AWS Quicksight – Creating Story

AWS Quicksight – Creating Story ”; Previous Next Story is an option wherein you capture a series of screens and play them one by one. For example, if you want to see a visual with different filter options, you can use story. To create a Story, click on Story on the leftmost panel. By default, there is a story with name Storyboard 1. Now capture the screen using the capture icon at the right most panel on the top. Each capture of the screen is also referred to as Scene. You can capture multiple scenes and those will get added under “Storyboard 1”. The data in the story gets automatically refreshed once your main data source is refreshed. Print Page Previous Next Advertisements ”;

AWS Quicksight – Sharing Analysis

AWS Quicksight – Sharing Analysis ”; Previous Next Once the analysis is ready, this can be shared with users by email or other Quicksight users. On the top right side menu, there is a “Share” icon By default, the analysis can be accessed by the author or admin only. You would require providing access to the user to be able to view the analysis. On clicking “Manage analysis access”, it will show all the registered users. You can choose the users you want to extend the access and click on “Invite users”. The users will get an email notification and once they accept the notification, they will be able to get analysis by email. Print Page Previous Next Advertisements ”;

AWS Quicksight – Managing IAM Policies

AWS Quicksight – Managing IAM Policies ”; Previous Next To manage IAM policies for Quicksight account, you can use root user or IAM credentials. It is recommended to use IAM credentials to manage resource access and policies instead of root user. Following policies are required to signup and use Amazon Quicksight − Standard Edition ds:AuthorizeApplication ds:CheckAlias ds:CreateAlias ds:CreateIdentityPoolDirectory ds:DeleteDirectory ds:DescribeDirectories ds:DescribeTrusts ds:UnauthorizeApplication iam:CreatePolicy iam:CreateRole iam:ListAccountAliases quicksight:CreateUser quicksight:CreateAdmin quicksight:Subscribe Enterprise Edition Apart from the above mentioned policies, below permissions are required in enterprise edition − quicksight:GetGroupMapping quicksight:SearchDirectoryGroups quicksight:SetGroupMapping You can also allow a user to manage permissions for AWS resources in Quicksight. Following IAM policies should be assigned in both editions − iam:AttachRolePolicy iam:CreatePolicy iam:CreatePolicyVersion iam:CreateRole iam:DeletePolicyVersion iam:DeleteRole iam:DetachRolePolicy iam:GetPolicy iam:GetPolicyVersion iam:GetRole iam:ListAttachedRolePolicies iam:ListEntitiesForPolicy iam:ListPolicyVersions iam:ListRoles s3:ListAllMyBuckets To prevent an AWS administrator to unsubscribe from Quicksight, you can deny all users “quicksight:Unsubscribe” IAM policy for dashboard embedding To embed an AWS Quciksight dashboard URL in web page, you need the following IAM policies to be assigned to the user − { “Version”: “2012-10-17”, “Statement”: [ { “Action”: “quicksight:RegisterUser”, “Resource”: “*”, “Effect”: “Allow” }, { “Action”: “quicksight:GetDashboardEmbedUrl”, “Resource”: “arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1: 868211930999:dashboard/ f2cb6cf2-477c-45f9-a1b3-639239eb95d8 “, “Effect”: “Allow” } ] } You can manage and test these roles and policies using IAM policy simulator in Quicksight. Below is the link to access IAM Policy simulator − Print Page Previous Next Advertisements ”;

AWS Quicksight – Using Parameters

AWS Quicksight – Using Parameters ”; Previous Next Parameters are variables that are created to pass control of the user to modify the dashboards. Parameters can be created using the fields of the input data set or on the filters created for analysis. For example, you create a parameter using a filter, the dashboard users can directly apply filter without creating any filter. Creating a Parameter In this section, we will see how to create a parameter − Step 1 − Enter the name of parameter. Let us take Gender as parameter. Step 2 − Choose data type. By default, it is string. Step 3 − Choose the possible options as below. The parameter would be added. You can choose to add control to the dashboard. Print Page Previous Next Advertisements ”;

AWS Quicksight – AWS SDKs

AWS Quicksight – AWS SDKs ”; Previous Next You can use AWS Quicksight SDK’s to manage the following − User and group management Embedding dashboards Following shows a sample HTML code to be used to display an embedded dashboard − <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Sample Embed</title> <script type=”text/javascript” src=”[email protected]/dist/quicksight-embedding-js-sdk.min.js”></script> <script type=”text/javascript”> function embedDashboard() { var containerDiv = document.getElementById(“dashboardContainer”); var params = { url: “”, container: containerDiv, parameters: { country: ”United States” }, height: “600px”, width: “800px” }; var dashboard = QuickSightEmbedding.embedDashboard(params); dashboard.on(”error”, function() {}); dashboard.on(”load”, function() {}); dashboard.setParameters({country: ”Canada”}); } </script> </head> <html> To use AWS SDK’s, you should be familiar with the following − JSON Web services HTTP requests One or more programming languages, such as JavaScript, Java, Python, or C#. Print Page Previous Next Advertisements ”;

AWS Quicksight – Quick Guide

AWS Quicksight – Quick Guide ”; Previous Next AWS Quicksight – Overview AWS Quicksight is one of the most powerful Business Intelligence tools which allows you to create interactive dashboards within minutes to provide business insights into the organizations. There are number of visualizations or graphical formats available in which the dashboards can be created. The dashboards get automatically updated as the data is updated or scheduled. You can also embed the dashboard created in Quicksight to your web application. With the latest ML insights, also known as Machine Learning insights, Quicksight uses its inbuilt algorithms to find any kind of anomalies or peaks in the historical data. This helps to get prepared with the business requirements ahead of time based on these insights. Here is quick guide to get started with Quicksight. Below is official product description page from AWS − You can also subscribe for an AWS trial account by filling the below mentioned information and click on Continue button. AWS Quicksight – Landing Page To access AWS Quicksight tool, you can open it directly by passing this URL in web browser or navigating to AWS Console → Services Once you open this URL, on top right corner click on “Sign in to the Console”. You need to provide the below details to login to Quicksight tool − Account ID or alias IAM User name Password Once you login into Quicksight, you will see the below screen − As marked in the above image, Section A − “New Analysis” icon is used to create a new analysis. When you click on this, it will ask you to select any data set. You can also create a new data set as shown below − Section B − The “Manage data” icon will show all the data sets that have already been input to Quicksight. This option can be used to manage the dataset without creating any analysis. Section C − It shows various data sources you have already connected to. You can also connect to a new data source or upload a file. Section D − This section contains icon for already created analysis, published dashboards and tutorial videos explaining about Quicksight in detail. You can click on each tab to view them as below − All analysis Here, you can see all the existing analysis in AWS Quicksight account including report and dashboards. All dashboards This option shows only existing dashboards in AWS Quicksight account. Tutorial videos Other option to open Quicksight console is by navigating to AWS console using below URL − Once you login, you need to navigate to Services tab and search for Quicksight in search bar. If you have recently used Quicksight services in AWS account, it will be seen under History tab. AWS Quicksight – Using Data Sources AWS Quicksight accepts data from various sources. Once you click on “New Dataset” on the home page, it gives you options of all the data sources that can be used. Below are the sources containing the list of all internal and external sources − Let us go through connecting Quicksight with some of the most commonly used data sources − Uploading a file from system It allows you to input .csv, .tsv, .clf,.elf.xlsx and Json format files only. Once you select the file, Quicksight automatically recognizes the file and displays the data. When you click on Upload a File button, you need to provide the location of file which you want to use to create dataset. Using a file from S3 format The screen will appear as below. Under Data source name, you can enter the name to be displayed for the data set that would be created. Also you would require either uploading a manifest file from your local system or providing the S3 location of the manifest file. Manifest file is a json format file, which specifies the url/location of input files and their format. You can enter more than one input files, provided the format is same. Here is an example of a manifest file. The “URI” parameter used to pass the location of input file is S3. { “fileLocations”: [ { “URIs”: [ “url of first file”, “url of second file”, “url of 3rd file and so on” ] }, ], } “globalUploadSettings”: { “format”: “CSV”, “delimiter”: “,”, “textqualifier”: “””, “containsHeader”: “true” } The parameters passed in globalUploadSettings are the default ones. You can change these parameters as per your requirements. MySQL You need to enter the database information in the fields to connect to your database. Once it is connected to your database, you can import the data from it. Following information is required when you connect to any RDBMS database − DSN name Type of connection Database server name Port Database name User name Password Following RDBMS based data sources are supported in Quicksight − Amazon Athena Amazon Aurora Amazon Redshift Amazon Redshift Spectrum Amazon S3 Amazon S3 Analytics Apache Spark 2.0 or later MariaDB 10.0 or later Microsoft SQL Server 2012 or later MySQL 5.1 or later PostgreSQL 9.3.1 or later Presto 0.167 or later Snowflake Teradata 14.0 or later Athena Athena is the AWS tool to run queries on tables. You can choose any table from Athena or run a custom query on those tables and use the output of those queries in Quicksight. There are couple of steps to choose data source When you choose Athena, below screen appears. You can input any data source name which you want to give to your data source in Quicksight. Click on “Validate Connection”. Once the connection is validated, click on the “Create new source” button Now choose the table name from the dropdown. The dropdown will show the databases present in Athena which will further show tables in that database. Else you can click on “Use custom SQL” to run query on Athena tables. Once done, you can click on “Edit/Preview data” or “Visualize” to either edit your data or directly

Using Filters to a Visual

AWS Quicksight – Using Filters to a Visual ”; Previous Next Quicksight allows you to add filters to the visual being created. You have the option to apply filter to only a single visual under any analysis or all the visuals. To add filter, click on “Filter” icon on the left tab. It will show existing filter if there is any or filter can be created as per the requirement. In the below example, we don’t have any existing filters, so it gave an option to “Create one” On clicking create one, you can create filter. This allows you to choose if you want to add filter to just one or all the visuals. It also allows you to choose the field on which you want to apply filter. In the above example, we have added a filter on “Date of Birth” field on input dataset and specified a Date. Now, the visual contains the average tenure of employees under different job level and job family but only including employees whose Date of Birth is after 1980-01-01. Print Page Previous Next Advertisements ”;

AWS Quicksight – Useful Resources

AWS Quicksight – Useful Resources ”; Previous Next The following resources contain additional information on AWS Quicksight. Please use them to get more in-depth knowledge on this. Useful Links on AWS Quicksight Useful Video Courses Serverless Development With AWS Lambda And NodeJS 45 Lectures 7.5 hours Eduonix Learning Solutions More Detail Amazon (AWS) QuickSight, Glue, Athena & S3 Fundamentals 25 Lectures 3 hours Syed Raza More Detail AWS with Python Course 17 Lectures 1 hours Pranjal Srivastava More Detail Learn Analytics with AWS Athena and Quicksight 12 Lectures 47 mins Pranjal Srivastava More Detail Learn Machine Learning and Big Data Analytics with AWS 47 Lectures 4 hours Pranjal Srivastava More Detail AWS CodePipeline Videocourse: The Beginners Edition 19 Lectures 47 mins Pedro Planas More Detail Print Page Previous Next Advertisements ”;

AWS Quicksight – Creating New Analysis

AWS Quicksight – Creating New Analysis ”; Previous Next An analysis is a combination of one or more visuals. A visual is the representation of data in graphical, chart or tabular format. There are number of formats available to create any visual. This includes the pie charts, horizontal bar chart, vertical bar chart and pivot table. Once the input data set has been modified as per business requirement, double click on the dataset and click on visualize to start creating new analysis. It will show you the below screen or the workspace. Once you select a field, Quicksight automatically chooses the type of visual depending upon the field. If you want to change the visual type, you can select one of the visual types. For example, we start by selecting the Horizontal bar under visual types. First, drag any one field inside the visual in the centre. At the top, you will see “Fields wells” containing fields used in visual and the corresponding axis. You can click on the down arrow at the last just under user name. This will give you an expanded view. I have selected Gender on Y axis and Job family under Group/colour. You can modify the fields from dropdown. Under value, you can add any numeric field and use aggregate function on that field. By default, the visual will show count of rows. The visual will appear as follows − There are options to change the heading/title of the visual and number of other formatting options. Click the dropdown on the right most. The options will expand. Choose “format visual”. You will be able to see various options in left tab under “Format visual”. X-Axis/Y-Axis − This gives the option if you want to see the label or field name on the respective axis. It also allows you to rename these labels. Group/Color − This provides the option to change the default colors in the visual. Legend − This provides the options to change title and position of title in the visual. You can also rename the title by just clicking over it. Data labels − This provides the option to show exact values of each bar and the position where the values needs to be displayed. The below screen shows the visual with everything turned on − Print Page Previous Next Advertisements ”;

AWS Quicksight – Overview

AWS Quicksight – Overview ”; Previous Next AWS Quicksight is one of the most powerful Business Intelligence tools which allows you to create interactive dashboards within minutes to provide business insights into the organizations. There are number of visualizations or graphical formats available in which the dashboards can be created. The dashboards get automatically updated as the data is updated or scheduled. You can also embed the dashboard created in Quicksight to your web application. With the latest ML insights, also known as Machine Learning insights, Quicksight uses its inbuilt algorithms to find any kind of anomalies or peaks in the historical data. This helps to get prepared with the business requirements ahead of time based on these insights. Here is quick guide to get started with Quicksight. Below is official product description page from AWS − You can also subscribe for an AWS trial account by filling the below mentioned information and click on Continue button. Print Page Previous Next Advertisements ”;