Flex – Style with CSS
Flex supports the use of CSS syntax and styles to apply to its UI controls in the same way as CSS to HTML components.
Way # 1: Using External Style Sheet File
You can refer to a style sheet available in the class path of the application. For example consider Style.css file in com/tutorialspoint/client folder where HelloWorld.mxml file also lies.
/* CSS file */ @namespace s "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark"; @namespace mx "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx"; ... .container { cornerRadius :10; horizontalCenter :0; borderColor: #777777; verticalCenter:0; backgroundColor: #efefef; }
Then css file can be referred by following code snippet
<fx:Style source = "/com/tutorialspoint/client/Style.css" />
Assign styles to UI component using styleName property
<s:BorderContainer width = "500" height = "500" id = "mainContainer" styleName = "container"> ... </s:BorderContainer>
Way # 2: Using Styles Within Ui Container Component
You can define styles within UI container component using <fx:Style> tag
Class Level Selector
<fx:Style> @namespace s "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark"; @namespace mx "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx"; /* class level selector */ .errorLabel { color: red; } </fx:Style>
Assign styles to UI component using styleName property.
<s:Label id = "errorMsg" text = "This is an error message" styleName = "errorLabel" />
Id Level Selector
Style UI component using id selector.
<fx:Style> /* id level selector */ #msgLabel { color: gray; } </fx:Style> <s:Label id = "msgLabel" text = "This is a normal message" />
Type Level Selector
Style one type of UI Component in one GO.
<fx:Style> /* style applied on all buttons */ s|Button { fontSize: 15; color: #9933FF; } </fx:Style> <s:Button label = "Click Me!" id = "btnClickMe" click = "btnClickMe_clickHandler(event)" />
Flex Style with CSS Example
Let us follow the steps to check CSS styling of a Flex application by creating a test application −
Step | Description |
1 | Create a project with a name HelloWorld under a packagecom.tutorialspoint.client as explained in the Flex – Create Application chapter. |
2 | Modify Style.css, HelloWorld.mxml as explained below. Keep rest of the files unchanged. |
3 | Compile and run the application to make sure business logic is working as per the requirements. |
Following is the content of the modified CSS file src/com.tutorialspoint/Style.css.
/* CSS file */ @namespace s "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark"; @namespace mx "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx"; .heading { fontFamily: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; fontSize: 17px; color: #9b1204; textDecoration:none; fontWeight:normal; } .button { fontWeight: bold; } .container { cornerRadius :10; horizontalCenter :0; borderColor: #777777; verticalCenter:0; backgroundColor: #efefef; }
Following is the content of the modified mxml file src/com.tutorialspoint/HelloWorld.mxml.
<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"?> <s:Application xmlns:fx = "http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" xmlns:s = "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark" xmlns:mx = "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" width = "100%" height = "100%" minWidth = "500" minHeight = "500" initialize = "application_initializeHandler(event)"> <!--Add reference to style sheet --> <fx:Style source = "/com/tutorialspoint/client/Style.css" /> <!--Using styles within mxml file --> <fx:Style> @namespace s "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark"; @namespace mx "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx"; /* class level selector */ .errorLabel { color: red; } /* id level selector */ #msgLabel { color: gray; } /* style applied on all buttons */ s|Button { fontSize: 15; color: #9933FF; } </fx:Style> <fx:Script> <![CDATA[ import mx.controls.Alert; import mx.events.FlexEvent; protected function btnClickMe_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void { Alert.show("Hello World!"); } protected function application_initializeHandler(event:FlexEvent):void { lblHeader.text = "CSS Demonstrating Application"; } ]]> </fx:Script> <s:BorderContainer width = "560" height = "500" id = "mainContainer" styleName = "container"> <s:VGroup width = "100%" height = "100%" gap = "50" horizontalAlign = "center" verticalAlign = "middle"> <s:Label width = "100%" id = "lblHeader" fontSize = "40" color = "0x777777" styleName = "heading" /> <s:Button label = "Click Me!" id = "btnClickMe" click = "btnClickMe_clickHandler(event)" /> <s:Label id = "errorMsg" text = "This is an error message" styleName = "errorLabel" /> <s:Label id = "msgLabel" text = "This is a normal message" /> </s:VGroup> </s:BorderContainer> </s:Application>
Once you are ready with all the changes done, let us compile and run the application in normal mode as we did in Flex – Create Application chapter. If everything is fine with your application, this will produce following result: [ Try it online ]