
Cryptosystems – Overview ”; Previous Next A cryptosystem uses cryptographic methods and the support structures around them to secure information. It”s also known as a cipher system. Cryptosystem uses algorithms to convert plain text into ciphertext to securely encode or decode messages. The term cryptosystem refers to a computer system that uses cryptography, codes to protect information and communications so only the intended can read and process it. Cryptosystems use algorithms for key creation, encryption, and decoding to keep data secure. Cryptographic keys, bit strings used by algorithms, transform plain text into coded text and vice versa. The key and variable data are provided as input to an algorithm for this operation. The algorithm”s security relies on secure keys. Cryptosystems use private data like credit cards securely online. Secure email uses signatures, hashes, and key management. We will look at a basic cryptosystem model. This model keeps transmitted information confidential. You can see this simple model in the picture below − The figure above shows a sender transmitting a sensitive piece of information to a receiver in such a way that the data cannot be extracted by any authenticated or third party in the communication channel. The goal of this simple crypto scheme is that, at the end of the process, only the sender and receiver will know the private information. Cryptographic Keys The key plays an important role in the variable information submitted as input to a cryptographic algorithm to perform an encryption or decryption process. The security of the cryptographic system relies heavily on how secure the keys are that are used. If an unauthorized party were able to access the keys, they could potentially decrypt encrypted messages, pretending to be someone else, or encrypt misleading messages to pose as another individual. It is vital that keys are kept private and are generated, distributed, and stored securely to maintain the integrity of the cryptographic system. The strength of the encryption also depends on the length and complexity of the keys. Types of Cryptosystems Fundamentally, there are two types of cryptosystems based on the manner in which encryption-decryption is carried out in the system − Symmetric Key Encryption Asymmetric Key Encryption The biggest difference between these cryptosystems is the link between encryption and decryption keys. In any cryptosystem, both keys are logically connected. It is almost impossible to decrypt the ciphertext using a key unrelated to the encryption key. Symmetric Key Encryption The encryption process where the same keys are used for encrypting and decrypting the information is known as Symmetric Key Encryption. The study of symmetric cryptosystems is referred to as symmetric cryptography. Symmetric cryptosystems are also sometimes referred to as secret key cryptosystems. A few well-known examples of symmetric key encryption methods are – Digital Encryption Standard (DES), Triple-DES (3DES), IDEA, and BLOWFISH. Prior to 1970, all cryptosystems employed symmetric key encryption. Even today, its relevance is very high and it is being used extensively in many cryptosystems. It is very unlikely that this encryption will fade away, as it has certain advantages over asymmetric key encryption. The salient features of cryptosystem based on symmetric key encryption are − Persons using symmetric key encryption must share a common key prior to exchange of information. Keys are recommended to be changed regularly to prevent any attack on the system. A robust mechanism needs to exist to exchange the key between the communicating parties. As keys need to be changed on a regular basis, this technique becomes expensive and cumbersome. In a group of n people, to enable two-party communication between any two persons, the number of keys required for the group is n x (n − 1)/2. Length of Key (number of bits) in this encryption is smaller and hence, process of encryption-decryption is faster than asymmetric key encryption. Processing power of a computer system required to run a symmetric algorithm is less. Challenge of Symmetric Key Cryptosystem There are two main challenges of using symmetric key cryptography. Key establishment − Before any communication, both the sender and the receiver need to agree on a secret symmetric key. It needs a secure key management scheme in place. Trust Issue − Since the sender and the receiver use the same symmetric key, there is an implicit requirement that the sender and the receiver ”trust” each other. For example, it may happen that the receiver has lost the key to an attacker and the sender is not informed. These two challenges are highly restraining for modern day communication. Today, people need to exchange information with non-familiar and non-trusted parties. For example, communication between online sellers and customers. These limitations of symmetric key encryption gave rise to asymmetric key encryption schemes. Asymmetric(Public) Key Encryption Asymmetric Key Encryption is the process of encrypting and decrypting information using various keys. Though the keys differ, they are mathematically similar, therefore getting plaintext via decrypting ciphertext is possible. The process is depicted in the following illustration − Asymmetric Key Encryption was invented in the 20th century to overcome the necessity of pre-shared secret key between communicating persons. The salient features of this encryption scheme are as follows − Every user in this system needs to have a pair of dissimilar keys, private key and public key. Because of their mathematical relationship, these keys can be used to decrypt the ciphertext to retrieve the original plaintext when either is used for encryption. It requires putting the public key in a public repository and the private key as a well-guarded secret. Hence, this scheme of encryption is also called Public Key Encryption. Though public and private keys of the user are related, it is computationally not feasible to find one from another. This is a strength of this scheme. When Host1 has to send data to Host2, he gets the public key from the repository, encrypts the file, and sends it. Host2 uses his private key to extract the plaintext. Length of Keys (number of bits) in this encryption is large and hence,

Cryptography – Decryption of Simple Substitution Cipher

Cryptography – Decryption of Simple Substitution Cipher ”; Previous Next In the last chapter we saw different encryption programs for simple substitution cipher. Now we will discuss the decryption methods to decrypt the given message using a simple substitution cipher using Python, Java and C++. As you may know that decryption is the reverse process of encryption so we will reverse all the programs we have created for encryption in the previous chapter. Implementation using Python We can implement the decryption of simple substitution cipher using below methods − Using a specified shift value Using a Dictionary Mapping Using ASCII Values Directly In the next sections, we will try to describe each of these ways in detail so that you can gain a better understanding of Python cryptography and simple substitution cipher decryption. Approach 1: Using a specified shift value To create a decryption function for the previous encryption program, we can use the same approach but reverse the shift direction. This below function reverses the encryption process by shifting each letter in the encrypted text in the opposite direction of the original shift. It works by subtracting the shift value instead of adding it. So basically we are undoing the encryption. Here is the implementation of decryption process using this approach in Python − Example # function for decryption def substitution_decrypt(encrypted_text, shift): decrypted_text = “” for char in encrypted_text: if char.isalpha(): ascii_val = ord(char) if char.isupper(): # Reverse the shift for uppercase letters shifted_ascii = ((ascii_val – 65 – shift) % 26) + 65 else: # Reverse the shift for lowercase letters shifted_ascii = ((ascii_val – 97 – shift) % 26) + 97 decrypted_char = chr(shifted_ascii) decrypted_text += decrypted_char else: decrypted_text += char return decrypted_text # our cipher text encrypted_text = “Mjqqt, jajwdtsj!” shift = 5 decrypted_text = substitution_decrypt(encrypted_text, shift) print(“Cipher Text: “, encrypted_text) print(“Decrypted text:”, decrypted_text) Following is the output of the above example − Input/Output Cipher Text: Mjqqt, jajwdtsj! Decrypted text: Hello, everyone! Approach 2: Using a Dictionary Mapping Here we will use dictionary mapping to implement a simple substitution cipher decryption. As we have used dictionary mapping in the previous chapter for encrypting the plaintext. Now we will use the same technique but in reverse direction. We need to reverse this mapping. In place of mapping each letter to the next one, we map each letter in the encrypted text back to its original letter in the plaintext. This needs creating a reverse dictionary in which the keys are the characters in the encrypted text and the values are the corresponding characters in the plaintext. Below is the Python implementation for the simple substitution cipher decryption using reverse dictionary mapping − # function for decryption def substitution_decrypt(encrypted_text, key): # a reverse dictionary mapping for decryption reverse_mapping = {key[i]: chr(97 + i) for i in range(26)} # Decrypt the using reverse mapping decrypted_text = ””.join(reverse_mapping.get(char, char) for char in encrypted_text) return decrypted_text # our cipher text encrypted_text = “ifmmp, efbs gsjfoe!” key = “bcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyza” # Example substitution key decrypted_text = substitution_decrypt(encrypted_text, key) print(“Cipher Text: “, encrypted_text) print(“Decrypted text:”, decrypted_text) Following is the output of the above example − Input/Output Cipher Text: ifmmp, efbs gsjfoe! Decrypted text: hello, dear friend! Approach 3: Using ASCII Values Directly ASCII is a character encoding standard in which we assign numerical values to letters, digits, and other characters. During encryption, each letter of the plaintext is shifted by a fixed amount using ASCII values. Now we have to decrypt so we will reverse the shifting process by subtracting the same fixed amount from each character. For example, if we are decrypting ”d” (ASCII value 100) shifted by 3, we subtract 3 to get back to ”a” (ASCII value 97). So here is a Python implementation for the simple substitution cipher decryption using ASCII values directly − # function for decryption def substitution_decrypt(encrypted_text, shift): decrypted_text = “” for char in encrypted_text: if char.isalpha(): # Use ASCII values directly to reverse the shift for decryption ascii_val = ord(char) shifted_ascii = ascii_val – shift if char.isupper(): if shifted_ascii < 65: shifted_ascii += 26 elif shifted_ascii > 90: shifted_ascii -= 26 elif char.islower(): if shifted_ascii < 97: shifted_ascii += 26 elif shifted_ascii > 122: shifted_ascii -= 26 decrypted_text += chr(shifted_ascii) else: decrypted_text += char return decrypted_text # our cipher text encrypted_text = “Khoor, pb ghdu froohdjxh!” shift = 3 decrypted_text = substitution_decrypt(encrypted_text, shift) print(“Cipher Text: “, encrypted_text) print(“Decrypted text:”, decrypted_text) Following is the output of the above example − Input/Output Cipher Text: Khoor, pb ghdu froohdjxh! Decrypted text: Hello, my dear colleague! Implementation using Java In this example we will be using Java for implementing decryption of simple substitution cipher. So we will be using Java”s Hashmap and Map library for implementing this functionality. The decryptMessage() method will work similarly to the encryption method but in this we will use the decryption map instead. It will map each encrypted letter back to its actual letter in the alphabet. We will use this method to decrypt the encrypted text we have generated in the previous chapter and get the original plaintext. Example So the implementation using Java”s Hashmap and Map library is as follows − import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; public class SSC { private static final String alphabet = “abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz”; private static final String encrypted_alphabet = “bcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyza”; private static final Map<Character, Character> encryptionMap = new HashMap<>(); private static final Map<Character, Character> decryptionMap = new HashMap<>(); static { for (int i = 0; i < alphabet.length(); i++) { encryptionMap.put(alphabet.charAt(i), encrypted_alphabet.charAt(i)); decryptionMap.put(encrypted_alphabet.charAt(i), alphabet.charAt(i)); } } public static String decryptMessage(String ciphertext) { StringBuilder plaintext = new StringBuilder(); for (char c : ciphertext.toLowerCase().toCharArray()) { if (decryptionMap.containsKey(c)) { plaintext.append(decryptionMap.get(c)); } else { plaintext.append(c); } } return plaintext.toString(); } public static void main(String[] args) { String et = “ifmmp uvupsjbmtqpjou”; System.out.println(“The Encrypted text: ” + et); String dt = decryptMessage(et); System.out.println(“The Decrypted text: ” + dt); } } Following is the output of the above example − Input/Output The Encrypted text: ifmmp uvupsjbmtqpjou The

Cryptography – Encryption of Simple Substitution Cipher

Cryptography – Encryption of Simple Substitution Cipher ”; Previous Next In the previous chapter we saw what exactly a simple Substitution Cipher is, How it works, Basic implementation and its drawbacks. Now we will see different ways to implement the simple substitution cipher with the help of Python, Java and c++. Implementation in Python So we can implement the encryption of simple substitution cipher using different methods like − Using a specified shift value Using a Dictionary Mapping Using ASCII Values Directly Therefore, we will try to provide a detailed concept of each of these approaches in the sections below so that you may better grasp simple substitution cipher encryption. Approach 1: Using a specified shift value In a substitution cipher, each letter in the plaintext is replaced by a letter some fixed number of positions down the alphabet. The main concept used in this approach is that we will encrypt the plaintext using a specified shift value. Shift is the number of positions each letter should be shifted in the alphabet. Here is the implementation of this approach using Python − Example # encryption function def substitution_encrypt(plain_text, shift): encrypted_text = “” for char in plain_text: # if the character is a letter if char.isalpha(): # find the ASCII value of the character ascii_val = ord(char) # if the character is uppercase or lowercase if char.isupper(): # shift the character within the range (65-90) shifted_ascii = ((ascii_val – 65 + shift) % 26) + 65 else: # shift the character within the range (97-122) shifted_ascii = ((ascii_val – 97 + shift) % 26) + 97 # change back to a character encrypted_char = chr(shifted_ascii) encrypted_text += encrypted_char else: encrypted_text += char return encrypted_text #our plain text example plaintext = “Hello, everyone!” shift = 5 encrypted_text = substitution_encrypt(plaintext, shift) print(“Plaintext: “, plaintext) print(“Encrypted text:”, encrypted_text) Following is the output of the above example − Input/Output Plaintext: Hello, everyone! Encrypted text: Mjqqt, jajwdtsj! Approach 2: Using a Dictionary Mapping Now we are going to use dictionary mapping to implement a simple substitution cipher encryption. So we create a “map” or “dictionary”, with the help of it we will match each letter of the alphabet to another letter. For example, ”a” can be mapped to ”b”, ”b” can be mapped to ”c”, and so on. Then we will use this map to replace each letter in the plaintext with its respective mapped letter. If a letter is not found in the map (like punctuation or numbers), we keep it unchanged. Below is the Python implementation for the simple substitution cipher encryption using dictionary mapping. See the program below − Example # encryption function def substitution_encrypt(plain_text, key): # a dictionary mapping for substitution mapping = {chr(97 + i): key[i] for i in range(26)} # Encrypt the plaintext encrypted_text = ””.join(mapping.get(char.lower(), char) for char in plain_text) return encrypted_text # our plain text example plaintext = “Hello, dear friend!” key = “bcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyza” # substitution key encrypted_text = substitution_encrypt(plaintext, key) print(“Plaintext: “, plaintext) print(“Encrypted text:”, encrypted_text) Following is the output of the above example − Input/Output Plaintext: Hello, dear friend! Encrypted text: ifmmp, efbs gsjfoe! Approach 3: Using ASCII Values Directly As you may know, every character or letter has a unique number related to it in computers called the “ASCII value”. In this approach, we will directly manipulate these ASCII values to shift each letter in the plaintext. For example, ”a” might have an ASCII value of 97, so if we shift it by 5, it becomes 102, which is the letter ”f”. So here is a Python implementation for the simple substitution cipher encryption using the above approach − Example # encryption function def substitution_encrypt(plain_text, shift): encrypted_text = “” for char in plain_text: if char.isalpha(): # use ASCII values directly to shift characters ascii_val = ord(char) shifted_ascii = ascii_val + shift if char.isupper(): if shifted_ascii > 90: shifted_ascii -= 26 elif shifted_ascii < 65: shifted_ascii += 26 elif char.islower(): if shifted_ascii > 122: shifted_ascii -= 26 elif shifted_ascii < 97: shifted_ascii += 26 encrypted_text += chr(shifted_ascii) else: encrypted_text += char return encrypted_text # function execution plaintext = “Hello, my dear colleague!” shift = 3 encrypted_text = substitution_encrypt(plaintext, shift) print(“PlainText: “, plaintext) print(“Encrypted text:”, encrypted_text) Following is the output of the above example − Input/Output PlainText: Hello, my dear colleague! Encrypted text: Khoor, pb ghdu froohdjxh! Implementation using Java In this Java implementation, we will create a simple substitution cipher algorithm. Here we are using a concept in which we have to replace each letter in the plaintext with a respective letter from the encrypted alphabet. We will create a mapping between the regular alphabet and the encrypted alphabet with the help of a HashMap. Then, for each letter in the plaintext, we will see its respective encrypted letter from the mapping and add it to the ciphertext. If a character is not in the mapping (for example, punctuation or spaces), we will leave it unchanged in the ciphertext. Example So the implementation for simple substitution cipher using Java is as follows − import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; public class SSC { private static final String alphabet = “abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz”; private static final String encrypted_alphabet = “bcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyza”; private static final Map<Character, Character> encryptionMap = new HashMap<>(); static { for (int i = 0; i < alphabet.length(); i++) { encryptionMap.put(alphabet.charAt(i), encrypted_alphabet.charAt(i)); } } public static String encrypt(String plaintext) { StringBuilder ciphertext = new StringBuilder(); for (char c : plaintext.toLowerCase().toCharArray()) { if (encryptionMap.containsKey(c)) { ciphertext.append(encryptionMap.get(c)); } else { ciphertext.append(c); } } return ciphertext.toString(); } public static void main(String[] args) { String plaintext = “Hello Tutorialspoint”; String encryptedText = encrypt(plaintext); System.out.println(“Our Plaintext: ” + plaintext); System.out.println(“The Encrypted text: ” + encryptedText); } } Following is the output of the above example − Input/Output Our Plaintext: Hello Tutorialspoint The Encrypted text: ifmmp uvupsjbmtqpjou Implementation using C++ This is the implementation using C++ for the simple substitution cipher. So we will use the same approach which we have used in the above

Implementation of One Time Pad Cipher

Cryptography – Implementation of One Time Pad Cipher ”; Previous Next In the previous chapter we saw what is One−Time Pad cipher, How it works and advantages and drawback of it. So now in this chapter we will see the implementation of One−Time Pad cipher using Python, Java and C++. Implementation in Python This problem can be solved using different methods like − Using modulo operation Using XOR operation Using Python”s onetimepad module Using random, string and sqlite3 modules So we will discuss each of these methods in depth in the sections below. Using modulo operation In the code, the modulo operator (%) makes sure that the resulting letter stays within the range of English uppercase letters (ASCII values from 65 to 90). Here”s a breakdown of how it”s used in encryption and decryption: Encryption − For each character in the message and the corresponding character in the key, their ASCII values are added. The sum is then divided by 26 and the remainder is kept (using modulo). This ensures it falls within the range 0 to 25. 65 is added to this value to bring it back to the range of ASCII values for uppercase letters (65 to 90). Finally, the resulting ASCII value is converted back to its corresponding character using the chr() function. Decryption − Similar to encryption, the ASCII values of corresponding message and key characters are added. Again, modulo 26 is used to ensure the sum falls within the range 0 to 25. To decrypt, 26 is subtracted from this sum and the result is used to get the corresponding character using chr(). Example Below is the Implementation in python using modulo operation for one time pad cipher. def otp_encrypt(message, key): encrypted_message = “” for i in range(len(message)): char = chr((ord(message[i]) + ord(key[i])) % 26 + 65) encrypted_message += char return encrypted_message def otp_decrypt(encrypted_message, key): decrypted_message = “” for i in range(len(encrypted_message)): char = chr((ord(encrypted_message[i]) – ord(key[i])) % 26 + 65) decrypted_message += char return decrypted_message # plaintext and key message = “HELLO” key = “WORLD” encrypted_message = otp_encrypt(message, key) print(“Encrypted message:”, encrypted_message) decrypted_message = otp_decrypt(encrypted_message, key) print(“Decrypted message:”, decrypted_message) Following is the output of the above example − Input/Output Encrypted message: DSCWR Decrypted message: HELLO Using XOR operation Using the XOR operation, the code makes sure that encrypted characters are created and decrypted in a way that makes it very hard to get the original message or key from just the encrypted text. XOR, which stands for “exclusive or,” is a bitwise operation that uses the bits of its inputs to get a result. When you use XOR twice with the same value, you get back the original value. This makes XOR a good choice for encryption in the One-Time Pad method. Example Check the python program below for one time pad cipher using XOR operation − def otp_encrypt(message, key): encrypted_message = “” for i in range(len(message)): char = chr(ord(message[i]) ^ ord(key[i])) encrypted_message += char return encrypted_message def otp_decrypt(encrypted_message, key): decrypted_message = “” for i in range(len(encrypted_message)): char = chr(ord(encrypted_message[i]) ^ ord(key[i])) decrypted_message += char return decrypted_message # plaintext and key message = “HELLO” key = “WORLD” encrypted_message = otp_encrypt(message, key) print(“Encrypted message:”, encrypted_message) decrypted_message = otp_decrypt(encrypted_message, key) print(“Decrypted message:”, decrypted_message) Following is the output of the above example − Input/Output Encrypted message: DSCWR Decrypted message: HELLO Using Python”s onetimepad module To encrypt and decrypt messages using the One−Time Pad method, we utilize the onetimepad module. It provides functions for both encryption and decryption. This module streamlines the process by offering ready-to-use functions for One−Time Pad operations. With just a few lines of code, you can effortlessly encrypt and decrypt messages. Example Check the below code for one time pad cipher using Python”s onetimepad module − import onetimepad def otp_encrypt(message, key): encrypted_message = onetimepad.encrypt(message, key) return encrypted_message def otp_decrypt(encrypted_message, key): decrypted_message = onetimepad.decrypt(encrypted_message, key) return decrypted_message # plain text and key message = “This is a secret message” key = “My key” encrypted_message = otp_encrypt(message, key) print(“Encrypted message:”, encrypted_message) decrypted_message = otp_decrypt(encrypted_message, key) print(“Decrypted message:”, decrypted_message) Following is the output of the above example − Input/Output Encrypted message: 1911491845103e59414b161c2e0b451f4514280a530a021c Decrypted message: This is a secret message Using random, string and sqlite3 modules This Python code implements a simple command-line tool for creating and managing encrypted messages using a one time pad cipher technique. This code sets up the basics for working with encrypted messages. It uses a one time pad cipher technique, and it shows how to generate keys, encrypt messages, and decrypt them. In this Implementation we will be using random, string and sqlite3 modules. These modules are versatile and widely used in Python programming for tasks ranging from basic string manipulation to database management and random data generation. Example Check the Python program below − import random import string import sqlite3 PUNC = string.punctuation ALPHABET = string.ascii_letters def initialize(): connection = sqlite3.connect(“:memory:”, isolation_level=None, check_same_thread=False) cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute( “CREATE TABLE used_keys (” “id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,” “key TEXT” “)” ) return cursor def create_key(_string, db_cursor): “”” Create the key from a provided string “”” retval = “” set_string = “” used_keys = db_cursor.execute(“SELECT key FROM used_keys”).fetchall() id_number = len(used_keys) + 1 for c in _string: if c in PUNC or c.isspace(): continue set_string += c key_length = len(set_string) acceptable_key_characters = string.ascii_letters for _ in range(key_length): retval += random.choice(acceptable_key_characters) if retval not in [key[0] for key in used_keys]: db_cursor.execute(“INSERT INTO used_keys(id, key) VALUES (?, ?)”, (id_number, retval)) return retval, set_string else: return create_key(_string, db_cursor) def encode_cipher(_string, key): “”” Encode the string using a generated unique key “”” retval = “” for k, v in zip(_string, key): c_index = ALPHABET.index(k) key_index = ALPHABET.index(v) cipher_index = (c_index + key_index) % 52 retval += ALPHABET[cipher_index] return retval def decode_cipher(encoded, key): # Decode the encoded string retval = “” for k, v in zip(encoded, key): c_index = ALPHABET.index(k) key_index = ALPHABET.index(v) decode = (c_index – key_index) % 52 retval += ALPHABET[decode] return retval def main(): # Main function exited

Cryptography – CAST5 Encryption Algorithm

Cryptography – CAST5 Encryption Algorithm ”; Previous Next A general process for creating a family of block ciphers is called CAST. Names for individual ciphers include CAST-128 and CAST-256. The CAST cryptography algorithm is the main topic of discussion in this chapter. What is CAST Ecnryption Algorithm? Usually used for IP security, the CAST method refers to the Fiestal structure, which divides plain text into equal portions and performs encryption. Instead of using DES”s 6*4 S-boxes, they use larger 8*32 S-boxes. They are made to be used with software. Bent functions are used as columns in the CAST S-boxes. S-boxes satisfy the avalanche requirement, which states that each bit of input and each bit of round key effects every bit of round output and increases the probability of every given output bit changing by exactly 50%. What is CAST5? The most popular CAST cipher is CAST-128, also referred to as CAST5. It is a symmetric key block cipher that is the default cipher for both GPG and PGF versions and is utilised in a variety of products. The developers of it, make it accessible for both commercial and non-commercial use globally at no cost to users. The CAST5 encryption technique is made to support key sizes ranging from 40 to 128 bits, in increments of 8 bits. This means that the key sizes that can be used are 40, 48, 56, 64,…, 112, 120, and 128 bits. It is a Feistel Cipher with 16 rounds and 64-bit blocks. The range of key sizes is 40 bits to 128 bits. Eight 8*32 S-boxes are present. Among these eight boxes, four are utilised for scheduling keys, while the remaining four are used for encryption. 37 bits are the round keys. The F function divides the output into bytes, XORs the input with 32 bits of round key, and then passes each byte through a separate S-box to get four 32-bit results. In different rounds, those are nonlinearly mixed using various combining functions. Five more round key bits are used to control the rotation of the output. Implementation using Python For implementing the CAST5 encryption algorithm we will use Crypto.Cipher submodule of Python which is used to implement for both encryption and decryption of a wide range of cryptographic techniques. To use this module we need to install the pycryptodome library first which provides various cryptographic algorithms. The implementation of CAST5 Algorithm using Crypto.Cipher is as follows − Example from Crypto.Cipher import CAST #Encryption function def encrypt(plaintext, key): cipher =, CAST.MODE_ECB) # Ensure plaintext is a multiple of 8 bytes (64 bits) if len(plaintext) % 8 != 0: plaintext += ” ” * (8 – len(plaintext) % 8) ciphertext = cipher.encrypt(plaintext.encode(”utf-8”)) return ciphertext.hex() #Decryption function def decrypt(ciphertext, key): cipher =, CAST.MODE_ECB) decrypted = cipher.decrypt(bytes.fromhex(ciphertext)) return decrypted.decode(”utf-8”).rstrip() # Plaintext message: plaintext = “Hello, this is a test message for CAST5 encryption.” key = b”0123456789abcdef” # 16 bytes (128 bits) key encrypted_text = encrypt(plaintext, key) print(“Encrypted:”, encrypted_text) decrypted_text = decrypt(encrypted_text, key) print(“Decrypted:”, decrypted_text) Following is the output of the above example − Input/Output Encrypted: c9c8791f5b73c78e5fbf3c47c7d43be7a773cf757c98d2b35073e2a4d5f454f9c9b9bce4416016b57a1872ef1c19e3f51a778be27a17f11 Decrypted: Hello, this is a test message for CAST5 encryption. Advantages of CAST5 CAST5 has a number of advantages − It is thought that CAST5 is secure. Despite being an older algorithm, there are not many hacks or security breaches. It makes use of a Feistel network structure to increase security. For memory usage and computational capability, CAST5 offers a reasonable level of efficiency. Efficient data encryption and decryption make it suitable for scenarios where speed is important. CAST5 is not based on any specific hardware or software configuration. It can be used on a range of operating systems and architectures without change because it is implemented in software. CAST5 has key sizes ranging from 40 to 128 bits, allowing users to choose the degree of security appropriate for a particular application. By enabling encryption and decryption with a single key, it simplifies key management. One can view the details of CAST5 because it is an open algorithm. This makes it trustworthy by allowing the cryptography community to examine and review it with one another. Disadvantages of CAST5 CAST5 also has some limitations and disadvantages − CAST5 supports keys with lengths ranging from 40 to 128 bits. This flexibility allows for different levels of security, however the 40-bit minimum key length is considered to be inadequate for modern cryptographic standards. Longer keys provide more resilience to brute-force attacks. CAST5 operates on 64-bit blocks. Even while this was reasonable at the time the method was developed, in comparison to more modern block ciphers with larger block sizes, it is now seen as relatively little. This may lead to security problems, especially when encrypting large volumes of data. CAST5 may not provide the same level of security as more current encryption algorithms like AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), even if it has not been compromised in reality. More computer power and advances in cryptography can make older methods more vulnerable to attacks. Print Page Previous Next Advertisements ”;

Cryptography – ROT13 Algorithm

Cryptography – ROT13 Algorithm ”; Previous Next Till now, you have learnt about reverse cipher and Caesar cipher algorithms. Now, let us discuss the ROT13 algorithm and its implementation. So we are going to discuss the ROT13 cryptography algorithm. Rotate 13 Places is referred to as ROT13. It is a special case of the Caesar cipher encryption algorithm. It is among the simplest methods of encryption. As the algorithm is the same for both encryption and decryption, it is a symmetric key encryption technique. Because the encryption key displays the letters A through Z as the numbers 0 through 25, the cipher text differs by 13 spaces from the plaintext letter. As an example, A turns into N, B into O, and so on. Because the encryption and decryption processes are identical, they can be done programatically. Explanation of ROT13 Algorithm ROT13 cipher refers to the abbreviated form Rotate by 13 places. In this particular Caesar Cipher, shift is always 13. The message is encrypted or decrypted by shifting each letter thirteen places. Let us see the below image to know how ROT13 algorithm works − Every letter has been moved 13 spaces to the right, as you can see. As an example, “B” will become “O,” “D” will become “Q,” and so on. Features of ROT13 Here are some main features of ROT13 − Since ROT13 is symmetric, both encryption and decryption use the same algorithm and key. It works for each of the alphabetic letters, substituting each one with the letter 13 positions forward (or back, based on the decryption) in the alphabet. The rotation value of 13 is fixed in ROT13. When applying ROT13, if the rotation goes beyond ”Z”, it comes back to the beginning of the alphabet ”A”. ROT13 is very easy to implement and use. It provides no security against any determined attacker, as it is easily cracked with simple frequency analysis. Implementation using Python So we can implement this algorithm in different ways − Using For Loop and ord() function We will first encrypt the given message and generate an ROT13 code using a for loop. In this program, the for loop will be used to iterate over each character in the given text. If the character is a letter, we will keep it (uppercase or lowercase) and shift it by thirteen places. Non-alphabetic characters will remain unchanged. Also we will use the ord() function of Python which is used to change a single Unicode character into its integer representation. Example Below is a simple Python code for ROT13 cryptography. See the code below − # Encryption Function def rot13_encrypt(text): encrypted_text = ”” for char in text: if char.isalpha(): shifted = ord(char) + 13 if char.islower(): if shifted > ord(”z”): shifted -= 26 else: if shifted > ord(”Z”): shifted -= 26 encrypted_text += chr(shifted) else: encrypted_text += char return encrypted_text # Decryption Function def rot13_decrypt(text): decrypted_text = ”” for char in text: if char.isalpha(): shifted = ord(char) – 13 # Decryption involves shifting back by 13 if char.islower(): if shifted < ord(”a”): shifted += 26 else: if shifted < ord(”A”): shifted += 26 decrypted_text += chr(shifted) else: decrypted_text += char return decrypted_text # function execution message = “Hello, Tutorialspoint!” encrypted_msg = rot13_encrypt(message) print(“The Encrypted message:”, encrypted_msg) decrypted_msg = rot13_decrypt( encrypted_msg) print(“The Decrypted message:”, decrypted_msg) Following is the output of the above example − Input/Output The Encrypted message: Uryyb, Ghgbevnyfcbvag! The Decrypted message: Hello, Tutorialspoint! Using list comprehension In this example, list comprehension is used to perform the ROT13 encryption. Using the list we will iterate over each character in the input text using the for char in the text part at the end. For each character in the input text we will use a conditional expression to find the encrypted value. Example Below is a simple Python code for the ROT13 algorithm. See the program below − # Encryption function def rot13_encrypt(text): encrypted_text = ””.join([chr(((ord(char) – 65 + 13) % 26) + 65) if ”A” <= char <= ”Z” else chr(((ord(char) – 97 + 13) % 26) + 97) if ”a” <= char <= ”z” else char for char in text]) return encrypted_text # Decryption function def rot13_decrypt(text): decrypted_text = ””.join([chr(((ord(char) – 65 – 13) % 26) + 65) if ”A” <= char <= ”Z” else chr(((ord(char) – 97 – 13) % 26) + 97) if ”a” <= char <= ”z” else char for char in text]) return decrypted_text # Function execution message = “Hello, Everyone!” encrypted_msg = rot13_encrypt(message) print(“The Encrypted message:”, encrypted_msg) decrypted_msg = rot13_decrypt( encrypted_msg) print(“The Decrypted message:”, decrypted_msg) Following is the output of the above example − Input/Output The Encrypted message: Uryyb, Rirelbar! The Decrypted message: Hello, Everyone! Using Dictionary In this example we are going to use two dictionaries to implement the program for ROT13. So the first dictionary will map uppercase letters to their index in the alphabet. And the second dictionary will map shifted indices back to uppercase letters, from ”Z” to ”A”. The encryption function sends the resultant index back to a letter using the second dictionary after identifying each letter”s index using the first dictionary and adding the shift value. And in the decryption function we will reverse the process. Example Following is a simple Python program of ROT13 algorithm in which will use two dictionaries. Check the code below − # Dictionary to lookup the index dictionary1 = {”A”: 1, ”B”: 2, ”C”: 3, ”D”: 4, ”E”: 5, ”F”: 6, ”G”: 7, ”H”: 8, ”I”: 9, ”J”: 10, ”K”: 11, ”L”: 12, ”M”: 13, ”N”: 14, ”O”: 15, ”P”: 16, ”Q”: 17, ”R”: 18, ”S”: 19, ”T”: 20, ”U”: 21, ”V”: 22, ”W”: 23, ”X”: 24, ”Y”: 25, ”Z”: 26} # Dictionary to lookup alphabets dictionary2 = {0: ”Z”, 1: ”A”, 2: ”B”, 3: ”C”, 4: ”D”, 5: ”E”, 6: ”F”, 7: ”G”, 8: ”H”, 9: ”I”, 10: ”J”, 11: ”K”, 12: ”L”, 13: ”M”, 14: ”N”, 15: ”O”, 16: ”P”, 17: ”Q”, 18: ”R”, 19: ”S”, 20:

Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) Mode

Cryptography – Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) Mode ”; Previous Next It is a A block cipher that encrypts a series of bits as a whole or as a block and applies a ciphertext or encrypted key to the full block of cryptography is known as a cipher block chaining (CBC) mode. Initialization vectors (IVs) of particular characters in length are used in cipher block chaining. One of its main features is that it makes use of chaining, a working technique that makes a ciphertext block”s decryption dependent on every block that came before it. Therefore, the cryptography of the block that comes right before the ciphertext has all of the validity of all blocks that came before it. A single-bit cryptography error in one block of ciphertext affects all subsequent block decryptions. The ciphertext blocks” order can be changed, which corrupts the decryption process. In cipher block chaining, each plaintext block is essentially encrypted using cryptography after being XORed (see XOR) with the block of ciphertext that comes right before it. Only when the same plaintext or original text block is encrypted with the same encryption key and the initialization vector (IV) and the ciphertext block order is left unaltered will the identical ciphertext blocks provide the desired outcome. Because the XORing process masks plaintext patterns, it has an advantage over the Electronic Code Book mode. When two communications are encrypted using the same encryption key, the initialization vector (IV) should differ. While some applications may find it useful and unique, the initialization vector does not necessarily need to be stored or kept secret. Since ECB compromises some security or privacy criteria, cipher block chaining, or CBC, is an improved or more sophisticated version of ECB. After XORing with an initial plaintext block of the cryptography, the preceding cipher block in the CBC is sent as input to the subsequent encryption process. To put it simply, an XOR output of the previous cipher block and the current plaintext or original text block is encrypted to create a cipher block. The process is shown below − Operation The above image shows how the CBC mode works. The following are the steps − The top register should be loaded with the n-bit Initialization Vector (IV). XOR the data value in the top register with the n-bit plaintext block. Use key K to encrypt the output of the XOR operation using the underlying block cipher. Continue the process until all plaintext blocks have been processed by feeding the ciphertext block into the top register. IV data is XORed with the first decrypted ciphertext block in order to decrypt it. In order to decrypt the next ciphertext block, the previous ciphertext block is added as well into the register that replaces IV. Analysis of CBC Mode In CBC mode, the previous ciphertext block and the current plaintext block are combined, and the outcome is then encrypted using the key. Decryption, then, is the opposite procedure, in which the previous ciphertext block is added to the result after the current ciphertext has been decrypted. The benefit of CBC over ECB is that an identical message can use a different ciphertext when the IV is changed. On the negative side, the chaining effect causes the transmission error to propagate to a few further blocks during decryption. It is important to note that CBC mode provides the base for a well-known data origin authentication system. Thus, it benefits applications which need both symmetric encryption and data origin authentication. Bit-Width of CBC Mode The following table show the bit-width of the interfaces that CBC mode offer − plaintext ciphertext cipherkey IV CBC-DES 64 64 64 64 CBC-AES128 128 128 128 128 CBC-AES192 128 128 192 128 CBC-AES256 128 128 128 128 A common block cipher mode of operation that makes use of the block cipher algorithm is the Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode. It has the ability to process both the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and the Data Encryption Standard (DES) in this version. The cipherkey length for AES should be 128/192/256 bits, and 64 bits for DES. Another drawback is that, but text in the real world comes in a range of lengths, our working mode only supports units of a fixed size (64 or 128 bits for a single block). Therefore, before encryption or decryption, the final block of text given to this primitive needs to be padded to 128 bits. Formula for CBC mode This method can be expressed as follows if it is put it into a formula − Ci = EK(Bi ⊕ Ci-1) where Ci-1 is the cipher that corresponds to Bi-1 and EK is the block encryption technique with key K. Note: It is assuming that C0 is the initialization vector in the formula above. In the same way, the CBC can be used for decryption by using − Bi = DK(Ci)⊕(Ci-1) Where DK stands for the block decryption technique with key K. For decryption, the same initialization vector (C0) will be used. Security Challenge The primary attributes of this scheme are as follows − One additional particular block will be damaged if even a single bit of the conveyed message gets altered or lost. This harm wouldn”t affect other blocks. In the event that a bit is lost or added to the ciphertext, the bits and block borders will move, producing an incorrect decoding of all ensuing blocks of the cryptography”s ciphertext. The factor has the ability to append blocks to the end of the deciphered message, thereby enhancing it with either the original or plain text. Advantages Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode has several advantages − When input data is more than one block in size (usually 128 bits or 16 bytes for AES), CBC operates well. Messages of

Output Feedback (OFB) Mode

Cryptography – Output Feedback (OFB) Mode ”; Previous Next The Output Feedback (OFB) Mode is similar to the Cipher Feedback mode, but it delivers encrypted output instead of the XOR output. This output feedback option sends all block bits rather than just a subset of them. The output feedback mode of block cipher is extremely vulnerable to bit transmission errors. This reduces the dependecy of cipher”s need on plaintext. It involves inserting the successive output blocks from the underlying block cipher back into it. In CFB mode, feedback blocks send a string of bits to the encryption algorithm, which then generates the key-stream. The OFB mode needs an IV as the first random n-bit input block. The Initialization Vector does not need to be kept secret. The operation of OFB mode is shown in the below image − Operation The fundamental difference between OFB and CFB is that the OFB mode uses XOR to combine plaintext and ciphertext blocks with larger copies of the initialization vector. This operation can be considered as a one-time pad, and the expanded vectors as pad vectors. The formula below shows how a series of pad vectors is created − Vi = EK(Vi-1) where EK represents the block encryption technique with key K, and Vi and Vi-1 are adjacent vectors. Note that the calculation above assumes V0 to be the initialization vector. After creating a series of pad vectors, the following formula can be used to execute encryption in the OFB mode − Ci = Vi ⊕ Bi Decryption works in a similar way − Bi = Vi ⊕ Ci Note that, like the CFB mode, OFB uses the same encryption algorithm for both encryption and decryption. Analysis of OFB Mode OFB mode gives high security, successful parallel processing, and tolerance for block loss. To avoid any security issues, care must be taken to ensure that the initialization vector is random and unique. Also, the lack of error propagation can call for more precautions to protect data integrity in the case of transmission problems. Bit-Width of OFB Mode The following table show the bit-width of the interfaces that OFB mode offer − plaintext ciphertext cipherkey IV OFB-DES 64 64 64 64 OFB-AES128 128 128 128 128 OFB-AES192 128 128 192 128 OFB-AES256 128 128 256 128 Advantages of CFB Mode Once the pad vectors (also known as keystream) have been created, the OFB (Output Feedback) mode enables for block encryption and decryption in simultaneously. This can lead to improved performance in situations where processing speed is important, as numerous blocks can be handled concurrently. As each block is encrypted independently of the others, OFB mode can withstand the loss of encrypted blocks during transmission. This means that if a block is lost or corrupted, succeeding blocks” decryption will be unaffected, allowing for better error recovery. Disadvantages of OFB Mode Repeatedly encrypting the initialization vector (IV) in OFB mode can generate the same state, possibly revealing a security vulnerability. If the IV is not properly random or changes predictably, the encryption process can reuse the same keystream, allowing an attacker information about the plaintext. Unlike other modes, like CBC (Cipher Block Chaining), OFB mode does not transmit errors. While this can be beneficial in some cases since it prevents errors from affecting succeeding blocks, it also means that problems in the ciphertext may not be recognised or fixed, potentially leading to data damage or security vulnerabilities. Print Page Previous Next Advertisements ”;

Cryptography – Benefits & Drawbacks

Cryptography – Benefits & Drawbacks ”; Previous Next Websites have now become global and information has passed through online form as bits and bytes. Sensitive information is now stored, processed and transmitted digitally in computer systems and open communication channels. Because information plays such a central role, hackers target computer systems and open communication channels to steal sensitive information or compromise critical information systems. Modern cryptography provides robust mechanisms for ensuring access to information by legitimate users and preventing the hacker”s malicious intent Here in this chapter we discuss the benefits of cryptography, its limitations, its drawbacks, and the future of cryptography. So let us first see cryptography advantages or Benefits: Benefits of Cryptography Below are some Benefits of Cryptography which you need to know: Confidentiality − Cryptography is useful to keep our messages and data private. It changes the form of original data in an encoded form so only the intended recipient can understand. Suppose you and your colleague are discussing about your project with the help of a messaging app so definitely your conversation is private you do not want to disclose it to third person or hackers. So cryptography helps you to change that message into a secret code so that only you and your colleague can understand. Security − With the help of cryptography we can protect our data or information from being tampered or modified with by an unauthorized identity. So cryptography also work like a locker room. It keeps our most valuable information secure from thieves and hackers. Even if somebody try to read data or change your data, cryptography will make it really hard for them to do so without the proper key. Authentication − Cryptography is also useful to confirm that a message is coming from the authorised person which ensures it is not fake or spam. So when you receive a message it is very important to know it is really from the authorised person. Cryptography adds an extra layer of security which stamp to messages that proves the person who sent the message is genuine. It is just like a secret handshake that only you and your colleague know. Integrity − Cryptography makes sure that data cannot been changed without permission means it also increases reliability. It ensures that the message you receive is the same as the message that was sent without any changes made during the way of transmission. It helps you trust the information you get. All of these basic services provided by cryptography have enabled efficient and effective operation of networks using computer systems. Limitations of Cryptography Cryptography is really good practice to use in your applications but sometimes it is not perfect. There is always a chance that unwanted resources can break the security and get the sensitive information. So let us talk about the limitations of cryptography in the below section: Cryptography is very much dependent on Key Management. Well if you lose the keys(public and private key) or someone else steal the keys, your sensitive data may not be safe anymore. So it is very important to keep track of keys. There is also potential for Human Error. As cryptography relies on people using it correctly. If developers make a mistake in setting it up or using it. It can leave a loophole for hackers or attackers to exploit the security. It is not easy to manage the resource used in the cryptography. Encrypting and decrypting messages may take computer power and time. So if you are encrypting a large amount of data then it can slow things down. Even if the cryptography is strong but it can be vulnerable in implementation. If it is not correctly implemented in software or systems it can leave loopholes for attackers to come in the system. This means the cryptography needs to be carefully designed and tested. It does not protect against all threats. As cryptography is a great way to protect data in transit or at rest it cannot secure against all kinds of threats. For example it cannot stop somebody from taking your password or stealing your device when it is unlocked. Overall, cryptography is a powerful tool for keeping information secure, while it is not always good. It is important to use it properly and understand its limitations. Drawbacks In addition to the four basic elements of information security, there are other issues that affect the effective use of information − Strictly encrypted, authenticated, and digitally signed information can be difficult to reach even for a legitimate user at the critical decision-making moment can attack a network if computer system and has it disabled by an attacker. Encryption cannot be used to ensure high availability, one of the key elements of information security. Additional strategies are needed to protect against threats such as denial of service or outage of the information system altogether. Another key requirement for information security for access options also cannot use cryptography. Similarly, business policies and procedures must be developed. Cryptography does not protect against vulnerabilities and threats resulting from incorrect policies, procedures, and procedures. These need to be resolved by putting in place appropriate policies and backup plans. Cryptography is expensive. Cost in time and money. The addition of cryptographic techniques to information processing leads to delays. Implementing public key cryptography requires setting up and maintaining a public key infrastructure that requires a nice budget. The security of a cryptographic method depends on the computational complexity of the mathematical problems. Any computation in solving such mathematical problems or in increasing computing power can facilitate encryption methods. Print Page Previous Next Advertisements ”;

Cryptography – Transposition Cipher

Cryptography – Transposition Cipher ”; Previous Next Now let us discuss the transposition cipher algorithm. The ciphers we used up to this point have been substitution ciphers, in which characters from the plaintext were changed to other characters, numbers, or symbols. The transposition cipher is an additional type of cipher. Transposition ciphers reorder the letters in the plaintext message while still using them. A transposition cipher should be simple to identify since the letter frequencies should resemble those of English, with high frequencies for the letters a, e, i, n, o, r, s, and t. However, a transposition cipher may be challenging to cryptanalyze. Anagramming, or rearranging the ciphertext letters to “make sense,” is the key strategy. The pattern of rearrangement holds the secret of the cipher. For example the word LAUGH has five different letters. Five different letters can be arranged in 5! 120= ways, and exactly one of those arrangements should result in a word. A brute force attack would try different letter combinations until the word had been identified; at most 120 attempts will be required. Utilising patterns of language to connect word fragments and arrange them to build a word is a more effective strategy. In this chapter, we will see different types of transposition cipher algorithms, their working principles, and their implementation in different ways. How does Transposition Cipher work? As we have seen above a Transposition Cipher works by re arranging the letters in a message as per the specific pattern or rule. So let us imagine that you have a message like “HELLO” and you want to keep it private. Instead of changing the letters themselves, we rearrange them based on a rule. For example, let us say the rule is to write the message in a grid with a specific number of columns. If we use 2 columns, “HELLO” will become − So now we will read the given columns in different order, like from left to right, top to bottom. So the encrypted message will be “HLOEL”. To decrypt it, we just have to know the rule used to rearrange the letters. In this case, we know it was a 2-column grid, so we will rearrange the letters back into “HELLO”. That”s the main concept of how a Transposition Cipher works. It is like playing a game of rearranging letters in a secret way. Types of Transposition Cipher Algorithm Rail Fence cipher − The transposition cipher known as the “Rail Fence” cipher takes its name from how it is encoded. The plaintext of the rail fence cipher is written downward on successive “rails” of an imaginary fence, moving upward at the bottom. Then, rows of the message are read out. Route cipher − A route cipher reads the plaintext in a pattern given in the key after it has been written down in a grid of given dimensions. Compared to a rail fence, route ciphers have a lot more keys. In reality, even with present technology, the number of possible keys could be too large for messages of a suitable length. But not every key is created equal. Weak route selection will result in large sections of plaintext-text that has just been reversed−which will provide cryptanalysts with a hint as to the routes. Columnar transposition − When a message is transposed column by column, it is typed out in rows of a certain length and then read out again, with the columns selected in an irregular order. In most cases, a keyword defines both the row width and the column permutation. Any empty positions in an irregular columnar transposition cipher are left unfilled, whereas in a standard columnar transposition cipher, the spaces are filled with nulls. Lastly, the message is read out in columns in the keyword-designated order. Double transposition − One way to attack a single columnar transposition is to estimate potential column lengths, write the message in its columns and then search for possible anagrams. Therefore, a double transposition was frequently utilised to make it stronger. All that”s going on here is two columnar transpositions. For the two transpositions, one key or two separate keys might be used. Myszkowski transposition − Emile Victor Theodore Myszkowski created a variant type of columnar transposition in 1902, but it required a keyword with recurrent letters. Typically, a keyword letter is regarded as the next letter in alphabetical order when it appears more than once. Disrupted transposition − Certain grid points are blanked out and not used while filling in the plaintext in a disrupted transposition. This disrupts regular patterns and increases the difficulty of the cryptanalyst”s task. Grilles: Grilles, or actual masks with cutouts, are a different type of transposition cipher that does not rely on a mathematical formula. The correspondents must maintain the confidentiality of a physical key in order to achieve the highly irregular transposition that can be produced throughout the duration determined by the grille”s size. Detection and cryptanalysis − A frequency count can be used by the cryptanalyst to quickly identify basic transposition since it has no impact on the frequency of individual symbols. It is most likely a transposition if the frequency distribution of the ciphertext matches that of the plaintext. Anagramming is a common method of attacking this, which involves moving around portions of the ciphertext, searching for passages that appear to be anagrams of English words, then solving the anagrams. Once such anagrams are located, they can be extended because they provide information on the transposition pattern. Combinations − Transposition is frequently used in conjunction with other methods. For example, the weakness of both can be avoided by combining a columnar transposition with a straightforward substitution cipher. Because of the transposition, parts of the plaintext stay hidden when high frequency ciphertext symbols are substituted out for high frequency plaintext letters. The replacement makes it impossible to anagrammatically translate the transposition. This method is very effective when paired with fractionation. Fractionation − When fractionation is used, a prior step that divides each