Next Advertisements ”;
Category: cpanel
cPanel – Raw Access
cPanel – Raw Access ”; Previous Next Raw Access Logs allow you to see who has visited your website without displaying graphs, charts, or other graphics. You can use the Raw Access Logs menu to download a zipped version of the server’s access log for your site. This can be very useful when you want to quickly see who has visited your site. Here is the Raw Access interface of domain listing − Here, the management of Raw Logs takes place. The archieved logs are available for downloads. You can also configure to remove or archive the raw logs for domains. Print Page Previous Next Advertisements ”;
cPanel – MX Entry
cPanel – MX Entry ”; Previous Next This feature of cPanel allows to route all your emails to a specific server. Changes you make here also get reflected in the domain’s DNS entries. This feature is important to create a backup server for your domain’s mail server to receive when your main server is down. You can setup MX entries here to route your mail to Google mail servers when you use Google Apps to manage your emails. Use this interface to manage your MX entries and Email Routing Configure Email Routing To configure the email routing for your domain, follow these steps − Step 1 − Open cPanel MX Entries by clicking MX Entry from Email Section of cPanel Interface. Step 2 − Select the domain for which you want to configure Email Routing. Step 3 − When you will select the domain from the drop down, Email Routing setting will appear. The current applied setting is displayed bold. Step 4 − Change your current setting only when you need it. Select any of these four options according to your need. Automatically Detect Configuration − This enables the cPanel to automatically detect the best settings according to priorities of your MX records. Local Mail Exchanger − This enables your server to receive emails, even if any MX entry of higher priority is found. In this case, emails are sent to both domains. Backup Mail Exchanger − In this case, your server acts as backup mail exchanger and if your primary mail exchanger is offline, then it holds the emails until your primary server is back online. You need to have a proper MX Entry for your primary mail exchanger. Remote Mail Exchanger − In this case, your domain does not accept any mail and reroutes them to your primary email server. Step 5 − Click Change and your new setting will appear in bold letters. Add an MX Record To add a, MX record, follow these steps − Step 1 − Scroll down to Add New Record on MX Entry page. Step 2 − Enter Priority of MX record, lower the number – higher the priority. Zero has the highest Priority. Step 3 − Enter Destination Domain to which you want to reroute your emails. Step 4 − Click Add New Record to add a new MX record. Edit or Remove an MX Record To edit or remove click Edit or Remove link in Actions corresponding to the MX entry that you want to edit or delete. When you will click Edit, it will ask you for the Priority and Domain, change what you need to change and finally click Edit to save the changes. When you click Remove link, it will ask you for confirmation. Click Delete to remove the entry. Print Page Previous Next Advertisements ”;
cPanel – Encryption
cPanel – Encryption ”; Previous Next cPanel supports GnuPG or GNU Privacy Guard, which is an open-source software to encrypt and decrypt messages using cryptographic algorithms. GnuPG uses a public and private key infrastructure to implement this feature. When the sender sends a message, he encodes it with a public key of the recipient. The recipient after receiving the message, decrypts the message with his private key, which is available in the server. This feature helps in sending emails with sensitive information, as without a private key, it’s nearly impossible to decode the message. Create a GnuPG Key To create a GnuPG key, follow these steps − Step 1 − Open cPanel Email Encryption by clicking on Encryption in the Email section of the cPanel Link. Step 2 − In create a New Key interface, Enter Your name and Email. Step 3 − Enter comment or nick name; you can use this to distinguish between multiple keys. Step 4 − Enter Strong Key Password and Set Expiration Date. Expiration date can be set like y for year, e.g. 1y for 1 year w for weeks, e.g. 2w for 2 weeks d for days, e.g. 4d for 4 days Step 5 − Select key size from dropdown; larger key sizes are more secure. Step 6 − Click Generate Key; it will take a few minutes to generate your key. Import a Key If you already have a key pair in your local computer, then you can import them to your cPanel. You can only import the Public Key. To import a GnuPG key, follow these steps − Step 1 − Scroll down to find Import Key in Encryption Interface. Step 2 − Click on the Import Key Button. You will be taken to a new interface. Step 3 − Paste your Public key in the text box; make sure it includes both the header and footer rows. Step 4 − Click the Import button to import the key. Delete or View the Key Step 1 − Scroll down in Encryption Interface to find the list of keys. Step 2 − To view a key, click View corresponding to the Key you want to view. Step 3 − To delete a key, click Delete GnuPG key, it will ask for confirmation, click yes to delete the key. Print Page Previous Next Advertisements ”;
cPanel – Webalizer
cPanel – Webalizer ”; Previous Next Webalizer is a complex statistics based program, which produces a variety of charts and graphs about who has visited your website. This is a sort of analyzer that shows you the data in the form of graphs and pie charts. Here is a Webalizer interface of the domain listing − Also the representation is in form of pie charts that is on a monthly basis. This data is beneficial to get an idea about the traffic to the domain. The data values consists of the visits, hits, files, pages that the users have accessed. Print Page Previous Next Advertisements ”;
cPanel – Address Importer
cPanel – Address Importer ”; Previous Next cPanel address importer can be used to create multiple email address or forwarders in your account. For example, you have 100 employees in your office and you want each employee to have an email address, then if you have a list of email addresses of employees, then within two clicks, you can create as many email accounts as needed. cPanel address importer supports two type of data import, Excel Spreadsheet (.xls) or Comma separated value sheet (.csv). You can also use this interface import email forwarder list. Importing Email Addresses To import email address, follow these steps − Step 1 − Open cPanel Address Importer by clicking on Address Importer link found in the Email Section. Step 2 − Select the Email address option in What would you like to import. Step 3 − Browse and select your Excel Spreadsheet or CSV file. If you have selected XLS file, then it will only ask to treat the first row as column header, if yes, then select the check box. If you have selected CSV file, then it will ask for the delimiter. In most cases, it is a Comma, choose the one you have, and Click Next. Note − You can see an example screenshot below. You can create a spreadsheet using Microsoft Excel, and save the spreadsheet using .xls or .csv in Save As menu. A B C D 1 Email or Name Password Quota 2 [email protected] XEsjhjhh1242 300 3 Liptan Biswas 4 [email protected] 5 Step 4 − In the next step, it will ask you to choose a header for each column, choose an appropriate one. Select the domain in which you want to create the emails. Click Next. Step 5 − In the final step, it will show you a review of what is going to be created. Review the Table, take a screenshot or print the page, so that you will have a copy of passwords corresponding to the emails. Note − As you can see above for email column, which we did not provide an appropriate email, cPanel has automatically generated an Email for that name. In the password column, which we did not provide a password, cPanel has automatically generated them. While, in the Quota column, where we did not mention the Quota, cPanel has automatically provided unlimited quota. Step 6 − Click finish to Import the Email addresses. Importing Email Forwarders To import Email forwarders, please follow these steps − Step 1 − Open cPanel Address Importer by clicking Address Importer link found in the Email Section. Step 2 − Select Forwarders option in What would you like to import. Step 3 − Browse and select your Excel Spreadsheet or CSV file. If you have selected XLS file, then it will only ask to treat the first row as the column header, if yes, then select the check box. If you have selected the CSV file, then it will ask for a delimiter. In most cases, it is Comma, choose the one you have, and then Click Next. Note − You can see an example screenshot below. You can create a spreadsheet using Microsoft Excel, and save the spreadsheet using .xls or .csv in Save As menu. A B 1 Forward from Forward to 2 [email protected] [email protected] 3 [email protected] [email protected] 4 [email protected] [email protected] 5 Step 4 − In the next step, it will ask you to choose a header for each column. Select your source and destination column and click Next. Step 5 − In the final step, it will show you a review of which forwarders are going to be imported. Review the settings. Step 6 − Click finish to Import the Forwarders. Print Page Previous Next Advertisements ”;
cPanel – Email Filters
cPanel – Email Filters ”; Previous Next Email filters are useful to create rules to block unwanted emails, based on certain rules you choose. You can specify some rules like a message containing a specific word should be deleted or passed to a specific program. These filters work subsequently, for example if a mail passes through a filter, but can be blocked by another filter. You can specify multiple rules in one filter too. There are two types of Email Filters in cPanel − User Level Filter and Account Level Filter. User Level Filter Through this user level filter, you can create email filters, which will apply on emails that will be received by that email address. Create a User Level Filter To create a user level email filter, follow these steps − Step 1 − Open user level email filters by clicking on Email Filter found under Email section of cPanel. Step 2 − In Email Filters, you will see the list of emails associated with your domain. Click on Manage Filter link corresponding to your email on which you want to create a filter. Step 3 − Click on Create New Filter button to go to a new filter creation interface. Step 4 − Provide a name for your filter. Step 5 − Select rules for filtering your message. To add additional rules, click on Add (+) button on right side, to remove rules click Subtract (–). Also choose ‘and’ or ‘or’ rule. Step 6 − Select an Action for a message those passes to the rules of filter. To add additional rules, click on Add (+) button on right side, to remove rules click Subtract (–). Step 7 − Click on Create button to create a filter. Edit or Delete a User Level Filter To edit or delete a user level filter − Step 1 − Return to Email Filter Interface. Step 2 − Choose the email for which you want to edit or delete the Filter from Current Filters. Step 3 − To Edit, click Edit Link and you will be taken to the same interface we went through to create an Email Filter. Click Save to Save the Email Filter. To Delete the Email Filter, click on Delete link and you will be asked for confirmation. Click Delete to delete an Email Filter. Testing an Email Filter To test the filter, you can follow these steps − Step 1 − Return to Email Filters Interface and Click on the Manage link corresponding to email address of which you want to test filter. Step 2 − Scroll down to find Filter Test. Step 3 − Enter complete Email with headers and subjects in Filter Email text input. Step 4 − Press Test Filter and the system will generate a full report of how the filters will respond to the email you have written. Account Level Filtering The only difference in User Level Filtering and Account Level Filtering (or Global Email Filtering) is that the filters used in Account Level Filter will filter all emails received in your domain, no matter to which email address the message was sent. To Create and Manage Global Email Filter click on Global Email Filter found under Email section of cPanel Home. Process to Create, Manage and Test a Global Email Filter is same as we studied above in User Level Filtering. Only difference is that you will not find a list of Emails to choose to Manage, but you will get a list of all Global Email Filters. Print Page Previous Next Advertisements ”;
cPanel – Simple Zone Editor
cPanel – Simple Zone Editor ”; Previous Next DNS (Domain Name System) is a very essential part of Internet System. It simply maps a FQDN (Full Qualified Domain Name), which is in human readable form. For example, to IP address, which are used by computer machine, e.g. For this process, DNS uses zone files that are stored in servers, which contains resource records to map a domain name to an IP address. In this Simple Zone Editor, we can add two types of records − Add an A Record The A types of resource records are Host Name records. They contain the IP address of a specific host, and maps the Domain Name with 32-bit IP address. To add an A type record, perform the following steps − Step 1 − Open the Editor by clicking Simple Zone Editor found in Domains Section of cPanel Home. Step 2 − Find Add an A Record in the Simple Zone Editor interface. Step 3 − Enter Name in Name textbox and IP address in Address textbox. Step 4 − Press Add an A Record. If successful, you will get a success message. Note − ‘A’ records are essential for accessing your website. They allow DNS servers to locate your website and its services. Without an ‘A’ record, visitors can’t access your website. The cPanel automatically configures A type records for your domain and website, as soon as they are created. Add a CNAME Record The CNAME records are used to add an Alias to its associated domain name. You can point multiple CNAME records to a single A record. So that when the DNS looks up for the Alias, you can simply rename a host, which is defined in the A records. To add a CNAME record, please follow these steps. Step 1 − Scroll down on Simple Zone Editor to find Add a CNAME Record. Step 2 − Enter the desired Alias name for CNAME record on Name textbox and Enter a FQDN in CNAME textbox to which you want your Alias pointing to. Step 3 − Click Add CNAME Record and you should see a success message. Remove an A or CNAME Record To remove a user defined A or CNAME Record, please scroll below on Simple Zone Editor to find User–Defined Records. Press the Delete link corresponding to the Record you want to remove. You should see a success message when record is deleted. Print Page Previous Next Advertisements ”;
cPanel – Advance Zone Editor
cPanel – Advance Zone Editor ”; Previous Next This interface is the advanced version of Simple Zone Editor, which we have gone through in the previous chapter. We can add, edit or delete various types of records here, which are A, AAAA, CNAME (Conical Name Record), SRV (Service Record), TXT (Text Record). We can also configure TTL (Time to Live) with records in this interface. TTL (Time to Live) indicates the time duration that DNS servers can cache resource records prior to discarding the information. Reset Zone Files This option resets every change that you made in your cPanel account regarding DNS records. It also resets the changes made using Simple Zone Editor. To reset Zone Files, follow these steps − Step 1 − Navigate to cPanel Advanced Zone Editor by clicking on Advanced Zone Editor link found in Domains Section of cPanel Interface. Step 2 − Find Reset Zone File and click on more link. Step 3 − It will show you a warning that all modifications in Zone files will be erased. Select the checkbox for the Are you sure you want to erase all entries and revert to the default state? Step 4 − Press Reset Zone File button to reset the zone file to their default state. If successful, you will see a success message shown below. Add an A record The ‘A’ type of resource records are Host Name records. They contain the IP address of a specific host and map the Domain Name with 32-bit IP address. To add an A record, follow these steps. Step 1 − Find Add a Record Section in the Advance Zone Editor. Step 2 − Select Record ‘Type A’ from Type Dropdown Menu. Step 3 − Enter Name of your A record. Enter TTL value, if there is no specific need, you can use default which is 14400. Also enter IP address of record in the Address textbox. Step 4 − Click Add Record to save the record in the DNS entries. Add an AAAA Record The AAAA resource records bind hostnames with IPv6 Address, which is a 128-bit IP address. Step 1 − Find Add a Record Section in the Advance Zone Editor. Step 2 − Select Record type from AAAA the dropdown menu. Step 3 − Enter the Hostname in the Name textbox and TTL value in the TTL textbox, unless required use default TTL value, which is 14400. Step 4 − Enter 128-bit IPv6 address in IPv6 Address textbox to which you want your hostname to bind. Step 5 − Click Add Record to save this AAAA record in your DNS entries. Add a CNAME Record CNAME records are used to add an Alias to its associated domain name. You can point multiple CNAME records to a single A record so that when the DNS looks up for the Alias, you can simply rename a host, which is defined in A records. To add a CNAME record, please follow these steps. Step 1 − Find Add a Record Section in the Advance Zone Editor. Step 2 − Select Record type CNAME from dropdown menu. Step 3 − Enter your Subdomain or Alias to Name text input, also provide TTL value in TTL textbox, unless required use default TTL value, which is 14400. Step 4 − Enter a valid zone name or domain name to which you want this Alias to point to, in the CNAME textbox. Step 5 − Press Add Record Button to save this CNAME record to your DNS entries. Add an SRV Record This resource record provides information about available services in the specific ports of your server. They associate the location of a service with details on how the service can be contacted on a specific domain. An SRV record must point to a hostname with an A record. To add an SRV record, please follow these steps. Step 1 − Find Add a Record Section in the Advance Zone Editor. Step 2 − Select Record type SRV from dropdown menu. Step 3 − Enter Name of Service and Protocol both preceded by an underscore (_) and separated by dot (.). Step 4 − Provide TTL value in TTL textbox, unless required use default TTL value, which is 14400. Step 5 − Provide Priority of the Service, the lower the number in priority, higher is the priority of the service. 0 (zero) has the highest priority. Step 6 − Enter Weight of the service, it is used by zone administrators to distribute the load to multiple targets. 0 is the lowest load. Step 7 − Enter the Port on which service is actually offered. Step 8 − Enter Target, it is the name of the host that will receive this service. Step 9 − Press Add Record to add this SRV record into your DNS entries. Add a TXT Record The TXT records can hold any type of text. A domain name can have many TXT records, most common TXT records are used to define SPF (Sender Policy Framework) or DKIM, which is used for Email Authentication. To add a TXT record, please follow these steps. Step 1 − Find Add a Record Section in the Advance Zone Editor. Step 2 − Select Record type TXT from the dropdown menu. Step 3 − Enter Valid DNS Zone name in Name textbox. Step 4 − Provide TTL value in TTL textbox, unless required use default TTL value, which is 14400. Step 5 − Enter TXT Data, it can be any type of text, or a SPF or DKIM data. Step 6 − Press Add Record Button to add this TXT record to DNS records. Edit or Delete a DNS Record To edit or Delete a DNS record, you added earlier. Follow these steps − Step 1 − Scroll down to Zone File Records in Advanced Zone Editor. Step 2 − Find the DNS resource record you wish to edit or delete from the list of records. Step 3
cPanel – Apache Spamassassin
cPanel – Apache Spamassassin ”; Previous Next Apache Spamassassin is a software integrated into the cPanel, which helps to prevent getting spam messages in your mailbox. It helps in preventing your mail box to get flooded with spam messages. When Apache Spamassassin is enabled, it rates every message by a spam score. You can choose the spam emails to auto delete according to spam score. If you choose auto spam deletion with spam score of 5, then all emails having 5 or more spam score will be deleted automatically. Enable or Disable Apache Spamassassin To enable Apache Spamassassin, use the following steps − Step 1 − Click on Apache Spamassassin link found under the Email section of cPanel Home. Step 2 − If Apache Spamassassin is currently disabled, then you can enable it by clicking Enable Apache Spamassassin. If it is already enabled, you can disable it by clicking Disable Apache Spamassassin. Setup Spam Auto–Delete To setup Spam Auto–Delete, follow these steps − Step 1 − Find Filter options in Apache Spamassassin Interface. Step 2 − Select Spam score from dropdown between1 to 10. Lower score is stricter, while higher score is more permissive. This means score 1 will filter many emails and will delete most of the emails you receive and score 10 will allow more emails to pass through the filter. Step 3 − Click Auto–Delete Spam to enable automatic spam deletion based of your chosen score. To disable automatic spam deletion, click Disable Auto–Delete Spam. Print Page Previous Next Advertisements ”;