cPanel – Track DNS

cPanel – Track DNS ”; Previous Next You can use this interface of cPanel to find out the general DNS of a domain. It will give you the IP address of that domain, mail servers and raw DNS information. This can be useful to retrieve network information. Domain Lookup This tool retrieves the IP address of the domain and displays email hosts used by the domain. It also displays the raw DNS data of the domain. To lookup a domain, use the following steps − Step 1 − Open cPanel Track DNS by clicking Track DNS link found under the Advanced section of cPanel. Step 2 − In the Domain lookup interface, enter the domain, which you want to look up. Step 3 − Press Look Up button to lookup a DNS of a domain. You will get information in the following manner. The top-most line provides the IP address of the domain. The other following lines tells about the mail servers. In Zone Information, you will see the raw DNS information of the domain. Trace Route Another function in cPanel Track DNS is the trace route. This function of Track DNS gives you information of the route between the computer in which the user is logged in and the server, where your website is hosted. To trace the route of your computer and the server, scroll down to see Trace Route interface. Click Trace to get the information of the route between your webserver and you. Print Page Previous Next Advertisements ”;

cPanel – Installing WordPress

cPanel – Installing WordPress ”; Previous Next You can directly install WordPress in your website by making a few clicks through the Softaculous Apps Installer. WordPress is a very popular content management software as more than a million websites are powered by it. It’s secure, reliable, easy to use and totally customizable. To install WordPress using Softaculous Apps Installer, follow these steps. Step 1 − In the left menu click Blogs and you will find WordPress. Click on that and follow the instructions. Step 2 − It will take you to the WordPress overview. Click Install and it will take you to the installer interface. Step 3 − You will be asked for some configuration, which are explained below. Choose Protocol − Choose protocol of your WordPress website. You can use http or https with or without www. If you choose https, then a SSL certificate must be installed in your website. You can change this setting later in WordPress setting, if required. Choose Domain − You can install your WordPress in the root domain or any subdomain you created, choose from the dropdown menu. In Directory − Choose the folder in which you wish to install the WordPress. If you want to install in your root website, make this field empty. Site Name − Give a name to your website in this field. Site Description − Provide a short description of your website. Enable Multisite − If Checked, then it will install a WordPress network installation. Admin Username/Password − Enter your administrator username and password, you will need these to login to your admin panel later. Admin Ema − Enter the email address on which you want to receive the important notification of your WordPress. Select Language − Choose a language for your WordPress Installation Plugins − You can select to install these 3rd Party Plugins, this is optional. Database Name − You can specify a custom database name for your WordPress database, or you can leave this setting as it is. Table Prefix − If you are going to use the same database for more than one installation, you can specify table prefix here. All the tables that will be created will have this prefix before them. Disable Update Notifications − You can choose not to receive update notification on your admin email by selecting this checkbox. Upgrade Options − You can choose to auto upgrade your WordPress CMS, Installed theme or Installed plugins. Select appropriate options. Automated backups − You can choose to create a backup of your WordPress automatically using Softaculous Apps Installer, if selected you can choose a backup rotation for your system. Select Theme − If you select any theme here, then Softaculous Apps Installer will make an auto install of that theme. If you do not choose any theme then a clean WordPress Installation will be done. Step 4 − Click Install to install the WordPress CMS on your website. If successful, you will be given the links to your installation and admin panel. Print Page Previous Next Advertisements ”;

cPanel – Virus Scanner

cPanel – Virus Scanner ”; Previous Next Many cPanel web hosting comes with this ClamAV virus scanner feature to guard against potential threats on your server. You can run on-demand scan of your files to see if they are infected with any virus or not. ClamAV is an open source powerful antivirus, it uses its extensive database to detect several types of potential threats like viruses, Trojan horses, malwares, malicious scripts etc. You can scan different sectors of your home directory using the antivirus. To scan your account with a virus scanner, use the following steps. Step 1 − Open cPanel Virus Scanner by clicking the Virus Scanner link in the Advanced section of the cPanel home. Step 2 − You can choose the scan type from here. Scan Entire Home Directory − This option will scan your entire cPanel account. If you choose this option, no need to run the scan on other options. This will scan your home directory, which contains the Emails, FTP accounts and Website. Scan Mail − This option will scan your emails for viruses. If somebody sends a malicious email having some virus or malware, this virus scanner will tell you that. Scan Public FTP Space − This option will scan your public_ftp folder. If somebody uploaded a malicious file through FTP, virus scanner will find it. Scan Public Web Space − This option will scan your public_html in which all your front end files reside. Step 3 − Click Scan Now button to start the scan and it will automatically show you the results. If the Virus Scanner finds any malicious software, then it will give you options to correct the error. You may choose the option accordingly. Print Page Previous Next Advertisements ”;

cPanel – Discussion

Discuss cPanel ”; Previous Next cPanel is a Linux-based web hosting control panel. It provides graphical user interface and is packed with lots of features that automates the process of hosting a website. It is a premium software, which is developed by a private company, cPanel Inc. cPanel has been written in Perl and was first released in March 21, 1996. It can only be installed in Linux servers, it supports CentOS, RHEL and CloudLinux operating software. Nowadays most of the Linux webhosting servers use cPanel to host and manage websites on their servers. If a person purchases the hosting from companies like GoDaddy, Hostgator or even from smaller local companies, it is more likely that the hosting will come with cPanel. In this tutorial, we will learn about managing and hosting a website with ease. This tutorial is divided as per the sections of cPanel and each section has the explanation of the functions it contains. Print Page Previous Next Advertisements ”;

cPanel – Ruby on Rails

cPanel – Ruby on Rails ”; Previous Next This interface of cPanel allows you to create and Install a Ruby on Rails application. If you have a Ruby on Rails application developed, you can deploy it to your server using this interface. To Create a Ruby on Rails Application, follow these steps − Step 1 − Click Ruby on Rails found under Software Section of cPanel Home. Step 2 − In Ruby on Rails Interface, you will find Create Ruby on Rails Application. Step 3 − Provide name of your application in App Name. Step 4 − Provide a Path for your application in your Home Directory. Step 5 − Choose appropriate environment for your Application. Select Load on Boot, if you want your application to automatically start, whenever your server starts. Step 6 − Click Create to create a new Ruby on Rails Application. To delete a Ruby on Rails Application, you can scroll down to the list of currently Available Ruby on Rails Application. Click Delete link from Action button to delete the application. You can also change the preferences of application from this interface. Create a Rewrite Ruby on Rails applications run on a different port rather than the incoming traffic. People will access port number 80 or 443, which is for http and https, and hence you will need to redirect people from that port on to which Ruby on Rails application is running. To create a rewrite, scroll down on Ruby on Rails Interface to Create a Rewrite. Click Create Rewrite link next to the app name of which you wish to create the rewrite. It will take you to the following interface. Choose a domain from the dropdown and if you want, you can specify a URL for that too in the URL text box. Click Save to create a rewrite. Print Page Previous Next Advertisements ”;

cPanel – Useful Resources

cPanel – Useful Resources ”; Previous Next The following resources contain additional information on cPanel. Please use them to get more in-depth knowledge on this topic. Useful Video Courses Website Hosting Course for Beginners: cPanel with Siteground account 11 Lectures 47 mins Laurence Svekis More Detail Complete WordPress Website Design Course: Plus Divi Theme 58 Lectures 8.5 hours Mayokun Oduoste More Detail Getting Started with WordPress 43 Lectures 3 hours Stone River ELearning More Detail WordPress Training Course – Beginner Through Advanced 33 Lectures 1.5 hours Prof. Paul Cline, Ed.D More Detail The Complete WordPress Masterclass 54 Lectures 4.5 hours Shubham Saurav More Detail Complete WordPress Course in Hindi + Urdu for Beginners 70 Lectures 7 hours JAHASOFT LTD More Detail Print Page Previous Next Advertisements ”;

cPanel – Bandwidth

cPanel – Bandwidth ”; Previous Next This function allows you to see the bandwidth usage for your site. It shows the current month’s bandwidth usage, as well as your total bandwidth usage. This will include all HTTP (web) and POP (mail) bandwidth usage, and may include FTP bandwidth usage, if your system administrator has enabled FTP bandwidth logging. Click the Bandwidth icon and it will take you to an interface. Here, in this interface, you are provided with the monthly bandwidth transfer and represented in form of graphs. This graph is able to display the bandwidth consumed by HTTP, FTP services. This is available in three forms – past 24 hours, past week, past year. Also, this representation is in the form of pie charts that is on a monthly basis. This data is beneficial to get an idea about the traffic coming in to that domain. Print Page Previous Next Advertisements ”;

cPanel – Cron Jobs

cPanel – Cron Jobs ”; Previous Next If you want to run a command or a php program on a specified time interval like once a day or once a week, you can setup cron jobs in this interface. Cron jobs allow you to run a specific command or program automatically. This is often required, if you are using a software like CRM or Billing Software. Setting up cron jobs more often may degrade your server’s performance. Setup Cron Job To add a new cron job, follow these steps − Step 1 − Open Cron Jobs by clicking Cron Jobs found in the Advanced section in cPanel. Step 2 − Scroll down to see Add New Cron Job interface. Step 3 − You can choose an existing setting from common settings. If you do that all the fields of cron execution time will automatically get filled. Or you can choose your custom runtime settings by specifying in the next text inputs accordingly. Step 4 − Enter your command to run in cron job. If you are running a php file, enter full name of php file. For example − php /home/tutorialspoint/public_html/cron.php Step 5 − Click Add New Cron Job button to add a cron job. Cron Email cPanel by default sends an email each time a cron job runs. It also redirects the output of the command or file into the email. Default email for this is your system account, but you can change this email too. To change the email on which you want to receive cron email, firstly find out Cron Email interface in Cron Jobs. Then enter your new email in which you wish to get cron emails. Click Update email to update your email. If your cron runs more frequently, then you may not want to receive emails, you can disable receiving emails by redirecting your output into null by writing >/dev/null 2>&1 at the end of the command. For example − php /home/tutorialspoint/public_html/cron.php >/dev/null 2>&1 Edit or Delete Existing Cron Jobs To edit or delete your existing cron jobs, you can scroll below on the Corn Jobs interface to see current cron jobs. Once you select the job, you can click either the delete link or the edit link to edit or delete a particular cron job. Print Page Previous Next Advertisements ”;

cPanel – SSH/TLS

cPanel – SSH / TLS ”; Previous Next SSL (Socket Security Layer) or TLS (Transport Layer Security) is a mechanism for encrypting data, which is transferring from your computer to host or server and vice versa. Generate Private Key Private Key resides at your server and decrypts the incoming data coming from visitor’s device. Without Private Key, your server will not be able to decode the data sent by user. Private Key is automatically generated when generating a CSR. To generate a Private Key, follow these steps − Step 1 − Open cPanel SSL/TLS manager, by clicking on SSL/TLS found under the security section of cPanel. Step 2 − In Private Keys, click on Generate, view, upload, or delete your private keys. Step 3 − You can use Generate a New Private Key Interface to generate a new key. Step 4 − Choose a Key Size from the dropdown menu. Provide a description which is optional, you can leave it blank. Step 5 − Click on Generate Button to generate a new private key. Upload a Private Key To upload a Private Key to your server, you can use the interface below to Generate a New Key Section, which is Upload a New Private Key. Just paste your existing key into textbox and provide a description. Then click Save to import the key. Or if you have an existing private key in ‘.key’ file, you can also import it. Just scroll down to choose a .key file under Upload a New Private Key. Browse for the file and select it. Click Upload button to Import the key into server. Generate a CSR CSR (Certificate Signing Request) is an encoded certificate, which CA authorities ask for when we purchase a SSL certificate from them. To issue a SSL certificate they need some additional information, which we provide in the CSR. To generate a CSR, follow these steps below. Step 1 − Click SSL/TLS link found under Security section of the cPanel. Step 2 − Under Certificate Signing Request (CSR) click Generate, view, or delete SSL certificate signing requests. Step 3 − In SSL Certificate Signing Request Interface, scroll down to see Generate a New Certificate Signing Request (CSR). Step 4 − Choose an existing Private Key from Key dropdown. You can also choose to generate a new Private Key. Step 5 − Enter Domains for which you want to generate CSR. You can choose a wild card domain by putting * as a subdomain. E.g. * Step 6 − Provide all necessary information in text fields like City, State, Country, Company etc. Step 7 − Click Generate Button to generate a CSR. Upload an SSL / TLS Certificate If you have obtained an SSL/TLS certificate from a Trusted Certificate Provider, then you will need to upload it to your server to use it on your website. To generate Upload a SSL/TLS certificate, follow these steps below − Step 1 − Click on SSL/TLS link found under Security section of cPanel. Step 2 − Under Certificates (CRT), click on Generate, view, upload, or delete SSL certificates. Step 3 − Scroll down to Upload a New Certificate, paste your SSL/TLS code in textbox and click Save Certificate or Upload a .crt file, which will be provided by hosting provider and Click Upload Certificate. Self–Signed Certificate You can also use a self–signed certificate on your website too, but when somebody will open your website, it will show an error that the certificate is not form a trusted certificate provider. It is recommended that in production environment, you use a purchased SSL/TLS certificate. To Generate a Self–signed Certificate, you can follow these steps. Step 1 − Scroll down to Generate a New Certificate in Certificates section. Step 2 − Choose an existing Private Key from Key dropdown, you can also choose to generate a new Private Key. Step 3 − Enter Domains for which you want to generate CSR, you can choose a wild card domain by putting * as a subdomain. E.g. * Step 4 − Provide all necessary information in text fields like City, State, Country, Company etc. Step 5 − Click Generate to generate a Certificate. Installing SSL To activate SSL/TLS certificate in your domain or Subdomains follow these steps − If you have obtained a SSL/TLS certificate from a Trusted Certificate Provider, to use it on your website, you will need to upload it to your server. To generate Upload a SSL/TLS certificate, follow these steps below. Step 1 − Click SSL/TLS link found under Security section of cPanel. Step 2 − Under Certificates (CRT), click Install and Manage SSL for your site (HTTPS). Step 3 − In this interface, you can choose to install SSL in your website. Scroll down to install an SSL Website. Step 4 − Choose a certificate from the installed certificates by clicking on Browse Certificates. At the same time, you can also select a Domain from the dropdown box and Click Autofill by Domain. Step 5 − All fields of Certificates, Private Key and Certificate Authority bundle will be filled automatically. Step 6 − Click Install Certificate button to activate the certificate for the Domain or Subdomain. Print Page Previous Next Advertisements ”;

cPanel – Raw Access

cPanel – Raw Access ”; Previous Next Raw Access Logs allow you to see who has visited your website without displaying graphs, charts, or other graphics. You can use the Raw Access Logs menu to download a zipped version of the server’s access log for your site. This can be very useful when you want to quickly see who has visited your site. Here is the Raw Access interface of domain listing − Here, the management of Raw Logs takes place. The archieved logs are available for downloads. You can also configure to remove or archive the raw logs for domains. Print Page Previous Next Advertisements ”;