Scikit Image – Writing Images Writing or Saving images play a crucial role in image processing and computer vision tasks. It is necessary to save images when performing image processing operations such as cropping, resizing, rotating, or applying various filters. Writing an image refers to the process of saving or storing an image as an external file on a disk or in memory. During this process, we usually specify the desired file format (such as JPEG, PNG, TIFF, etc.) and provide the file name or path. In the scikit-image library, the io module offers a function called imsave() specifically for writing and storing images as external files. This function is useful for saving the results of image manipulation operations. The io.imsave() method By using imsave() method, writing the image to an external file with the desired file format, file name, and desired location can be possible. Following is the syntax of this method −, arr, plugin=None, check_contrast=True, **plugin_args) The function takes the following parameters − fname − A string representing the file name or path where the image will be saved. The format of the file is obtained from the extension of file name. arr − The NumPy array of shape (M,N) or (M,N,3) or (M,N,4) containing the image data to be saved. plugin (optional) − A string specifying the plugin to use for saving the image. If the plugin parameter is not provided, the function will automatically try different plugins, starting with imageio, until a suitable one is found. However, if the file name (fname) has a “.tiff” extension, the tifffile plugin will be used by default. check_contrast (optional) − A boolean indicating whether to check the contrast of the image and print warning. The default value is True. **plugin_args (optional) − Additional keyword arguments that are passed to the specified plugin. Example 1 The following example writes an array of random data to an external image file (.jpg) using the imsave() method. import numpy as np from skimage import io # Generate an image with random numbers image_data = np.random.randint(0, 256, size=(256, 256, 3), dtype=np.uint8) # Save the random image as a JPG file io.imsave(”Output/Random_image.jpg”, image_data) print(“The image was saved successfully.”) Output The image was saved successfully. If we navigate to the directory where the image was saved, we will be able to observe the saved “Random_image.jpg” image as shown below − Example 2 The following example writes an image array to a TIFF file (.tiff) using the imsave() method. import numpy as np from skimage import io # Read an image image_data = io.imread(”Images/logo-w.png”) print(“The input image properties:”) print(”Type:”, type(image_data)) print(”Shape:”, image_data.shape) # Save the image as a tiff file io.imsave(”Output/logo.tiff”, image_data) print(“The image was saved successfully…”) Output The input image properties: Type: < class ”numpy.ndarray” > Shape: (225, 225, 4) The image was saved successfully… The following image represents the saved “logo.tiff” file in the directory where the image was saved. Example 3 The following example demonstrates how to save an image to a JPEG file (.jpeg) with low quality using the imsave() method. import numpy as np from skimage import io # Read an image image = io.imread(”Images/Flower1.jpg”) # Save the image as a JPEG file io.imsave(”Output/flower.jpeg”, image, plugin=”pil”, quality=10) # Display the image array properties print(“The input image properties:”) print(”Type:”, type(image)) print(”Shape:”, image.shape) print(“The image was saved successfully…”) Output The input image properties: Type: < class ”numpy.ndarray”> Shape: (4000, 6000, 3) The image was saved successfully… The following images represent details of both input (Flower1.jpg) and saved (flower.jpeg) files in the respective directories. Input file Saved file
Category: Machine Learning
Scikit Image – Image Collections In computer vision and image processing, an image collection is a term used to describe a group or set of images that are considered together as a single entity for the purpose of managing and processing multiple images simultaneously. It can be used to store and manage a group of related images, such as a sequence of frames from a video, or a collection of images from various sources. And it simplifies the management and processing of multiple images, making it easier to handle image processing and computer vision tasks. ImageCollection class in skimage In the scikit-image library, the image collection is represented by an ImageCollection class that provides functionality for loading, managing, and manipulating a collection of image files. It allows you to specify a pattern or a list of filenames, load the corresponding images into memory, and access them conveniently. Following is the syntax of this class − class, conserve_memory=True, load_func=None, **load_func_kwargs) Here are the parameters of the class − load_pattern − A string or a list of strings representing the pattern of the file name to load. The filename path can be absolute or relative. conserve_memory (optional) − A boolean value. If set to True, only one image will be kept in memory at a time. If set to False, images will be cached after loading to improve subsequent access speed. load_func (optional) − A callable object that is used to read the image files. By default, it uses the imread function from the scikit-image library. However, you can specify a different function if needed. **load_func_kwargs (optional) − Additional keyword arguments that are passed to the load_func function. It creates an ImageCollection object that allows you to perform various operations on the loaded images, such as iterating over the collection, accessing individual images, and applying operations to the entire collection. Example 1 The following example will demonstrate how to load all the JPEG files in the specified directory. And the resulting ImageCollection object will be stored in the collection variable. from skimage import io # Load all the JPEG files in a directory collection = io.ImageCollection(”Images_/*.jpg”) print(”Type:”,type(collection)) print(”Total loaded JPEG files are”,len(collection)) Output The output shows the type of the collection object and the number of loaded JPEG files. Type: < class ””> Total loaded JPEG files are 5 Example 2 The following example demonstrate how to access the expanded file names using the files attribute of the ImageCollection object. from skimage import io # Load all the JPEG and PNG files in a directory collection = io.ImageCollection([”Images_/*.jpg”, ”Images_/*.png”]) # Access the expanded file list file_list = collection.files # Print the list of files one by one print(“Files:”) for image in file_list: print(image) Output Files: Images_Blank.png Images_Blank_img.png Images_ColorDots.png Images_Trees.jpg Images_WhiteDots2.jpg Images_WhiteDots4.jpg Images_Zoo.jpg Images_balloons_noisy.png Images_binary image.png Images_tree.jpg You can also use a direct function called io.imread_collection() in the module for reading the collection of images. The imread_collection() function The imread_collection() function is used to load a collection of images. and it will return an ImageCollection object, representing the loaded image collection. Here”s the syntax and the parameters of the function −, conserve_memory=True, plugin=None, **plugin_args) Following are the parameters of this function − load_pattern − A string or a list of strings representing the pattern of the file name to load. The filename path can be absolute or relative. conserve_memory (optional) − A Boolean value. If set to True, only one image will be kept in memory at a time. If set to False, images will be cached after loading to improve subsequent access speed. plugin_args (optional) − Additional keyword arguments that will be passed to the chosen plugin. The imread_collection() is a convenient wrapper function that internally creates an ImageCollection object for loading a collection of images. Other than using the ImageCollection class directly, It is good to use the imread_collection() function for simple use cases when you need to quickly load images based on a pattern or a list of filenames. Example 1 The following example demonstrates how to load all the tiff files in a specific directory. from skimage import io # Load all the tiff images collection = io.imread_collection(”Images_/*.tiff”, plugin=”tifffile”) print(”Dipaly the tifffile collection:”) print(collection) Output Dipaly the tifffile collection: [”Images_\file_example_TIFF_1MB.tiff”, ”Images_\file_example_TIFF_10MB.tiff”] Example 2 The following example will load a collection of tiff and JPEG images by specifying the list of strings(patterns). from skimage import io # Load a collection of JPEG and tifffile images collection = io.imread_collection([”Image Collection/*.jpg”, ”Image Collection/*.tiff”]) print(”Dipaly the JPEG and tifffile collection:”) print(collection) Output Dipaly the JPEG and tifffile collection: [”Image Collection\Trees.jpg”, ”Image Collection\WhiteDots2.jpg”, ”Image Collection\WhiteDots4.jpg”, ”Image Collection\Zoo.jpg”, ”Image Collection\file_example_TIFF_1MB.tiff”, ”Image Collection\file_example_TIFF_10MB.tiff”, ”Image Collection\tree.jpg”] The Imread_collection_wrapper() function The imread_collection_wrapper is a decorator function, that is used to create a custom version of the imread_collection() function. This wrapper function encapsulates the logic of creating an ImageCollection object with the specified image reading function. Following is the syntax of this Function − The imshow_collection() function The imshow_collection() function is used to display a collection of images. It takes an ImageCollection object as input and displays the images contained in the collection. Here, the syntax and the parameters of the function −, plugin=None, **plugin_args) Following are the parameters − ic − An ImageCollection object representing the collection of images to display. plugin (optional) − A string specifying the name of the plugin to use for image display. By default, different plugins are attempted until a suitable one is found. plugin_args − Additional keyword arguments that are passed to the selected plugin for image display. Example The following example demonstrates how to use the imshow_collection() function to display a collection of images. from skimage import io # Load all the JPEG and PNG files in a directory collection = io.ImageCollection(”Images_/*.jpg”) # Access the expanded file list file_list = collection.files # Print the list of files one by one print(“Files:”) for image in file_list: print(image) # Display the collection of images io.imshow_collection(collection) Output Running the above code gives us the following result −
Scikit Image – Image Processing Image processing, in general, refers to the analysis and manipulation of digital images to enhance their quality, extract useful information, or perform various operations on the image data. It involves applying algorithms and techniques to images in order to alter or extract features, remove noise, or enhance visual appearance. The tasks involved in image processing include − Input/Output and Image Display − This involves handling the input and output of images, as well as displaying them on a screen or other output devices. Basic Image Manipulations − This includes fundamental operations such as cropping, flipping, rotating, and other similar transformations. Image Filtering − This task involves applying filters to images to achieve specific effects. Common filtering operations include denoising (removing noise), sharpening (enhancing the edges and details), and other similar operations. Image Segmentation − It focuses on dividing an image into different regions or objects. It involves labeling each pixel or group of pixels to identify which object they belong to. This is useful for tasks like object detection or boundary extraction. Classification − Image classification involves categorizing or labeling images based on their content. This task uses machine learning or pattern recognition algorithms to automatically assign images to predefined classes or categories. Feature Extraction − Extracting meaningful characteristics or patterns from images, such as edges, textures, or color features. These are the fundamental tasks in image processing and are used extensively in various applications such as computer vision, medical imaging, remote sensing, and many other fields. Image processing in Python Image processing in Python can be performed using various libraries and tools. Following are some popular packages for Python image processing − scikit-image − It is an open-source library that provides a wide range of algorithms for image-processing tasks such as filtering, segmentation, feature extraction, and more. It is designed to be user-friendly and integrates well with other scientific Python libraries. scipy.ndimage − This package, part of the SciPy library, offers various functions for n-dimensional image processing. It includes operations like filtering, interpolation, morphology, and measurements. It is particularly useful for scientific and medical image analysis. OpenCV − Open Source Computer Vision Library, is a highly popular and extensive computer vision library that provides a great collection of image processing and computer vision algorithms. And it is widely used for tasks like object detection, image recognition, and video processing. Pillow − Pillow is a powerful Python imaging library that provides a wide range of image processing functionalities. It supports image reading and writing in various formats, basic manipulations, filters, color space conversions, and more. scipy.ndimage − This package, part of the SciPy library, offers various functions for n-dimensional image processing. It includes operations like filtering, interpolation, morphology, and measurements. It is particularly useful for scientific and medical image analysis. These libraries provide a wide range of tools and algorithms for image processing in Python. Depending on your specific requirements, you can choose the most suitable library or combine multiple libraries to achieve your desired image processing tasks.
TensorFlow – Multi-Layer Perceptron Learning Multi-Layer perceptron defines the most complicated architecture of artificial neural networks. It is substantially formed from multiple layers of perceptron. The diagrammatic representation of multi-layer perceptron learning is as shown below − MLP networks are usually used for supervised learning format. A typical learning algorithm for MLP networks is also called back propagation’s algorithm. Now, we will focus on the implementation with MLP for an image classification problem. # Import MINST data from tensorflow.examples.tutorials.mnist import input_data mnist = input_data.read_data_sets(“/tmp/data/”, one_hot = True) import tensorflow as tf import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Parameters learning_rate = 0.001 training_epochs = 20 batch_size = 100 display_step = 1 # Network Parameters n_hidden_1 = 256 # 1st layer num features n_hidden_2 = 256 # 2nd layer num features n_input = 784 # MNIST data input (img shape: 28*28) n_classes = 10 # MNIST total classes (0-9 digits) # tf Graph input x = tf.placeholder(“float”, [None, n_input]) y = tf.placeholder(“float”, [None, n_classes]) # weights layer 1 h = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_input, n_hidden_1])) # bias layer 1 bias_layer_1 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_hidden_1])) # layer 1 layer_1 = tf.nn.sigmoid(tf.add(tf.matmul(x, h), bias_layer_1)) # weights layer 2 w = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_hidden_1, n_hidden_2])) # bias layer 2 bias_layer_2 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_hidden_2])) # layer 2 layer_2 = tf.nn.sigmoid(tf.add(tf.matmul(layer_1, w), bias_layer_2)) # weights output layer output = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_hidden_2, n_classes])) # biar output layer bias_output = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_classes])) # output layer output_layer = tf.matmul(layer_2, output) + bias_output # cost function cost = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits = output_layer, labels = y)) #cost = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(output_layer, y)) # optimizer optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate = learning_rate).minimize(cost) # optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer( learning_rate = learning_rate).minimize(cost) # Plot settings avg_set = [] epoch_set = [] # Initializing the variables init = tf.global_variables_initializer() # Launch the graph with tf.Session() as sess: # Training cycle for epoch in range(training_epochs): avg_cost = 0. total_batch = int(mnist.train.num_examples / batch_size) # Loop over all batches for i in range(total_batch): batch_xs, batch_ys = mnist.train.next_batch(batch_size) # Fit training using batch data, feed_dict = { x: batch_xs, y: batch_ys}) # Compute average loss avg_cost +=, feed_dict = {x: batch_xs, y: batch_ys}) / total_batch # Display logs per epoch step if epoch % display_step == 0: print Epoch:”, ”%04d” % (epoch + 1), “cost=”, “{:.9f}”.format(avg_cost) avg_set.append(avg_cost) epoch_set.append(epoch + 1) print “Training phase finished” plt.plot(epoch_set, avg_set, ”o”, label = ”MLP Training phase”) plt.ylabel(”cost”) plt.xlabel(”epoch”) plt.legend() # Test model correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(output_layer, 1), tf.argmax(y, 1)) # Calculate accuracy accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, “float”)) print “Model Accuracy:”, accuracy.eval({x: mnist.test.images, y: mnist.test.labels}) The above line of code generates the following output −
Scikit Image – Image datatypes A datatype, in the context of computer programming, refers to the classification or categorization of data based on its properties and the operations that can be performed on it. It determines how the computer interprets, stores, and manipulates the data. Different programming languages have their own set of data types, and each data type has its properties. Common data types include integers, floating-point numbers, characters, strings, booleans, and arrays. Datatypes in Python Scikit Image In scikit-image, images are represented as numpy arrays and support a variety of data types, also known as “dtypes.” The library sets certain ranges for dtype to avoid distorting image intensities. The following are the commonly used dtypes and their corresponding ranges in scikit-image − uint8 − Unsigned 8-bit integer, ranging from 0 to 255. uint16 − Unsigned 16-bit integer, ranging from 0 to 65535. uint32 − Unsigned 32-bit integer, ranging from 0 to 2^32 – 1. float − Floating-point values, typically ranging from -1 to 1 or 0 to 1. int8 − Signed 8-bit integer, ranging from -128 to 127. int16 − Signed 16-bit integer, ranging from -32768 to 32767. int32 − Signed 32-bit integer, ranging from -2^31 to 2^31 – 1. Note that float images should typically be restricted to the range -1 to 1, even though the float dtype itself can exceed this range. On the other hand, integer dtypes can span the entire range of their respective data types. It”s important to stick to these ranges to avoid data loss or incorrect interpretations of pixel intensities. Image data type conversion functions In scikit-image, there are few functions available in skimage.util module to convert image data types and ensure the proper rescaling of image intensities. These functions are designed to handle the conversion and rescaling while preserving the data range of the image. Following are the image data type conversion functions in scikit-image − Img_as_float Img_as_ubyte Img_as_uint Img_as_int These functions provide a convenient way to convert images to the desired data type while maintaining the correct range of intensities. Also, it is important to avoid using the astype function directly on an image, as it can violate assumptions about the dtype range. Instead, you can use the above conversion functions to ensure proper dtype conversion and intensity rescaling. Example 1 The following example demonstrates the difference between using the astype() method and the img_as_float() function for converting the data type of an image array in scikit-image. from skimage import util import numpy as np # Create an image with 8-bit unsigned integers image = np.random.randint(0, 256, size=(1, 4), dtype=np.uint8) print(“Image array:”, image) # Convert the image to float using astype() print(”Converted to float using astype :”,image.astype(float)) # These float values are out of range. # Convert the image to float using img_as_float() print(“Converted to float using img_as_float:”,util.img_as_float(image)) Output Image array: [[173 104 167 25]] Converted to float using astype : [[173. 104. 167. 25.]] Converted to float using img_as_float: [[0.67843137 0.40784314 0.65490196 0.09803922]] By using the img_as_float() function, the image array is correctly converted to the floating point data type with the intensity values properly scaled within the valid range. This ensures proper datatype conversion and intensity rescaling. Example 2 The following example demonstrates the conversion of a floating-point image array to an 8-bit unsigned integer representation using the img_as_ubyte() function from the skimage.util module. from skimage import util import numpy as np # Create an image with floating point numbers image = np.array([0, 0.1, 0, 0.8, 0.3, 1], dtype=float) print(“Image array:”, image) # Convert the image data to 8-bit Unsigned integers print(“Converted to 8-bit uint using img_as_ubyte:”,util.img_as_ubyte(image)) Output Image array: [0. 0.1 0. 0.8 0.3 1.] Converted to 8-bit uint using img_as_ubyte: [0 26 0 204 76 255]
Scikit Learn – Clustering Methods Here, we will study about the clustering methods in Sklearn which will help in identification of any similarity in the data samples. Clustering methods, one of the most useful unsupervised ML methods, used to find similarity & relationship patterns among data samples. After that, they cluster those samples into groups having similarity based on features. Clustering determines the intrinsic grouping among the present unlabeled data, that’s why it is important. The Scikit-learn library have sklearn.cluster to perform clustering of unlabeled data. Under this module scikit-leran have the following clustering methods − KMeans This algorithm computes the centroids and iterates until it finds optimal centroid. It requires the number of clusters to be specified that’s why it assumes that they are already known. The main logic of this algorithm is to cluster the data separating samples in n number of groups of equal variances by minimizing the criteria known as the inertia. The number of clusters identified by algorithm is represented by ‘K. Scikit-learn have sklearn.cluster.KMeans module to perform K-Means clustering. While computing cluster centers and value of inertia, the parameter named sample_weight allows sklearn.cluster.KMeans module to assign more weight to some samples. Affinity Propagation This algorithm is based on the concept of ‘message passing’ between different pairs of samples until convergence. It does not require the number of clusters to be specified before running the algorithm. The algorithm has a time complexity of the order 𝑂(𝑁2𝑇), which is the biggest disadvantage of it. Scikit-learn have sklearn.cluster.AffinityPropagation module to perform Affinity Propagation clustering. Mean Shift This algorithm mainly discovers blobs in a smooth density of samples. It assigns the datapoints to the clusters iteratively by shifting points towards the highest density of datapoints. Instead of relying on a parameter named bandwidth dictating the size of the region to search through, it automatically sets the number of clusters. Scikit-learn have sklearn.cluster.MeanShift module to perform Mean Shift clustering. Spectral Clustering Before clustering, this algorithm basically uses the eigenvalues i.e. spectrum of the similarity matrix of the data to perform dimensionality reduction in fewer dimensions. The use of this algorithm is not advisable when there are large number of clusters. Scikit-learn have sklearn.cluster.SpectralClustering module to perform Spectral clustering. Hierarchical Clustering This algorithm builds nested clusters by merging or splitting the clusters successively. This cluster hierarchy is represented as dendrogram i.e. tree. It falls into following two categories − Agglomerative hierarchical algorithms − In this kind of hierarchical algorithm, every data point is treated like a single cluster. It then successively agglomerates the pairs of clusters. This uses the bottom-up approach. Divisive hierarchical algorithms − In this hierarchical algorithm, all data points are treated as one big cluster. In this the process of clustering involves dividing, by using top-down approach, the one big cluster into various small clusters. Scikit-learn have sklearn.cluster.AgglomerativeClustering module to perform Agglomerative Hierarchical clustering. DBSCAN It stands for “Density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise”. This algorithm is based on the intuitive notion of “clusters” & “noise” that clusters are dense regions of the lower density in the data space, separated by lower density regions of data points. Scikit-learn have sklearn.cluster.DBSCAN module to perform DBSCAN clustering. There are two important parameters namely min_samples and eps used by this algorithm to define dense. Higher value of parameter min_samples or lower value of the parameter eps will give an indication about the higher density of data points which is necessary to form a cluster. OPTICS It stands for “Ordering points to identify the clustering structure”. This algorithm also finds density-based clusters in spatial data. It’s basic working logic is like DBSCAN. It addresses a major weakness of DBSCAN algorithm-the problem of detecting meaningful clusters in data of varying density-by ordering the points of the database in such a way that spatially closest points become neighbors in the ordering. Scikit-learn have sklearn.cluster.OPTICS module to perform OPTICS clustering. BIRCH It stands for Balanced iterative reducing and clustering using hierarchies. It is used to perform hierarchical clustering over large data sets. It builds a tree named CFT i.e. Characteristics Feature Tree, for the given data. The advantage of CFT is that the data nodes called CF (Characteristics Feature) nodes holds the necessary information for clustering which further prevents the need to hold the entire input data in memory. Scikit-learn have sklearn.cluster.Birch module to perform BIRCH clustering. Comparing Clustering Algorithms Following table will give a comparison (based on parameters, scalability and metric) of the clustering algorithms in scikit-learn. Sr.No Algorithm Name Parameters Scalability Metric Used 1 K-Means No. of clusters Very large n_samples The distance between points. 2 Affinity Propagation Damping It’s not scalable with n_samples Graph Distance 3 Mean-Shift Bandwidth It’s not scalable with n_samples. The distance between points. 4 Spectral Clustering No.of clusters Medium level of scalability with n_samples. Small level of scalability with n_clusters. Graph Distance 5 Hierarchical Clustering Distance threshold or No.of clusters Large n_samples Large n_clusters The distance between points. 6 DBSCAN Size of neighborhood Very large n_samples and medium n_clusters. Nearest point distance 7 OPTICS Minimum cluster membership Very large n_samples and large n_clusters. The distance between points. 8 BIRCH Threshold, Branching factor Large n_samples Large n_clusters The Euclidean distance between points. K-Means Clustering on Scikit-learn Digit dataset In this example, we will apply K-means clustering on digits dataset. This algorithm will identify similar digits without using the original label information. Implementation is done on Jupyter notebook. %matplotlib inline import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns; sns.set() import numpy as np from sklearn.cluster import KMeans from sklearn.datasets import load_digits digits = load_digits() Output 1797, 64) This output shows that digit dataset is having 1797 samples with 64 features. Example Now, perform the K-Means clustering as follows − kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters = 10, random_state = 0) clusters = kmeans.fit_predict( kmeans.cluster_centers_.shape Output (10, 64) This output shows that K-means clustering created 10 clusters with 64 features. Example fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 5, figsize = (8, 3)) centers = kmeans.cluster_centers_.reshape(10, 8, 8) for axi, center in zip(ax.flat,
Scikit Image – Reading Images Reading images is a fundamental step when performing operations like cropping, resizing, rotating, or applying filters using image processing tools. The process of reading images involves capturing the pixel values and metadata from an image file and representing them in a suitable data structure, such as a NumPy array or matrix. In the Scikit-image library, the io module provides a function imread() for loading image files into memory as NumPy arrays. Once the image is loaded into memory as a NumPy array, we can get access to a wide range of image processing functions available in Scikit-image to perform tasks like filtering, segmentation, feature extraction, and much more. The imread() method The io.imread() method in Scikit-image is capable of reading images in various formats, including JPEG, PNG, TIFF, BMP, and more. The function internally utilizes different libraries based on the specific image format, such as imageio, PIL, or tifffile. Syntax Following is the syntax and parameters of this method −, as_gray=False, plugin=None, **plugin_args) Fname − A string representing the file name or path or a URL of the image. as_gray (optional) − If set to True, it converts color images to grayscale represented as 64-bit floats. Images that are already in grayscale format are not converted. plugin (optional) − A string specifying the plugin to use for reading the image. If the plugin parameter is not provided, the function will automatically try different plugins, starting with imageio, until a suitable one is found. However, if the file name (fname) has a “.tiff” extension, the tifffile plugin will be used by default. **plugin_args (optional) − Additional keyword arguments that are passed to the specified plugin. Return Value The method returns a NumPy array that represents the image. The array contains the pixel values, and its shape corresponds to the dimensions of the image. The color bands or channels of the image are stored in the third dimension of the array. For instance, a grayscale image would have dimensions MxN, an RGB image would have dimensions MxNx3, and an RGBA image would have dimensions MxNx4. Example 1 The following example demonstrates how to load an image using the file name. import skimage from skimage import io # Read an image image = io.imread(”Images/logo.png”) # Display image properties from the image array print(”The following are the properties of the loaded image:”) print(“Image shape:”, image.shape) print(“Image data type:”, image.dtype) print(“Number of color channels:”, image.shape[2]) Input Image Output The following are the properties of the loaded image: Image shape: (225, 225, 4) Image data type: uint8 Number of color channels: 4 Example 2 The following example demonstrates how to load an image using the image URL. import skimage from skimage import io # Read an image image = io.imread(””) # Display image properties from the image array print(”The following are the properties of the loaded image:”) print(“Image shape:”, image.shape) print(“Image data type:”, image.dtype) print(“Number of color channels:”, image.shape[2]) Input Image Output The following are the properties of the loaded image: Image shape: (140, 568, 3) Image data type: uint8 Number of color channels: 3 Example 3 The following example demonstrates how to convert color images to grayscale by using the as_gray parameter of the imread() method. import skimage from skimage import io # Read an image image = io.imread(””, as_gray=True) # Display image properties from the image array print(”The following are the properties of the loaded image:”) print(“Image shape:”, image.shape) print(“Image data type:”, image.dtype) Output The following are the properties of the loaded image: Image shape: (140, 568) Image data type: float64
TensorFlow – Introduction TensorFlow is a software library or framework, designed by the Google team to implement machine learning and deep learning concepts in the easiest manner. It combines the computational algebra of optimization techniques for easy calculation of many mathematical expressions. The official website of TensorFlow is mentioned below − Let us now consider the following important features of TensorFlow − It includes a feature of that defines, optimizes and calculates mathematical expressions easily with the help of multi-dimensional arrays called tensors. It includes a programming support of deep neural networks and machine learning techniques. It includes a high scalable feature of computation with various data sets. TensorFlow uses GPU computing, automating management. It also includes a unique feature of optimization of same memory and the data used. Why is TensorFlow So Popular? TensorFlow is well-documented and includes plenty of machine learning libraries. It offers a few important functionalities and methods for the same. TensorFlow is also called a “Google” product. It includes a variety of machine learning and deep learning algorithms. TensorFlow can train and run deep neural networks for handwritten digit classification, image recognition, word embedding and creation of various sequence models.
TensorFlow – TensorBoard Visualization TensorFlow includes a visualization tool, which is called the TensorBoard. It is used for analyzing Data Flow Graph and also used to understand machine-learning models. The important feature of TensorBoard includes a view of different types of statistics about the parameters and details of any graph in vertical alignment. Deep neural network includes up to 36,000 nodes. TensorBoard helps in collapsing these nodes in high-level blocks and highlighting the identical structures. This allows better analysis of graph focusing on the primary sections of the computation graph. The TensorBoard visualization is said to be very interactive where a user can pan, zoom and expand the nodes to display the details. The following schematic diagram representation shows the complete working of TensorBoard visualization − The algorithms collapse nodes into high-level blocks and highlight the specific groups with identical structures, which separate high-degree nodes. The TensorBoard thus created is useful and is treated equally important for tuning a machine learning model. This visualization tool is designed for the configuration log file with summary information and details that need to be displayed. Let us focus on the demo example of TensorBoard visualization with the help of the following code − import tensorflow as tf # Constants creation for TensorBoard visualization a = tf.constant(10,name = “a”) b = tf.constant(90,name = “b”) y = tf.Variable(a+b*2,name = ”y”) model = tf.initialize_all_variables() #Creation of model with tf.Session() as session: merged = tf.merge_all_summaries() writer = tf.train.SummaryWriter(“/tmp/tensorflowlogs”,session.graph) print( The following table shows the various symbols of TensorBoard visualization used for the node representation −
Discuss Time Series A time series is a sequence of observations over a certain period. The simplest example of a time series that all of us come across on a day to day basis is the change in temperature throughout the day or week or month or year. The analysis of temporal data is capable of giving us useful insights on how a variable changes over time. This tutorial will teach you how to analyze and forecast time series data with the help of various statistical and machine learning models in elaborate and easy to understand way!