Advanced Excel – Flash Fill

Advanced Excel – Flash Fill ”; Previous Next Flash Fill helps you to separate first and last names or part names and numbers, or any other data into separate columns. Step 1 − Consider a data column containing full names. Step 2 − Enter the first name in the column next to your data and press Enter. Step 3 − Start typing the next name. Flash Fill will show you a list of suggested names. Step 4 − Press Enter to accept the list. Step 5 − Enter a last name in the next column, and press Enter. Step 6 − Start typing the next name and press Enter. The column will be filled with the relevant last names. Step 7 − If the names have middle names also, you can still use Flash Fill to separate the data out into three columns by repeating it three times. Flash Fill works with any data you need to split into more than one column, or you can simply use it to fill out data based on an example. Flash Fill typically starts working when it recognizes a pattern in your data. Print Page Previous Next Advertisements ”;

Advanced Excel – Format Charts

Advanced Excel – Format Charts ”; Previous Next The Format pane is a new entry in Excel 2013. It provides advanced formatting options in clean, shiny, new task panes and it is quite handy too. Step 1 − Click on the Chart. Step 2 − Select the chart element (e.g., data series, axes, or titles). Step 3 − Right-click the chart element. Step 4 − Click Format <chart element>. The new Format pane appears with options that are tailored for the selected chart element. Format Axis Step 1 − Select the chart axis. Step 2 − Right-click the chart axis. Step 3 − Click Format Axis. The Format Axis task pane appears as shown in the image below. You can move or resize the task pane by clicking on the Task Pane Options to make working with it easier. The small icons at the top of the pane are for more options. Step 4 − Click on Axis Options. Step 5 − Select the required Axis Options. If you click on a different chart element, you will see that the task pane automatically updates to the new chart element. Step 6 − Select the Chart Title. Step 7 − Select the required options for the Title. You can format all the Chart Elements using the Format Task Pane as explained for Format Axis and Format Chart Title. Provision for Combo Charts There is a new button for combo charts in Excel 2013. The following steps will show how to make a combo chart. Step 1 − Select the Data. Step 2 − Click on Combo Charts. As you scroll on the available Combo Charts, you will see the live preview of the chart. In addition, Excel displays guidance on the usage of that particular type of Combo Chart as shown in the image given below. Step 3 − Select a Combo Chart in the way you want the data to be displayed. The Combo Chart will be displayed. Print Page Previous Next Advertisements ”;