Apache Derby – Tools

Apache Derby – Tools ”; Previous Next Apache Derby provides you tools such as sysinfo, ij and, dblook. sysinfo tool Using this tool, you can get information about Java and Derby environment. Browse through the bin folder of Derby installation directory and execute the sysinfo command as shown below − C:UsersMY_USER>cd %DERBY_HOME%/bin C:Derbybin>sysinfo On executing, it gives you system information about java and derby as given below − —————— Java Information —————— Java Version: 1.8.0_101 Java Vendor: Oracle Corporation Java home: C:Program FilesJavajdk1.8.0_101jre Java classpath: C:UsersTutorialspointGoogle DriveOfficeDerbyderby_zipNew folderdb-derby- binlib;C:EXAMPLES_Taskjars*;C:EXAMPLESjarsmysql-connector-java-5.1.40- bin.jar;C:UsersTutorialspointGoogle DriveOffice37.Junit Updatejars;C:Program FilesApache Software FoundationTomcat 8.5lib*;C:Derbylibderby.jar;C:Derbylibderbyclient.jar;C:Derbylibderb yLocale_cs.jar;C:DerbylibderbyLocale_de_DE.jar;C:DerbylibderbyLocale_es.j ar;C:DerbylibderbyLocale_fr.jar;C:DerbylibderbyLocale_hu.jar;C:Derbylib derbyLocale_it.jar;C:DerbylibderbyLocale_ja_JP.jar;C:DerbylibderbyLocale _ko_KR.jar;C:DerbylibderbyLocale_pl.jar;C:DerbylibderbyLocale_pt_BR.jar;C :DerbylibderbyLocale_ru.jar;C:DerbylibderbyLocale_zh_CN.jar;C:Derbylib derbyLocale_zh_TW.jar;C:Derbylibderbynet.jar;C:Derbylibderbyoptionaltools .jar;C:Derbylibderbyrun.jar;C:Derbylibderbytools.jar;;C:Derby/lib/derby. jar;C:Derby/lib/derbynet.jar;C:Derby/lib/derbyclient.jar;C:Derby/lib/derbyto ols.jar;C:Derby/lib/derbyoptionaltools.jar OS name: Windows 10 OS architecture: amd64 OS version: 10.0 Java user name: Tutorialspoint Java user home: C:UsersTutorialspoint Java user dir: C:Derbybin java.specification.name: Java Platform API Specification java.specification.version: 1.8 java.runtime.version: 1.8.0_101-b13 ——— Derby Information ——– [C:Derbylibderby.jar] – (1828579) [C:Derbylibderbytools.jar] – (1828579) [C:Derbylibderbynet.jar] – (1828579) [C:Derbylibderbyclient.jar] – (1828579) [C:Derbylibderbyoptionaltools.jar] – (1828579) —————————————————— —————– Locale Information —————– Current Locale : [English/United States [en_US]] Found support for locale: [cs] version: – (1828579) Found support for locale: [de_DE] version: – (1828579) Found support for locale: [es] version: – (1828579) Found support for locale: [fr] version: – (1828579) Found support for locale: [hu] version: – (1828579) Found support for locale: [it] version: – (1828579) Found support for locale: [ja_JP] version: – (1828579) Found support for locale: [ko_KR] version: – (1828579) Found support for locale: [pl] version: – (1828579) Found support for locale: [pt_BR] version: – (1828579) Found support for locale: [ru] version: – (1828579) Found support for locale: [zh_CN] version: – (1828579) Found support for locale: [zh_TW] version: – (1828579) —————————————————— —————————————————— ijtool Using this tool, you can run scripts and queries of apache Derby. Browse through the bin folder of Derby installation directory and execute the ij command as shown below − C:UsersMY_USER>cd %DERBY_HOME%/bin C:Derbybin>ij This will give you ij shell where you can execute derby command and scripts, as shown below − ij version 10.14 ij> Using help command, you can get the list of commands supported by this shell. C:Derbybin>cd %DERBY_HOME%/bin C:Derbybin>ij ij version 10.14 ij> help; Supported commands include: PROTOCOL ”JDBC protocol” [ AS ident ]; — sets a default or named protocol DRIVER ”class for driver”; — loads the named class CONNECT ”url for database” [ PROTOCOL namedProtocol ] [ AS connectionName ]; — connects to database URL — and may assign identifier SET CONNECTION connectionName; — switches to the specified connection SHOW CONNECTIONS; — lists all connections AUTOCOMMIT [ ON | OFF ]; — sets autocommit mode for the connection DISCONNECT [ CURRENT | connectionName | ALL ]; — drop current, named, or all connections; — the default is CURRENT SHOW SCHEMAS; — lists all schemas in the current database SHOW [ TABLES | VIEWS | PROCEDURES | FUNCTIONS | SYNONYMS ] { IN schema }; — lists tables, views, procedures, functions or synonyms SHOW INDEXES { IN schema | FROM table }; — lists indexes in a schema, or for a table SHOW ROLES; — lists all defined roles in the database, sorted SHOW ENABLED_ROLES; — lists the enabled roles for the current — connection (to see current role use — VALUES CURRENT_ROLE), sorted SHOW SETTABLE_ROLES; — lists the roles which can be set for the — current connection, sorted DESCRIBE name; — lists columns in the named table COMMIT; — commits the current transaction ROLLBACK; — rolls back the current transaction PREPARE name AS ”SQL-J text”; — prepares the SQL-J text EXECUTE { name | ”SQL-J text” } [ USING { name | ”SQL-J text” } ] ; — executes the statement with parameter — values from the USING result set row REMOVE name; — removes the named previously prepared statement RUN ”filename”; — run commands from the named file ELAPSEDTIME [ ON | OFF ]; — sets elapsed time mode for ij MAXIMUMDISPLAYWIDTH integerValue; — sets the maximum display width for — each column to integerValue ASYNC name ”SQL-J text”; — run the command in another thread WAIT FOR name; — wait for result of ASYNC”d command HOLDFORCONNECTION; — sets holdability for a connection to HOLD — (i.e. ResultSet.HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT) NOHOLDFORCONNECTION; — sets holdability for a connection to NO HOLD — (i.e. ResultSet.CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT) GET [SCROLL INSENSITIVE] [WITH { HOLD | NOHOLD }] CURSOR name AS ”SQL-J query”; — gets a cursor (JDBC result set) on the query — the default is a forward-only cursor with holdability NEXT name; — gets the next row from the named cursor FIRST name; — gets the first row from the named scroll cursor LAST name; — gets the last row from the named scroll cursor PREVIOUS name; — gets the previous row from the named scroll cursor ABSOLUTE integer name; — positions the named scroll cursor at the absolute row number — (A negative number denotes position from the last row.) RELATIVE integer name; — positions the named scroll cursor relative to the current row — (integer is number of rows) AFTER LAST name; — positions the named scroll cursor after the last row BEFORE FIRST name; — positions the named scroll cursor before the first row GETCURRENTROWNUMBER name; — returns the row number for the current position of the named scroll cursor — (0 is returned when the cursor is not positioned on a row.) CLOSE name; — closes the named cursor LOCALIZEDDISPLAY [ ON | OFF ]; — controls locale sensitive data representation EXIT; — exits ij HELP; — shows this message Any unrecognized commands are treated as potential SQL-J commands and executed directly. dblooktool This tool is used to generate Data Definition Language. Browse through the bin folder of Derby installation directory and execute the dblook command as shown below − C:UsersMY_USER>cd %DERBY_HOME%/bin C:Derbybin>dblook -d myURL Where, myURL is the connection URL of the database for which you need to generate DDL. Print Page

Apache Derby – Schemas

Apache Derby – Schemas ”; Previous Next A database schema is the skeleton structure that represents the logical view of the entire database. It defines how the data is organized and how the relations among them are associated. It formulates all the constraints that are to be applied to the data. Creating a Schema You can create a schema in Apache Derby using the CREATE SCHEMA statement. Syntax Following is the syntax to the CREATE SCHEMA statement. CREATE SCHEMA schema_name AUTHORIZATION id Example Following example creates a schema named my_schema in Derby database. ij> CREATE SCHEMA AUTHORIZATION my_schema; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted Then, you can create a table in this schema as shown below. ij> CREATE TABLE my_schema.Emp ( Id INT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY, Name VARCHAR(255), Salary INT NOT NULL, Location VARCHAR(255), Phone_Number BIGINT ); > > > > > 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted You can verify the list of schemas using the SHOW SCHEMAS query here you can find the list of schemas created. ij> show schemas; TABLE_SCHEM —————————— APP MY_SCHEMA NULLID SQLJ SYS SYSCAT SYSCS_DIAG SYSCS_UTIL SYSFUN SYSIBM SYSPROC SYSSTAT 12 rows selected Dropping a Schema You can drop an existing schema using the DROP SCHEMA statement. Syntax Following is the syntax of DROPS SCHEMA statement. DROP SCHEMA my_schema RESTRICT; Example You can delete a schema only if does not have any objects in it. To delete the schema, delete all the tables in it and delete the schema. ij> DROP TABLE my_schema.Emp; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted Following example drops the above created schema. ij> DROP SCHEMA my_schema RESTRICT; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted JDBC Example Following JDBC example creates and drops a schema named my_schema. import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; public class CreateSchemaExample { public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { //Registering the driver Class.forName(“org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver”); //Getting the Connection object String URL = “jdbc:derby:sampleDB;create=true”; Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(URL); //Creating the Statement object Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); stmt.execute(“CREATE SCHEMA AUTHORIZATION my_schema”); //Executing the query String query = “CREATE TABLE my_schema.Employees( ” + “Id INT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY, ” + “Name VARCHAR(255), ” + “Salary INT NOT NULL, ” + “Location VARCHAR(255), ” + “PRIMARY KEY (Id))”; stmt.execute(query); System.out.println(“Table created in schema”); stmt.execute(“DROP TABLE my_schema.Employees”); stmt.execute(“DROP SCHEMA my_schema RESTRICT”); System.out.println(“Schema dropped”); } } Output On executing, the above program generates the following example. Table created in schema Schema dropped Print Page Previous Next Advertisements ”;

Apache Derby – Having Clause

Apache Derby – Having Clause ”; Previous Next The HAVING Clause enables you to specify conditions that filter which group results appear in the results. The WHERE clause places conditions on the selected columns, whereas the HAVING clause places conditions on groups created by the GROUP BY clause. Syntax Following is the syntax of the HAVING clause − ij> SELECT column1, column2 . . . from table_name GROUP BY column having condition; Example Suppose, we have a table named Employees in the database with the 13 records as shown below − ID |NAME |SALARY |LOCATION —————————————————————— 1 |Amit |30000 |Hyderabad 2 |Rahul |39000 |Lucknow 3 |Kalyan |40000 |Vishakhapatnam 4 |Renuka |50000 |Hyderabad 5 |Archana |15000 |Vishakhapatnam 6 |Krishna |40000 |Hyderabad 7 |Trupthi |45000 |Vishakhapatnam 8 |Raghav |12000 |Lucknow 9 |Radha |50000 |Delhi 10 |Anirudh |15000 |Mumbai 11 |Tara |45000 |Kochin 12 |Sucharita |44000 |Kochin 13 |Rizwan |20000 |Lucknow The following query displays maximum salaries of the employees in the location which have at least 3 employees − ij> SELECT Location, MAX(Salary) from Employees GROUP BY Location having count(Location)>=3; This generates the following output − LOCATION |2 ———————————————————— Hyderabad |50000 Lucknow |39000 Vishakhapatnam |45000 3 rows selected Sorting Data using JDBC program This section teaches you how to use Having a clause in the Apache Derby database using JDBC application. If you want to request the Derby network server using network client, make sure that the server is up and running. The class name for the Network client driver is org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver and the URL is jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/DATABASE_NAME;create=true;user=USER_NAME;passw ord=PASSWORD“ Follow the steps given below to sort the records of a table in Apache Derby Step 1: Register the driver To communicate with the database, first of all, you need to register the driver. The forName() method of the class Class accepts a String value representing a class name, and loads it in to the memory, which automatically registers it. Register the driver using this method. Step 2: Get the connection In general, the first step we do to communicate to the database is to connect with it. The Connection class represents the physical connection with a database server. You can create a connection object by invoking the getConnection() method of the DriverManager class. Create a connection using this method. Step 3: Create a statement object You need to create a Statement or PreparedStatement or, CallableStatement objects to send SQL statements to the database. You can create these using the methods createStatement(), prepareStatement() and, prepareCall() respectively. Create either of these objects using the appropriate method. Step 4: Execute the query After creating a statement, you need to execute it. The Statement class provides various methods to execute a query like the execute() method to execute a statement that returns more than one result set. The executeUpdate() method executes queries like INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE. The executeQuery() method returns data. Use either of these methods and execute the statement created previously. Example Following JDBC example demonstrates how to use Group By clause and perform CURD operations on a table in Apache Derby using JDBC program. Here, we are connecting to a database named sampleDB (will create if it does not exist) using the embedded driver. import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.Statement; import java.sql.ResultSet; public class HavingClauseExample { public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { //Registering the driver Class.forName(“org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver”); //Getting the Connection object String URL = “jdbc:derby:sampleDB;create=true”; Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(URL); //Creating the Statement object Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); //Creating a table and populating it stmt.execute(“CREATE TABLE EmployeesData( ” + “Id INT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY, ” + “Name VARCHAR(255), ” + “Salary INT NOT NULL, ” + “Location VARCHAR(255), ” + “PRIMARY KEY (Id))”); stmt.execute(“INSERT INTO EmployeesData(Name, Salary, Location) ” + “VALUES (”Amit”, 30000, ”Hyderabad”), ” + “(”Rahul”, 39000, ”Lucknow”), ” + “(”Renuka”, 50000, ”Hyderabad”), ” + “(”Archana”, 15000, ”Vishakhapatnam”), ” + “(”Kalyan”, 40000, ”Hyderabad”), ” + “(”Trupthi”, 45000, ”Vishakhapatnam”), ” + “(”Raghav”, 12000, ”Lucknow”), ” + “(”Suchatra”, 33000, ”Vishakhapatnam”), ” + “(”Rizwan”, 20000, ”Lucknow”)”); //Executing the query String query = “SELECT Location, MAX(Salary) ” + “from EmployeesData GROUP BY Location having ” + “count(Location)>=3″; ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query); while(rs.next()) { System.out.println(rs.getString(1)); System.out.println(rs.getString(2)); System.out.println(” “); } } } Output On executing the above program, you will get the following output − Hyderabad 50000 Lucknow 39000 Vishakhapatnam 45000 Print Page Previous Next Advertisements ”;

Apache Derby – Derby Indexes

Apache Derby – Derby Indexes ”; Previous Next An index in a table is nothing but a pointer to its data. These are used to speed up the data retrieval from a table. If we use indexes, the INSERT and UPDATE statements get executed in a slower phase. Whereas SELECT and WHERE get executed with in lesser time. Creating an Index The CREATE INDEX statement is used for creating a new Index in a table in Derby database. Syntax Following is the syntax of the CREATE INDEX statement − CTREATE INDEX index_name on table_name (column_name); Example Suppose we have created a table named Employees in Apache Derby as shown below. CREATE TABLE Emp ( Id INT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY, Name VARCHAR(255), Salary INT NOT NULL, Location VARCHAR(255), Phone_Number BIGINT ); The following SQL statement creates an index on the column named Salary in the table Employees. ij> CREATE INDEX example_index on Emp (Salary); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted Creating a UNIQUE index In Apache Derby, UNIQUE indexes are used for data integration. Once you create a UNIQUE index on a column in a table, it does not allow duplicate values. Syntax Following is the syntax of creating a unique index. CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index_name on table_name (column_name); Example Following example creates a UNIQUE index on the column Id of the table Employee. ij> CREATE UNIQUE INDEX unique_index on Emp (Phone_Number); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted Once you have created a unique index on a column, you cannot enter same values for that column in another row. In short, a column which is has a UNIQE index will not allow duplicate values. Insert a row in the Emp table as shown below ij> INSERT INTO Emp(Name, Salary, Location, Phone_Number) VALUES (”Amit”, 45000, ”Hyderabad”, 9848022338); 1 row inserted/updated/deleted Since we have created a unique index on the column Phone_No, if you ty to enter the same value as in the previous record, it shows an error. ij> INSERT INTO Emp(Name, Salary, Location, Phone_Number) VALUES (”Sumit”, 35000, ”Chennai”, 9848022338); ERROR 23505: The statement was aborted because it would have caused a duplicate key value in a unique or primary key constraint or unique index identified by ”UNIQUE_INDEX” defined on ”EMP”. Creating a COMPOSITE index You can create a single index on two rows and it is called Composite index. Syntax Following is the syntax of the composite index. CREATE INDEX index_name on table_name (column_name1, column_name2); Example Following index creates a composite index on the columns Name and Location. ij> CREATE INDEX composite_index on Emp (Name, Location); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted Displaying the Indexes The SHOW INDEXES query displays the list of indexes on a table. Syntax Following is the syntax of the SHOW INDEXES statement − SHOW INDEXES FROM table_name; Example Following example, i displays the indexes on the table Employees. ij> SHOW INDEXES FROM Emp; This produces the following result. ij> SHOW INDEXES FROM Emp; TABLE_NAME |COLUMN_NAME |NON_U&|TYPE|ASC&|CARDINA&|PAGES —————————————————————————- EMP |PHONE_NUMBER|false |3 |A |NULL |NULL EMP |NAME |true |3 |A |NULL |NULL EMP |LOCATION |true |3 |A |NULL |NULL EMP |SALARY |true |3 |A |NULL |NULL 4 rows selected Dropping Indexes The Drop Index statement deletes/drops the given index on a column. Syntax Following is the syntax of the DROP INDEX statement. DROP INDEX index_name; Example Following example drops an indexes named composite_index and unique_index created above. ij> DROP INDEX composite_index; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij>Drop INDEX unique_index; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted Now, if you verify the list of indexes you can see index on one column since we have deleted the remaining. ij> SHOW INDEXES FROM Emp; TABLE_NAME |COLUMN_NAME |NON_U&|TYPE|ASC&|CARDINA&|PAGES —————————————————————————- EMP |SALARY |true |3 |A |NULL |NULL 1 row selected Handling Indexes using JDBC program Following JDBC program demonstrates how to create drop indexes on a column in a table. import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; public class IndexesExample { public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { //Registering the driver Class.forName(“org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver”); //Getting the Connection object String URL = “jdbc:derby:MYDATABASE;create=true”; Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(URL); //Creating the Statement object Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); //Creating the Emp table String createQuery = “CREATE TABLE Emp( “ + “Id INT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY, “ + “Name VARCHAR(255), “ + “Salary INT NOT NULL, “ + “Location VARCHAR(255), “ + “Phone_Number BIGINT )”; stmt.execute(createQuery); System.out.println(“Table created”); System.out.println(” “); //Creating an Index on the column Salary stmt.execute(“CREATE INDEX example_index on Emp (Salary)”); System.out.println(“Index example_index inserted”); System.out.println(” “); //Creating an Unique index on the column Phone_Number stmt.execute(“CREATE UNIQUE INDEX unique_index on Emp (Phone_Number)”); System.out.println(“Index unique_index inserted”); System.out.println(” “); //Creating a Composite Index on the columns Name and Location stmt.execute(“CREATE INDEX composite_index on Emp (Name, Location)”); System.out.println(“Index composite_index inserted”); System.out.println(” “); //listing all the indexes System.out.println(“Listing all the columns with indexes”); //Dropping indexes System.out.println(“Dropping indexes unique_index and, composite_index “); stmt.execute(“Drop INDEX unique_index”); stmt.execute(“DROP INDEX composite_index”); } } Output On executing, this generates the following result Table created Index example_index inserted Index unique_index inserted Index composite_index inserted Listing all the columns with indexes Dropping indexes unique_index and, composite_index Print Page Previous Next Advertisements ”;

Apache Derby – Triggers

Apache Derby – Triggers ”; Previous Next In databases, triggers are the statements/code which gets executed whenever an event occurred. Once you create a trigger to a particular event on a table, the code specified in the trigger gets executed each time the event occurs. You can create multiple triggers on a single table. This chapter teaches you how to create and drop triggers using Apache Derby. Creating a trigger You can create a trigger in Derby using the CREATE TRIGGER statement. Syntax Following is the syntax of the CREATE TRIGGER query. CREATE TRIGGER trigger_name { NO CASCADE BEFORE | AFTER } {INSERT [OR] | UPDATE [OR] | DELETE}[OF col_name] ON table_name [REFERENCING OLD AS o NEW AS n] [FOR EACH ROW] Statement Example Suppose, we have created a table named Emp in Derby as shown below. CREATE TABLE Emp ( Id INT NOT NULL, Name VARCHAR(255), Salary INT NOT NULL, Location VARCHAR(255) ); And inserted 5 rows in it. INSERT INTO Emp(Id, Name, Salary, Location) VALUES (1, ”Amit”, 30000, ”Hyderabad”), (2, ”Kalyan”, 40000, ”Vishakhapatnam”), (3,”Renuka”, 50000, ”Delhi”), (4, ”Archana”, 15000, ”Mumbai”), (5, ”Trupthi”, 45000, ”Kochin”); If we have another table named BackUp and our intention is to store deleted rows from Emp table in this. CREATE TABLE BackUp ( Id INT NOT NULL, Name VARCHAR(255), Salary INT NOT NULL, Location VARCHAR(255) ); The following query creates a trigger on the DELETE query table named Emp. It stores the deleted rows of Emp to the table Backup. ij> CREATE TRIGGER my_trigger AFTER DELETE ON Emp REFERENCING OLD AS oldRow FOR EACH ROW MODE DB2SQL INSERT INTO BackUp VALUES (oldRow.Id, oldRow.Name, oldRow.Salary, oldRow.Location); Now, delete a row from Emp table as − ij> Delete From Emp where Name = ”Kalyan”; 1 row inserted/updated/deleted ij> Delete From Emp where Name = ”Amit”; 1 row inserted/updated/deleted If you verify the BackUp table, you can observe the deleted rows in it. ij> select * from BackUp; ID |NAME |SALARY |LOCATION ————————————————————————- 2 |Kalyan |40000 |Vishakhapatnam 1 |Amit |30000 |Hyderabad 2 rows selected Deleting a trigger You can delete a trigger in Derby using the DROP TRIGGER statement. Syntax Following is the syntax of the DROP TRIGGER query − ij> Drop trigger tigger_name; Example Following example deletes the trigger my_trigger created above − ij> Drop trigger my_trigger; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted JDBC example Following JDBC program creates and deletes triggers in Derby. import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; public class Triggers_Example { public static void main(String args[]) throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException { //Registering the driver Class.forName(“org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver”); //Getting the Connection object String URL = “jdbc:derby:TestDataBase;create=true”; Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(URL); //Creating the Statement object Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); //Creating the Emp table stmt.execute(“CREATE TABLE Emp ( “ + “Id INT NOT NULL, “ + “Name VARCHAR(255), “ + “Salary INT NOT NULL, “ + “Location VARCHAR(255))”); //Insert values in to the EMp table String query = “INSERT INTO Emp(Id, Name, Salary, Location) VALUES rn” +”(1, ”Amit”, 30000, ”Hyderabad”), “ + “(2, ”Kalyan”, 40000, ”Vishakhapatnam”), “ + “(3,”Renuka”, 50000, ”Delhi”), “ + “(4, ”Archana”, 15000, ”Mumbai”), “ + “(5, ”Trupthi”, 45000, ”Kochin”)”; stmt.execute(query); //Creating the BackUp table stmt.execute(“CREATE TABLE BackUp ( “ + “Id INT NOT NULL, “ + “Name VARCHAR(255), “ + “Salary INT NOT NULL, “ + “Location VARCHAR(255))”); //Creating a trigger String createTrigger = “CREATE TRIGGER my_trigger “ + “AFTER DELETE ON Emp “ + “REFERENCING OLD AS oldRow “ + “FOR EACH ROW MODE DB2SQL “ + “INSERT INTO BackUp “ + “VALUES (oldRow.Id, oldRow.Name, oldRow.Salary, oldRow.Location)”; stmt.execute(createTrigger); System.out.println(“Trigger created”); //Deleting records from Emp table stmt.executeUpdate(“Delete From Emp where Name = ”Kalyan””); stmt.executeUpdate(“Delete From Emp where Name = ”Amit””); //Getting the contents of BackUp table ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(“SELECT * from BackUp”); while(rs.next()){ System.out.println(rs.getInt(“Id”)); System.out.println(rs.getString(“Name”)); System.out.println(rs.getString(“Salary”)); System.out.println(rs.getString(“Location”)); System.out.println(” “); } } } Output On executing the above program, the following output is generated − Trigger created 2 Kalyan 40000 Vishakhapatnam 1 Amit 30000 Hyderabad Print Page Previous Next Advertisements ”;

Apache Derby – Useful Resources

Apache Derby – Useful Resources ”; Previous Next The following resources contain additional information on Apache Derby. Please use them to get more in-depth knowledge on this. Useful Video Courses Apache Spark Online Training Course 47 Lectures 3.5 hours Tutorialspoint More Detail Delta Lake with Apache Spark using Scala 53 Lectures 2 hours Bigdata Engineer More Detail Apache Spark with Scala for Certified Databricks Professional 78 Lectures 5.5 hours Bigdata Engineer More Detail Apache Cassandra for Beginners 28 Lectures 2 hours Navdeep Kaur More Detail NGINX, Apache, SSL Encryption – Training Course 60 Lectures 3.5 hours YouAccel More Detail Learn Advanced Apache Kafka from Scratch Featured 154 Lectures 9 hours Learnkart Technology Pvt Ltd More Detail Print Page Previous Next Advertisements ”;

Apache Derby – Procedures

Apache Derby – Procedures ”; Previous Next This chapter teaches you how to create and drop procedures in Derby. Creating a procedure You can create a procedure using the CREATE PROCEDURE statement. Syntax Following is the syntax of the CREATE PROCEDURE statement. CREATE PROCEDURE procedure_name (parameter_type parameter_name1, parameter_type parameter_name2 . . . .) parameter_style; Example Suppose, we have created a table in Derby as shown below. CREATE TABLE Emp ( Id INT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY, Name VARCHAR(255), Salary INT NOT NULL, Location VARCHAR(255), Phone_Number BIGINT ); And inserted values in it as follows − INSERT INTO Employees(Name, Salary, Location) VALUES (”Amit”, 30000, ”Hyderabad”), (”Kalyan”, 40000, ”Vishakhapatnam”), (”Renuka”, 50000, ”Delhi”), (”Archana”, 15000, ”Mumbai”), (”Trupthi”, 45000, ”Kochin”)”; Following example creates a procedure named Update_Procedure which accepts JAVA parameters. ij> CREATE PROCEDURE Update_Procedure(IN id INTEGER, IN name VARCHAR(10)) PARAMETER STYLE JAVA READS SQL DATA LANGUAGE JAVA EXTERNAL NAME ”ProcedureExample.testProc”; > 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted Where ProcedureExample class looks like − import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; public class ProcedureExample { public static void testProc(int salary, String name) throws Exception { String connectionURL = “jdbc:derby:MYDATABASE;create=true”; Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionURL); String query = “UPDATE Employees SET SALARY = ? WHERE NAME = ?”; PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(query); pstmt.setInt(1, salary); pstmt.setString (2, name); pstmt.executeUpdate(); } } You can verify the list of procedures using SHOW PROCEDURES query. ij> SHOW PROCEDURES; PROCEDURE_SCHEM |PROCEDURE_NAME |REMARKS ———————————————————————— APP |UPDATE_PROCEDURE |ProcedureExample.te& SALES |EXAMPLE_ PROCEDURE |com.example.sales.c& SQLJ |INSTALL_JAR |org.apache.derby.ca& SQLJ |REMOVE_JAR |org.apache.derby.ca& SQLJ |REPLACE_JAR |org.apache.derby.ca& SYSCS_UTIL |SYSCS_BACKUP_DATABASE|org.apache.derby.ca& . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Here you can observe the newly created procedure. Dropping a procedure You can drop a procedure using the DROP PROCEDURE statement. Syntax Following is the syntax of the DROP PROCEDURE statement. DROP PROCEDURE procedure_name; Example Following example drops a procedure named Update_Procedure created above. ij> DROP PROCEDURE Update_Procedure; > 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted Print Page Previous Next Advertisements ”;

Apache Derby – Create Table

Apache Derby – Create Table ”; Previous Next The CREATE TABLE statement is used for creating a new table in Derby database. Syntax Following is the syntax of the CREATE statement. CREATE TABLE table_name ( column_name1 column_data_type1 constraint (optional), column_name2 column_data_type2 constraint (optional), column_name3 column_data_type3 constraint (optional) ); Another way to create a table in Apache Derby is that you can specify the column names and data types using a query. The syntax for this is given below − CREATE TABLE table_name AS SELECT * FROM desired_table WITH NO DATA; Example The following SQL statement creates a table named Student with four columns, where id is the primary key and it is auto generated. ij> CREATE TABLE Student ( Id INT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY, Age INT NOT NULL, First_Name VARCHAR(255), last_name VARCHAR(255), PRIMARY KEY (Id) ); > > > > > > > 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted The DESCRIBE command describes specified table by listing the columns and their details, if the table exists. You can use this command to verify if the table is created. ij> DESCRIBE Student; COLUMN_NAME |TYPE_NAME |DEC&|NUM&|COLUM&|COLUMN_DEF|CHAR_OCTE&|IS_NULL& —————————————————————————— ID |INTEGER |0 |10 |10 |AUTOINCRE&|NULL |NO AGE |INTEGER |0 |10 |10 |NULL |NULL |NO FIRST_NAME |VARCHAR |NULL|NULL|255 |NULL |510 |YES LAST_NAME |VARCHAR |NULL|NULL|255 |NULL |510 |YES 4 rows selected Create a Table using JDBC Program This section teaches you how to create a table in Apache Derby database using JDBC application. If you want to request the Derby network server using network client, make sure that the server is up and running. The class name for the Network client driver is org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver and the URL is jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/DATABASE_NAME;create=true;user=USER_NAME;passw ord=PASSWORD”. Follow the steps given below to create a table in Apache Derby − Step 1: Register the driver To communicate with the database, first of all, you need to register the driver. The forName() method of the class, Class accepts a String value representing a class name loads it in to the memory, which automatically registers it. Register the driver using this method. Step 2: Get the connection In general, the first step we do to communicate to the database is to connect with it. The Connection class represents the physical connection with a database server. You can create a connection object by invoking the getConnection() method of the DriverManager class. Create a connection using this method. Step 3: Create a statement object You need to create a Statement or PreparedStatement or, CallableStatement objects to send SQL statements to the database. You can create these using the methods createStatement(), prepareStatement() and, prepareCall() respectively. Create either of these objects using the appropriate method. Step 4: Execute the query After creating a statement, you need to execute it. The Statement class provides various methods to execute a query like the execute() method to execute a statement that returns more than one result set. The executeUpdate() method executes queries like INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE. The executeQuery() method to results that returns data etc. Use either of these methods and execute the statement created previously. Example Following JDBC example demonstrates how to create a table in Apache Derby using JDBC program. Here, we are connecting to a database named sampleDB (will create if it does not exist) using the embedded driver. import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; public class CreateTable { public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { //Registering the driver Class.forName(“org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver”); //Getting the Connection object String URL = “jdbc:derby:sampleDB;create=true”; Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(URL); //Creating the Statement object Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); //Executing the query String query = “CREATE TABLE Employees( ” + “Id INT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY, ” + “Name VARCHAR(255), ” + “Salary INT NOT NULL, ” + “Location VARCHAR(255), ” + “PRIMARY KEY (Id))”; stmt.execute(query); System.out.println(“Table created”); } } Output On executing the above program, you will get the following output Table created Print Page Previous Next Advertisements ”;

Alter Table Statement

Apache Derby – Alter Table Statement ”; Previous Next The ALTER TABLE statement, allows you to alter an existing table. Using this you can do the following − Add a column, add a constraint Drop a column, drop a constraint Change the row level locking of a table Let us assume we have created a table named Employees as shown below − ij> CREATE TABLE Employees ( Id INT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY, Name VARCHAR(255), Salary INT NOT NULL, Location VARCHAR(255), PRIMARY KEY (Id) ); And, inserted four records using the insert statement as − ij> INSERT INTO Employees (Name, Salary, Location) VALUES (”Amit”, 30000, ”Hyderabad”), (”Kalyan”, 40000, ”Vishakhapatnam”), (”Renuka”, 50000, ”Delhi”), (”Archana”, 15000, ”Mumbai”); Adding a column to a Table Following is the syntax to add a column to a table using ALTER statement. ALTER TABLE table_name ADD COLUMN column_name column_type; Example Using ALTER statement, we are trying to add a new column named Age with the type integer. ALTER TABLE Employees ADD COLUMN Age INT; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted Add another column named Phone_No with the type integer. ALTER TABLE Employees ADD COLUMN Phone_No BIGINT; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted The DESCRIBE command describes specified table by listing the columns and their details, if the table exists. If you DESCRIBE, the table Employees you can observe the newly added columns as shown below − ij> DESCRIBE Employees; COLUMN_NAME |TYPE_NAME|DEC&|NUM&|COLUM&|COLUMN_DEF|CHAR_OCTE&|IS_NULL& —————————————————————————— ID |INTEGER |0 |10 |10 |AUTOINCRE&|NULL |NO NAME |VARCHAR |NULL|NULL |255 |NULL |510 |YES SALARY |INTEGER |0 |10 |10 |NULL |NULL |NO LOCATION |VARCHAR |NULL|NULL |255 |NULL |510 |YES AGE |INTEGER |0 |10 |10 |NULL |NULL |YES PHONE_NO |INTEGER |0 |10 |10 |NULL |NULL |YES 6 rows selected Adding a constraint to a table Following is the syntax to add a constraint to a column of a table using ALTER statement. ALTER TABLE table_name ADD CONSTRAINT constraint_name constraint (column_name); Where constraint can be NOT NULL, NULL, PRIMARY KEY, UNIQUE, FOREIGN KEY, CHECK. Example Using ALTER statement, we are trying to add constraint UNIQUE to the Phone_No column. ij> ALTER TABLE Employees ADD CONSTRAINT New_Constraint UNIQUE(Phone_No); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted Once, you add a UNIQUE constraint to a column, it cannot have the same values for two rows, i.e., phone number should be unique for each employee. If you try to add two columns with a same phone number, you will get an exception as shown below. ij> INSERT INTO Employees (Name, Salary, Location, Age, Phone_No) VALUES (”Amit”, 30000, ”Hyderabad”, 30, 9848022338); 1 row inserted/updated/deleted ij> INSERT INTO Employees (Name, Salary, Location, Age, Phone_No) VALUES (”Sumit”, 35000, ”Chennai”, 25, 9848022338); ERROR 23505: The statement was aborted because it would have caused a duplicate key value in a unique or primary key constraint or unique index identified by ”NEW_CONSTRAINT” defined on ”EMPLOYEES”. Dropping a constraint from a table Following is the syntax to drop a constraint of a column − ALTER TABLE table_name DROP CONSTRAINT constraint_name; Example The following query deletes the constraint name New_Constraint on the column Phone_No created above. ij> ALTER TABLE Employees DROP CONSTRAINT New_Constraint; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted Since we have removed the UNIQUE constraint on the column Phone_No, you can add columns with the same phone number. ij> INSERT INTO Employees (Name, Salary, Location, Age, Phone_No) VALUES (”Sumit”, 35000, ”Chennai”, 25, 9848022338); 1 row inserted/updated/deleted You can verify the contents of the table ij> select * from Employees as follows − ID |NAME |SALARY |LOCATION |AGE |PHONE_NO ————————————————————————- 1 |Amit |30000 |Hyderabad|30 |9848022338 2 |Sumit |35000 |Chennai |25 |9848022338 2 rows selected Dropping a column from a table Following is the syntax to drop a column of a column. ALTER TABLE table_name DROP COLUMN column_name; Example Following query deletes the column named age of the employee − ij> ALTER TABLE Employees DROP COLUMN Age; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted If you describe the table, you can see only 4 columns. ij> DESCRIBE Employees; COLUMN_NAME |TYPE_NAME|DEC&|NUM&|COLUM&|COLUMN_DEF |CHAR_OCTE&|IS_NULL& —————————————————————————— ID |INTEGER |0 |10 |10 |AUTOINCRE& |NULL |NO NAME |VARCHAR |NULL|NULL|255 |NULL |510 |YES SALARY |INTEGER |0 |10 |10 |NULL |NULL |NO LOCATION |VARCHAR |NULL|NULL|255 |NULL |510 |YES PHONE_NO |BIGINT |0 |10 |19 |NULL |NULL |YES Altering table using JDBC program Following is the JDBC program to alter a table using the ALTER query − import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; public class AlterTableExample { public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { //Registering the driver Class.forName(“org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver”); //Getting the Connection object String URL = “jdbc:derby:sampleDB;create=true”; Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(URL); //Creating the Statement object Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); //Executing the query String createQuery = “CREATE TABLE Employees( “ + “Id INT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY, “ + “Name VARCHAR(255), “ + “Salary INT NOT NULL, “ + “Location VARCHAR(255), “ + “PRIMARY KEY (Id))”; stmt.execute(createQuery); System.out.println(“Table created”); System.out.println(” “); //Executing the query String insertQuery = “INSERT INTO Employees(“ + “Name, Salary, Location) VALUES “ + “(”Amit”, 30000, ”Hyderabad”), “ + “(”Kalyan”, 40000, ”Vishakhapatnam”), “ + “(”Renuka”, 50000, ”Delhi”), “ + “(”Archana”, 15000, ”Mumbai”), “ + “(”Trupti”, 45000, ”Kochin”)”; stmt.execute(insertQuery); System.out.println(“Values inserted”); System.out.println(” “); //Executing the query String selectQuery = “SELECT * FROM Employees”; ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(selectQuery); System.out.println(“Contents of the table after inserting the table”); while(rs.next()) { System.out.println(“Id: “+rs.getString(“Id”)); System.out.println(“Name: “+rs.getString(“Name”)); System.out.println(“Salary: “+rs.getString(“Salary”)); System.out.println(“Location: “+rs.getString(“Location”)); } System.out.println(” “); //Altering the table stmt.execute(“ALTER TABLE Employees ADD COLUMN Age INT”); stmt.execute(“ALTER TABLE Employees ADD COLUMN Phone_No BigINT”); stmt.execute(“ALTER TABLE Employees ” + “ADD CONSTRAINT New_Constraint UNIQUE(Phone_No)”); stmt.execute(“INSERT INTO Employees “ + “(Name, Salary, Location, Age, Phone_No) “ + “VALUES (”Amit”, 30000, ”Hyderabad”, 30, 9848022338)”); ResultSet alterResult = stmt.executeQuery(“Select

Apache Derby – Discussion

Discuss Apache Derby ”; Previous Next Apache Derby is a Relational Database Management System which is fully based on (written/implemented in) Java programming language. It is an open source database developed by Apache Software Foundation. Print Page Previous Next Advertisements ”;